DFDL Honored in 2023 Chambers Asia-Pacific Rankings

December, 2022 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The DFDL team continued the trend of expanding recognition for its partners and practices across South and Southeast Asia – this year again increasing its rankings in the 2023 Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide.

DFDL was this year honored in six countries with eight of its practice groups ranked and 15 of its lawyers recognized for their expertise. DFDL maintained its Band 1 ranking in General Business Law in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar and gained one new practice Band 1 ranking for Bangladesh in Projects & Energy.

DFDL’s Band 1 lawyers this year included Shahwar Nizam (Partner & Bangladesh Managing Director), William Greenlee (Partner, Myanmar), Chris Robinson (Partner, Co-Head of Regional Corporate & Commercial Practice) and Kristy Newby (Partner, Lao PDR Managing Director & Co-Head of Regional Compliance & Investigations Practice). To view the complete list of DFDL’s rankings in the 2023 edition of Chambers Asia-Pacific, please visit the publication’s website.

We are thankful the research conducted by Chambers and for our clients’ support. The Chambers Asia-Pacific guide and rankings provide recommendations on the best law firms and lawyers across the legal markets in Asia-Pacific. The Chambers research team conducts interviews to help us understand the views and experiences of clients across the Asia-Pacific region.

Please find the complete list of DFDL’s rankings in the 2023 edition of Chambers Asia-Pacific below:

2023 Firm Rankings

  • Bangladesh

         Projects & Energy – Band 1
         Corporate & Finance – Band 3 ?

  • Cambodia

        General Business Law – Band 1

  • Lao PDR

         General Business Law – Band 1

  • Myanmar

         General Business Law – Band 1

  • Thailand

         Projects & Energy, Real Estate, Tax – Band 3?
         Technology, Media, Telecoms – Band 4?
         Corporate/M&A – Band 4

  • Vietnam

         Corporate/M&A – Band 2?
         Projects, Infrastructure & Energy – Band 3 ?
         Tax – Vietnam Spotlight Table

2023 Lawyer Rankings

  • Bangladesh

        Shahwar Nizam? – Band 1 Projects & Energy I Band 3 Corporate & Finance
        Tarannum Tasnim – Up & Coming I Projects & Energy

  • Cambodia

        Chris Robinson? – Band 1 I General Business Law
        Guillaume Massin? – Band 2 I General Business Law
        Martin Desautels? – Expertise Based Abroad in Vietnam I General Business Law   

  •  Lao PDR

         Kristy Newby? – Band 1 I General Business Law
         Senesakoune Sihanouvong – Band 2 I General Business Law

  •  Myanmar

         William Greenlee? – Band 1 I General Business Law
         Thida Aye? – Band 3 I General Business Law
         Nishant Choudhary – Band 3 I General Business Law

  •  Thailand

         Audray Souche – Band 3 I Projects & Energy

  •  Vietnam

         Jerome Buzenet? – Band 2 I Corporate/M&A
         Martin Desautels, Jerome Buzenet, Phong Anh Hoang – Band 3 I Projects, Infrastructure &
         Hanh Tran, Kevin Hawkins  – Band 5 I Corporate/M&A


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