Tom Trent Recognized with Client Choice Award and Named to ACMA Board

October, 2021 - Birmingham, Alabama

Bradley is pleased to announce that Tom Trent, a partner in the firm’s Nashville office, has been recognized for the second consecutive year with a 2021 Client Choice Award presented by Lexology. Mr. Trent has also been elected to a second term on the Board of Regents of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys (ACMA).

“We are proud of Tom and this accomplishment of being recognized for his exceptional client service and for his leadership and service to the ACMA,” said Bradley Nashville Office Managing Partner Lauren B. Jacques. “Tom is a recognized leader in our firm and in the economic development and real estate industries, and he is well deserving of these honors.”

Mr. Trent is a member of the firm’s Economic Development Practice Group and the Real Estate team and represents clients regionally and nationally, including major manufacturing companies, corporate users of commercial real estate, institutional investors, developers and lenders. He has extensive experience handling complex economic development incentive and commercial real estate transactions across the country. Mr. Trent is a frequent speaker and panelist at commercial real estate, finance, and economic development seminars and programs for several local and national organizations.

Established in 2005, Lexology’s Client Choice awards recognize law firms and partners around the world that stand apart for the care and service they provide their clients. Nominations can only be made by corporate counsel. This year’s 593 winners across 73 jurisdictions worldwide were selected from more than 2,000 individual client assessments. Honorees are evaluated on client service criteria and must have demonstrated their ability to add value to a clients’ business. To view the full list of the 2021 Client Choice Award winners, click here.

The ACMA’s Board of Regents is the governing body of the ACMA, which is comprised of more than 500 real estate finance mortgage law attorneys with members across North America. The ACMA was formed in 1974 to give back to the profession, improve and reform law and procedures impacting real estate secured transactions, and to increase the level of professionalism for lawyers in the industry.
