Dykema Launches Campaign Finance Web Site

July, 2007 - Detroit, Michigan

Dykema, a premier Midwest-based law firm, has launched a Web site dedicated to the areas of state and federal elections law, lobbying limitations, and campaign finance regulations found at www.campaignfinancelawyers.com.

“Dykema’s Political Compliance team has significant experience advising individuals, candidates, corporations, government entities, and committees on a number of election and compliance issues,” said Government Policy Practice Director Len Wolfe. “We believe this Web tool will be a valuable resource for clients and the general public interested in navigating complex state and federal campaign laws.”

The Web site is designed to be a guide in matters of corporate and individual political activity, political action committees, compliance with registration and reporting requirements, permissible political activity, ballot initiatives, referenda, and ballot question campaigns, in addition to other political compliance issues. The site will provide regular news updates and reference information for the states of Michigan, California and Illinois, as well as federal campaign rules and election resources.

“The political process is complex and fluid, and it’s difficult for our clients to stay on top of the ever-changing state and federal rules. As the presidential campaign season is heating up and major legislative issues are being debated, we hope Dykema’s Web site will help individuals, businesses and organizations as they work to make their voices heard,” Wolfe added.

As part of an effort to keep its clients up-to-date on issues that may impact their businesses, Dykema has launched several informational Web sites over the past few months, including one dedicated to the effects and implementation of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative and another providing the latest developments and news surrounding the replacement of the state’s Single Business Tax. Dykema also operates a Web site dedicated to providing information regarding gaming law at www.gaminglawyers.net.

Dykema’s Government Policy Practice is comprised of 30 attorneys and government relations professionals with substantial experience working with all branches of government. The team has extensive knowledge of federal and state elections law, lobbying limitations and campaign finance regulations. Clients include corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, trade associations, elected officials, nonprofit organizations, political action committees and ballot question committees.

Government Policy advisors counsel clients on the Federal Election Campaign Act, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, establishing non-regulated political organizations under Section 527, rules governing Political Action Committees, and a host of other complex and sophisticated matters.

Based in Michigan, Illinois, and Washington, DC, these professionals use both traditional and innovative channels in order to promote and protect their clients’ interests and formulate legislative, regulatory and political strategies. For more information visit http://www.dykema.com/government/.
