Kira Egorova spoke at the STEP Lugano webinar

July, 2020 - Moscow, Russia

<p>On July 9, 2020, <span data-color='#ff351b'>Kira Egorova</span>, Of Counsel at the ALRUD Private clients practice, took part in the webinar <span data-color='#ff351b'>“Global mobility and Swiss-based planning solutions for Russian UHNW families”</span>, organized by the international Association STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), of which she is a member. The event was attended by professional experts in private wealth planning and management – bankers, lawyers, service providers for wealthy clients from Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.</p> <p>Kira Egorova's speech was devoted to the topic <span data-color='#ff351b'>“Wealth planning structures for Russian clients - how to use them today?”</span>. She spoke about the structures that have historically been used by Russian clients for structuring property ownership and inheritance planning, about the specifics of their current regulation and taxation by Russian legislation, and shared with the audience answers to practical questions about how such structures can be used by Russian private clients and wealthy families today.</p> <p><em><a href="" title="Society of Trust and Estates Practitioners (STEP)">Society of Trust and Estates Practitioners (STEP)</a> is one of the world's largest associations of recognized experts in the field of private wealth. ALRUD and other STEP members help families with an international lifestyle plan their future.</em></p>
