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As of 15 May 2013, the most clicked legal resources from the SyCipLaw e-bulletins are:The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws 2013, Legal Bulletin: Technology, Media & Telecoms (Jan. 2013)The 2013 Foreign Investors' Guide to Real Estate Transactions in the Philippines ...

Chapter 43 Philippines Rafael A Morales1 I INTRODUCTION Banks in the Philippines are classified into (1) universal banks, (2) commercial banks, (3) thrift banks, (4) rural banks, (5) cooperative banks, (6) Islamic banks, (7) government-owned banks, and (8) other banks as may be classified by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (‘BSP’) ...

Regulatory framework- 1 What are the principal governmental and regulatory policies that govern the banking sector?  The government recognises the vital role of banks in providing an environment conducive to the sustained development of the country’s economy ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on criminal law and procedure: 1.            REVISED PENAL CODE Conspiracy; joint purpose and design. Conspiracy may be deduced from the mode, method, and manner in which the offense was perpetrated; orinferred from the acts of the accused when those acts point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action, and community of interests ...

The Office of the Civil Registrar General of the National Statistics Office promulgated Administrative Order No. 1 series of 2012 (AO 1) on October 24, 2012. The AO implements the provisions of Republic Act 10172, the amendatory law to Republic Act 9048, and supplements Administrative Order 1 series of 2001, which, in turn, implements RA 9048. Both statutes provide a means of correcting erroneous entries in the civil registry without need of judicial action ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on civil law:  Civil Code-Common Carrier; requisite before presumption of negligence arises; bill of lading; interpretation thereof; inherent nature of the subject shipment or its packaging as ground for exempting common carrier from liability; failure to prove negligence does not entitle claimant for damages ...

1 The regulator The Insurance Commission is the insurance regulator. It is a government agency under the Department of Finance.  The Commission supervises and regulates the operations of insurance and reinsurance corporations, which need to be authorised ...

The primary issue in the three (3) consolidated cases involving San Roque Power, Taganito Mining and Philex Mining decided last February 12, 2013 revolves around the proper period for filing the judicial claim for refund or credit of creditable input tax ...

When was the last time when you or someone you know shared a bad experience or a complaint about a person in Facebook or Twitter?  A good bet is that a longer time has passed than if this question was asked a year ago.  The reason for this is probably Republic Act No. 10175, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, which President Noynoy Aquino signed into law on September 12, 2012. A ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on remedial law:Civil ProcedureActions; cause of action; elements; failure to state a cause of action is ground for dismissal ...

Law and institutions-1. Treaties  Is your country a signatory to any treatises that refer to mediation? Is your domestic mediation law based on a treaty?  The Philippines is currently not a party to any treaties that refer to mediation.2 ...

Vol. XI, Issue 1 of SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan's Employment & Immigration Update focuses primarily on the salient provisions of Philippine Republic Act No. 10361, also known as the Domestic Workers Act or Batas Kasambahay ...

Here are select January 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on legal and judicial ethics:Attorney; forum shopping as contempt of court. A disbarment complaint against Atty. Gonzales was filed for violating the Code of Professional Responsibility for the forum shopping he allegedly committed. The court held that the respondent was guilty of forum shopping. Lawyers should be reminded that their primary duty is to assist the courts in the administration of justice ...

Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on commercial law:Corporation; liability of officers and directors. Basic is the rule in corporation law that a corporation is a juridical entity which is vested with a legal personality separate and distinct from those acting for and in its behalf and, in general, from the people comprising it ...

Last February 15, 2013, the President signed into law Republic Act No. 10365 or the “Act Further Strengthening the Anti-Money Laundering Law.” True to its name, the third amending law to the Anti-Money Laundering Act (“AMLA”) gave it more teeth and strengthened the government’s ability to prevent and prosecute money laundering. The following discusses the new amendments to the AMLA ...

SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan's new website went live on 1 March 2013. As a result, previously sent links to downloadable publications are no longer accessible. Below are a few updated links: Client Alert: SEC requires tax identification number for foreign investorsLegal Bulletin: Technology, Media & Telecoms (Jan ...

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued DENR Memorandum Order No. 2013-01 (theMemorandum Order), which increased the minimum capital requirements for mining applicants. Under the Memorandum Order, the minimum authorized capital stock and paid-up capital of mining applicants were increased as follows:Authorized Capital: From PhP10 million; To PhP100 million.Paid-Up Capital: From PhP2.5 million; To PhP6.25 million ...

A complex system of laws, rules and regulations apply to real estate and real estate transactions in the Philippines. Key prohibitions on the ownership and disposition of lands are found in our organic law (i.e. the 1987 Philippine Constitution) while incentives and other regulatory mechanisms for the sale, purchase, lease and ownership of different types of real estate are scattered in various statutes and regulations ...

1. 1 Please describe the: (a) telecoms; (b) audio-visual media distribution; and (c) internet infrastructure sectors in the Philippines, in particular by reference to each sector’s: (i) importance (e.g. measured by annual revenue); (ii) 3-5 most important companies; (iii) whether they have been liberalised and are open to competition; and (iv) whether they are open to foreign investment ...

Data Privacy Act of 2012 The Data Privacy Act (Republic Act No. 10173) seeks to protect the confidentiality of “personal information.” The latter is defined as “any information whether recorded in material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual ...

The Comelec promulgated Resolution No. 9615 on 15 January 2013. This Resolution implements the provisions of Republic Act No. 9006, more popularly known as the Fair Election Act, for purposes of the 2013 national and local mid-term elections ...

It took thirteen years, four months, and five days of heated debates and passionate protests before the country’s first reproductive health law was passed. Four days shy of Christmas last year, President Aquino finally signed the 24-page bill into law. It is now Republic Act No. 10354 or The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH Law). The passing of the RH Law, however, does by no means close this chapter of Philippine history ...

What it’s aboutThe Data Privacy Act (Republic Act No. 10173) seeks to protect the confidentiality of “personal information.” The latter is defined as “any information whether recorded in material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual ...

What it’s aboutThe Cybercrime Prevention Act (Republic Act No. 10175) penalizes “cybercrimes”— acts that fall into any of these major categories:a) offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems (e.g., illegal access, data interference);b) computer-related offenses (e.g., computer-related forgery and fraud);c) content-related offenses (e.g ...

The Philippine Supreme Court has issued a decision that may have a significant impact on how local nationality requirements (i.e., constitutional and statutory provisions requiring minimum Filipino ownership in certain industries) must be construed and applied. Enterprises such as telecommunications, media, advertising and land ownership are subject to such nationality requirements.The case of Gamboa v. Teves, et al. (G.R. No ...
