2021 Asia IP Awards - Malaysia Patents Firm of the Year

March, 2022 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends,

We are pleased to announce that Shearn Delamore & Co. has been awarded the Patents Firm of the Year in Malaysia by Asia IP Awards 2021.

The Asia IP Awards are designed to honour the very best law firms from around the region for demonstrating the very highest standards in trademark, patent and copyright work over the last year.

Full-service firm Shearn Delamore & Co’s IP practice is led by Karen Abraham, with its IP team providing professional services for more than 40 years and being widely recognized as one of the leading firms for patent filing, patent infringement and invalidation actions in Malaysia. The firm was involved in a case before the High Court in 2021 in which the court set out and clarified a number of novel issues, including the extent and applicability of the doctrine of res judicata and issue estoppel in a remitted trial, the interpretation of Type 1 and Type 2 patent claims, the construction of the inventive concept of a patent and the applicability of a purposive construction in determining it, and that, in a case where the invention is technical in nature and transcends more than one area, the Person Skilled in the Art could consist of a team of experts.

For more information concerning this aforementioned case, you may access here:https://www.dropbox.com/s/kldtz3a5vgecrwp/CLJ_2019_9_1_SDIP12%20-%20MSD%20v%20Hovid.pdf?dl=0

For more information about the 2021 Asia IP Awards, please click here: https://asiaiplaw.com/section/the-verdict/the-winners-of-the-asia-ip-2021-awards

We would like to thank our clients and business partners for the support and faith in us and we look forward to continue providing you with the same level of excellent services.
