DFDL Experts Featured on WSG Asia Pacific Business Panels

February, 2023 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The DFDL team is pleased to report that two of our partners were featured as expert panelists in two prestigious regional economic webinars organized 8 February 2023 by the World Services Group, a global professional services network of law, accounting, and investment banking firms.

In the first webinar, Tarannum Tasnim (Associate Partner, DFDL Bangladesh) was a panelist and key participant in a discussion titled “Driving Businesses in Asia that stands out in the Post-Covid Era.” The panelists explained how the Covid-19 pandemic had accelerated Asia’s digital transformation, and the positive effects on cross-border digital businesses, payments, and e-commerce.

Speakers on this panel shared their experiences in navigating the legal landscape in Asia, including the validity of digital transactions, data privacy, consumer protection and how to comply with local regulations.

For the second webinar, Nishant Choudhary (Partner, Myanmar Managing Director) was an expert panelist on the subject of “Managing Workforce – Employment Challenges and Common Issues.” The discussion focused on best practices for communicating between employers and their employees, including labor unions, as well as how to create healthy and safe work environments.

The experts shared their experiences in assisting and advising employers, how to mitigate the possible risks and pitfalls of workforces, and the best practical solutions for manpower problems.


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