ALRUD Senior Partners are awarded medals “For Professionalism”

December, 2024 - Moscow, Russia

On November 7 Vassily Rudomino, Senior Partner of ALRUD Law Firm, Member of the Ethics and Standards Committee of the Russian Federal Bar Association, Advocate of the Moscow Bar Association, was awarded a medal “For Professionalism”. The awarding has become particularly remarkable as the year 2024 is the 160th anniversary of establishment of the Federal Bar Association. The award ceremony took place at ALRUD’s new office where ALRUD Senior Partners hosted ****Svetlana Volodina****, President of the Russian Federal Bar Association, and ****Yury Pilipenko****, Of Counsel of the Russian Federal Bar Association.

Svetlana Volodina emphasized that Vassily Rudomino has gained considerable professional success due to his years of work and joint efforts of ALRUD team. She noted that, despite the hot schedule, he is actively involved in the life of the legal community and takes a responsible approach to his activity at the Ethics and Standards Committee of the Russian Federal Bar Association.

This day a medal “For Professionalism” was also awarded to Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Senior Partner, whose outstanding achievements in legal practice and contribution to the development of the company gained merited recognition at the highest level.
