ALRUD at the "" Conference: Market Power, Competition and Antitrust Regulation in Russia: #15yearschallenge

July, 2019 - Moscow, Russia

<p><img src="/upload/medialibrary/077/407A3220.jpg" alt="407A3220.jpg" title="407A3220.jpg" /></p> <p>On June 27, 2019, the conference <strong>"Market Power, Competition and Antitrust Regulation in Russia: #15yearschallenge"</strong> was held in Moscow.</p> <p>The conference participants discussed the development of antitrust regulation, market power, digital markets, the fight against cartels practices, public procurement. Also, it addressed the main problems faced by the regulator and the businesses in anti-competitive infringement cases.</p> <p><img src="/upload/medialibrary/3a8/DSC_1783.jpg" alt="DSC_1783.jpg" title="DSC_1783.jpg" /></p> <p><em>German Zakharov,</em> Competition/Antitrust Practice Partner, acted as a co-moderator of the Plenary Session "Market Power, Competition and Antitrust Regulation in Russia: #15yearschallenge." During this session, the experts discussed changes in approaches, during the 15 years of the Federal Antitrust Service's existence, their effect on competition and antitrust regulation. They also addressed issues of international sanctions and their impact on competition in Russia.</p> <p><img src="/upload/medialibrary/b75/407A3035.jpg" alt="407A3035.jpg" title="407A3035.jpg" /></p> <p><em>Anastasia Kayukova,</em> Antitrust Practice lawyer, moderated the roundtable session within the World Café “Competition. Intellectual Property. Digital Economy”, where she and the audience discussed the goals and objectives of the antitrust law development and enforcement, in relation to digital markets.</p>
