Han Kun named to the PEAS 2023 Equity Investment List

April, 2024 - Beijing, Mainland China

On April 25, 2024, the Private Equity Association of Shanghai ("PEAS") published the PEAS 2023 Equity Investment List, in which Han Kun was again recognized as "Best Legal Counsel", marking the fifth consecutive year for the firm to win this honor.

PEAS publishes the list to actively implement the spirit of the 19th and 20th CPC National Congress, as well as the state's 14th Five-Year Plan, advance capital to fund the real economy, and uphold the concept of supporting Shanghai to develop into an international financial center. The PEAS list, which enjoys ongoing influence in the industry, is developed through three steps: information collection, data analysis, and deliberation by an experts committee.

Han Kun has extensive experience in the field of private equity and venture capital and has been ranked as one of the top Chinese law firms in this field by many international legal media.
