Heuking advises Crealize on seed funding round of Spacies GmbH

August, 2023 - Germany

A team led by Dr. Patrick Müller, Partner at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek’s Düsseldorf office, advised Essen-based company builder Crealize Ecomsystem GmbH on a seed funding round of cereal startup Spacies GmbH, founded by Carsten Hinzer and Rouven Kosel. In addition to an internationally acclaimed rapper, several business angels also invested in Spacies.

Founded in 2021, Spacies GmbH, headquartered in Essen, sells cereals made mostly of rice flour and whey protein. The brand markets itself as an “alternative to conventional breakfast cereals,” emphasizing its products’ high protein and low sugar content in particular.

To date, the startup has exclusively sold its cereals through e-commerce. Following the investment by the internationally renowned rapper and a number of business angels, the company intends to expand distribution into retail. Crealize has also stayed on board and is assisting its cereal startup in expanding its operating business.

Counsel to Crealize GmbH
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:
Dr. Patrick Müller (Lead, Venture Capital), Düsseldorf,
Ariane Neubauer (Venture Capital), Berlin,
Dr. Henrik Lay (Tax), Hamburg
