Practice Expertise


Areas of Practice

  • Labor & Employment
  • Public Law, Public Procurement & Regulation

WSG Practice Industries


Luis Rodríguez is an Associate in the BLP office in Guatemala, specializing in Public Law, Administrative Procurement & Economic Regulation, and Labor & Employment. He has experience in regulatory advice, administrative and labor litigation, and processing residency and work permits for foreigners. Luis has participated in analysis and resolution projects across various fields such as banking, municipal, aeronautical, real estate, telecommunications, and energy law. He joined BLP as a Senior Legal Assistant in 2022 and was appointed Associate in 2024.

Universidad Rafael Landivar, degree cum laude.

Areas of Practice

  • Labor & Employment
  • Public Law, Public Procurement & Regulation

Professional Career

Professional Associations
  • Guatemala Bar Association (CANG)
  • International Bar Association: Member

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