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ENSafrica | July 2013

There were two recent decisions – one in the USA and one in the UK – which dealt with the important but seldom-discussed concept of patent exhaustion.  Patent exhaustion in essence means this: the initial authorised sale of a patented item terminates all patent rights to that item, for the reason that the owner of the patent (the patentee) has been rewarded for its ingenuity by that sale ...

ENSafrica | July 2013

There was a fascinating article about a patent case in recently. Fascinating because it deals with a number of the issues that inventors face when it comes to protecting their inventions, and subsequently enforcing their rights ...

ENSafrica | May 2013

A recent posting on a popular intellectual property (IP) blog raised an issue that’s becoming increasingly important in the couch-potato / global- village world we now live in: what, if any, legal protection does a TV format enjoy? In South Africa we often watch local versions of foreign TV programs, be they ‘reality’ shows like Big Brother or Come Dine WithMe, ‘talent’ shows like Idols or Masterchef,or game shows like The Weakest L

ENSafrica | May 2013

There was a bit of a stir in the British press recently, with certain companies complaining that the major UK supermarket chains are now using get-ups for their own-label products that are so similar to the get-ups used by the major brand owners that consumer confusion is inevitable.   An industry spokesman said this: ‘Our research shows that consumers are more likely to buy own-label products if they look like brands ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2013

The production and circulation of counterfeit products have been an economic and social problem for some time. Not only can such products pose a safety risk to consumers who use them, counterfeit products also lead to considerable lost income for legitimate businesses, decrease consumer confidence in the marketplace and are often used to finance organized crime. The retail value of counterfeit goods seized by the RCMP increased from $7.6 million in 2005 to $38 million in 2012 ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

You’ve heard of Victoria’s Secret, right! The US company is, of course, a well-known purveyor of lingerie, a product for which there is clearly a great deal of demand:  Victoria’s Secret has some 1 000 stores throughout the world, and its turnover in 2010 was an impressive US$5.5 billion. In 2012 Victoria’s Secret lodged an objection to a domain name registration for ...

ENSafrica | March 2013

Did you see the recent Carte Blanche piece called ‘Stripper Scam’ (first shown on 4 February 2013)? The one with‘bare-butt butlers’showing off their assets at ‘bachelorette parties’. The one where presenter Devi Sankaree Govender subjected viewers to a host of dreadful puns: thevillain with‘bare-faced cheek’, finally being ‘caught with his pants down’ ...

1. 1 Please describe the: (a) telecoms; (b) audio-visual media distribution; and (c) internet infrastructure sectors in the Philippines, in particular by reference to each sector’s: (i) importance (e.g. measured by annual revenue); (ii) 3-5 most important companies; (iii) whether they have been liberalised and are open to competition; and (iv) whether they are open to foreign investment ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2013

A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision addressed a number of thorny issues relevant to commercial real estate disputes including whether a Plaintiff must mitigate its damages where it has made a claim for specific performance of a real estate contract. The decision has wide-ranging implications for commercial real estate developers ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | January 2013

On December 28, 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (“NPC”) of the People’s Republic of China passed the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the NPC Relating to Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet (the “Regulations”). The Regulations contain significant and far-reaching requirements applicable to the collection and processing of electronic personal information via the Internet ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2012

On 3 December 2012 Guernsey brought into force its new image rights legislation which allows, for the first time anywhere in the world, for such rights to be registered. Gary Assim, Shoosmiths In essence this law has created a new form of intellectual property right for anyone, anywhere in the world, who is famous, or might be in the future, to protect their image by registering it ...

ENSafrica | November 2012

A sports agent by nature is a mediator or ‘go-between’ between the player, and in most instances, a sports club. In general, the agent provides a service, for example, the recruitment of a player, who will enter into a legal relationship with a club. Often a club will pay a sports agent a recruitment fee, which will normally include a signing-on fee that has to be paid over by the sports agent to the player ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | November 2012

On November 19, 2012, 40 German advertising associations launched the “German Data Protection Council for Online Advertising,” a new initiative to coordinate and enforce self-regulation in the German online behavioral advertising (“OBA”) sector. The initiative is linked to the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (“EDAA”), which manages the self-regulation efforts of the European online advertising industry ...

