Practice Expertise
- Commercial Litigation
Areas of Practice
- Commercial Litigation
- Government Affairs and Public Law Litigation
- Labour and Employment
- Municipal Affairs
WSG Practice Industries
Senior Associate
Anne-Marie Asselin is a member of the Administrative Law group. In this capacity, she advises and represents municipalities, cities and other government institutions, as well as businesses and individuals. She also represents various educational institutions. Ms. Asselin has developed extensive expertise in civil and commercial litigation, and is particularly interested in representing clients before judicial and administrative tribunals.
- LL.B., Université Laval, 2013
- Completed training: “Les Techniques de plaidoirie,”Seminar offered by Barreau du Québec, 2024 cohort.
Areas of Practice
- Commercial Litigation
- Government Affairs and Public Law Litigation
- Labour and Employment
- Municipal Affairs
Professional Career
She focuses her practice on and specializes in litigation cases involving municipalities and dealing with urban and regional planning, the environment, expropriation, municipal taxation, construction and other municipal and administrative matters. Various organizations also call upon her regularly to train staff in areas related to municipal law. She has also developed expertise in university law and regularly represents academic institutions before administrative and judicial tribunals.
Her practice involves giving legal advice, drafting proceedings, preparing case strategies, negotiating with opposing parties and representing clients before civil and administrative tribunals.
Anne-Marie is a thorough lawyer who is dedicated to her clients. She has a strong ability to adapt to different circumstances, enabling her to be effective and rigorous in her work, while never losing sight of her clients' interests and the financial ramifications and risks associated with the file. To this end, Ms. Asselin considers alternative dispute resolution methods, whenever possible, to ensure the best possible outcome for the clients she represents.
She has been very involved in her community, serving as a municipal councillor for the municipality of Saint-Tite-des-Caps for eight years, and as a director of a number of non-profit organizations and intermunicipal boards associated with the municipality. She is also a member of Alliance Affaire Côte-de-Beaupré, contributing actively to business development and the vitality of her community.
- Anne-Marie Asselin and William Bolduc: “Que faut-il retenir des modifications récentes au régime d’expropriation québécois?” Scribe, Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, September 2024.
- Anne-Marie Asselin and William Bolduc : article published in Lavery publications on May 6th, 2024 : Nouvelles dispositions encadrant l’expropriation déguisée dans la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme: L'impact de l'effet déclaratoire et des dispositions transitoires
- Anne-Marie Asselin and Philippe Vachon, articling student, article published on Québec Municipal in November 2022: Le pouvoir de taxation des municipalités à l’égard des entreprises industrielles ou commerciales situées sur son territoire
- Anne-Marie Asselin, Solveig Ménard-Castonguay and Simon Gagné-Carrier, article published in Scribe by the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ) in November 2022: Tour d’horizon de la jurisprudence récente en matière d’interprétation de dispositions de la Loi concernant les droits sur les mutations immobilières
- Anne-Marie Asselin and law student Philippe Lavoie-Paradis, article published on Québec Municipal in March 2022: Les villes ont-elles une obligation de remboursement des honoraires juridiques au stade de l’enquête administrative?
- Anne-Marie Asselin and Solveig Ménard-Castonguay, article published in the Scribe magazine of the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), summarizing the decision : "Ville de Saint-Constant c. Succession de Gilles Pépin, 2020 QCCA 1292 ", January 2021
- Anne-Marie Asselin and Solveig Ménard-Castonguay, article published in the Quorum Magazine of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM), "Les conséquences des inondations sur l’aménagement du territoire", December 2021
- Pier-Olivier Fradette and Anne-Marie Asselin, " Does the municipality have recourse to ensure the protection of municipal officials and elected officials against the excesses of citizens?" (La municipalité a-t-elle des recours afin d’assurer la protection des fonctionnaires et élus municipaux contre les excès des citoyens ?), Scribe le magazine, Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), November 2020
- Valérie Belle-Isle et Anne-Marie Asselin, "Priority Services – What are the responsibilities of municipalities in times of crisis?" (Services prioritaires – Quelles sont les responsabilités des municipalités en temps de crise?), Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), March 2020
- Anne-Marie Asselin, "ATTENTION! The limitation period for the issue of a statement of offence is not suspended despite the declaration of a state of health emergency" (ATTENTION ! Le délai de prescription pour la délivrance d’un constat d’infraction n’est pas suspendu malgré la déclaration d’état d’urgence sanitaire), Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), April 2020
Presentations and seminars
- Speaker for the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire: “Ce qu’il faut retenir des jugements rendus en droit universitaire dans la dernière année,” June 7, 2024.
- Instructor for the COMBEQ: “Les mystères du lotissement” (winter 2024)
- Instructor for the COMBEQ: “Émission des permis et certificats : inventaire des règles à respecter” (on several occasions between 2020 and 2024)
- Co-presenter with Pier-Olivier Fradette at the ADMQ’s Colloque de zone Beauce/Côte Sud on September 15, 2022: La protection des directeurs généraux dans leur milieu de travail (commentary and case law)
- Speaker for the Barreau du Québec with Ms. Judith Rochette on the "Les différents impacts de la COVID-19 sur la gestion des dossiers de litige", February 2021
- Co-host with Mr. Pier-Olivier Fradette for the "Zones de discussion animées par Lavery", at the request of the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, whose topic was "Relation municipalité et MRC : approche à favoriser pour le respect du rôle de chacun", February 2021
- Speaker for the Strategic Day Managing Insurance Disability Claims with Ms. Judith Rochette on the "L’invalidité à l’ère du virtuel : comment gérer efficacement un litige", February 2021
- Co-presenter with Marc-André Bouchard in a training session for Alliance Affaires Côte-de-Beaupré members in July 2020: l’Hypothèque légale de la construction
- Instructor for the FQM (Quebec Federation of Municipalities): "La préparation et la participation des élus aux assemblées du Conseil", winter 2020
- "Le nouveau Code de procédure civile en pratique", January 18 and 25 and June 14, 2016 – with Marie-Hélène Riverin, Simon Rainville and Frédéric Bélanger
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