Conversion of share capital to euro

March, 2023 - United States of America

DTB’s attorney Dina Salapic in cooperation with legal experts Hrvoje Markovinovic, PhD, professor of corporate and commercial law at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, and Tina Jakupak, mag. iur. univ. spec. oec, a judge of the Commercial Court in Zagreb, gave a lecture on conversion of share capital to euro in Croatia.

With Croatia’s entrance into Eurozone, the kuna amounts of the share capital had to be converted into euro at the fixed exchange rate of 7.53450, following the guidelines in the new amendments to the Companies Act.

The lecture was organized by LEXPERA, legal and business information on-line publishing company and IUS INFO, an unique on-line legal information system which contains up to date legislation and case law.

Thank you for the invitation, we are looking forward to our future collaborations!

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