Practice Expertise

  • Employment

Areas of Practice

  • Employment

WSG Practice Industries


Career highlights

  • Successfully defended a senior manager’s $3.6 million bonus claim, winning indemnity costs from the NSW Supreme Court;
  • NSW Government – assisted with the long-term lease of Port Botany, Port Kembla and the Port of Newcastle;
  • Department of Health – helped establish the Australian Digital Health Agency;
  • Resolving confidential employment matters.

BEc, LLB (Hons)

Areas of Practice

  • Employment

Professional Career


  • IR bills portend that 2021 will be another exciting year in industrial relations

    2020 has been a significant year in industrial relations – the coming together of the Federal Government, unions and business in the IR Working Groups, as well as High Court and Full Federal Court decisions – while governments, employers, unions and the FWC all stretched and prodded the Fair Work Act and industrial instruments to meet the challenges of the pandemic.

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