Makarim & Taira S. | November 2012

On 27 July 2012, the Minister of Industry Regulation No. 71/M-IND/PER/7/2012 on Oversight and Control of the Alcoholic Beverages Industry (“Regulation 71”) was issued. Alcohol beverages are now divided into the following 3 categories, namely Class A – 1% to 5% ethyl alcohol; Class B – 5% to 10% ethyl alcohol; and Class C – 20% to 55% ethyl alcohol. Regulation 71 requires all alcoholic beverage industrial entities to obtain a Business License called an IUI ...

Makarim & Taira S. | November 2012

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise issued Regulation No. 39/BC/2012 on Determining Special Relationships for Tobacco Products on 12 July 2012 in order to prevent manufacturers spreading their production among their subsidiaries to avoid moving up into a higher-duty paying class. A “special relationship” is established when the result of one of three tests is positive ...

According to a group of women who filed a lawsuit last week, Maybelline should pay up for making false claims about its “Super Stay” lipstick products. Filed in federal court in Manhattan, the complaint seeks declaratory relief and damages under several states’ consumer protection laws. From the defense perspective, this is the latest attempt at a “no injury” class action where no actual injuries or damages exist ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2012

In an increasingly online world, international businesses can no longer rely on discrete legal advice relevant to only one jurisdiction. It is crucial to know where best to bring (or threaten) legal proceedings to achieve maximum impact globally. Two recent, high profile cases have thrown the spotlight on what can be achieved by courts of different jurisdictions to defend online reputations ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2012

The High Court has held that a tenant's short-term storage of documents using just 0.2% of a warehouse's floor space enabled the owner to successfully claim a period of rates relief once the property became vacant again. Under current legislation empty retail property enjoys 100% rates relief for a three month continuous period. Industrial and warehouse property enjoys the same relief for a six month continuous period ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2012

The papers are reporting that Northhampton rugby player, Brett Sharman, is subject to a disciplinary enquiry from his racist tweet abou Mo Farah ...

MinterEllison | September 2012

A Bill to amend the Retail Leases Act 2003 (Vic) (the Act) has been introduced into the Victorian Parliament.  When the Bill becomes law, it will remove the requirement to notify the Small Business Commissioner of new leases under section 25 of the Act ...

A Ruling setting forth the Guidelines to Analyze and Verify Consumer Information and Advertising Material was published in the Federal Official Gazette on July 24, 2012 to become effective on August 23, 2012 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2012

The usual restrictions on Sunday trading hours have been suspended during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games ...

Pellerano & Herrera | July 2012

The film industry in the Dominican Republic has substantially expanded in large measure because the country has different and diverse natural scenery, from beaches to mountains, and buildings that were constructed in colonial times as well as more recently. Costs to film and produce movies are lower in the Dominican Republic than in many other places, too ...

Serbia Karanovic and Nikolic IP Regional Partner to attend 134th International Trademark Association’s (INTA) Annual Meeting in Washington DC   IP Regional Partner in the Karanovic and Nikolic Law Office, Mr. Dragomir Kojic, along with Mrs. Mirna Lalic from our Sarajevo office, attended the 134th Annual INTA Meeting held in Washington DC. The Conference was very successful ...

Beccar Varela | May 2012

Financial Information Units (FIUs) are agencies created according to FATF-GAFI recommendations that receive reports of suspicious transactions from financial institutions and other persons and entities, analyze them, and disseminate the ensuing intelligence to local law-enforcement agencies and foreign FIUs in order to fight against money laundering and terrorism. The Argentine FIU is controlled by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights ...
