Colombia and Israel Free Trade Agreement-Discovering a New World of Opportunities

  • When: 20 October 2020
  • Type: Virtual

Join member firm, Brigard Urrutia, as they host a webinar on the Colombia and Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Discovering a New World of Opportunities


Colombia and Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Discovering a New World of Opportunities


Tuesday, October 20
08:00 COT (Columbia Time)

After a negotiation process that began in 2012 and finalized in 2015, the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and Israel is now in force. With this agreement, 97% of the agricultural and agro-industrial goods and 99% of the industrial goods exported from Colombia to Israel are from now on exempted from the payment of customs duties. This agreement represents an opportunity for the parties to explore new markets and foster the creation of new value chains. In this online webinar we will discuss the mechanisms to boost cooperation between both countries and increase and diversify foreign direct investment.

Hosted By:

Brigard Urrutia