The Impact of Dodd-Frank on Public Companies 

August, 2010 - Katherine Addleman, Arthur S. Berner, Ronald W. Breaux, Greta E. Cowart, Michael J. Halloran, Bruce Newsome, Gregory R. Samuel, Janice V. Sharry, Taylor H. Wilson

The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill: New Reporting and Regulatory Requirements Imposed on Public Companies, New Investor Protection Elements, and New Responsibilities and Powers Given to the SEC

On July 21, 2010, President Obama officially signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Act”), which represents the most sweeping regulatory overhaul of the financial markets since the Great Depression. Title IX of the Act, codified as the Investor Protection and Securities Reform Act of 2010, is focused on changes to and reform of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) to improve investor protections, close regulatory gaps, increase disclosure, and expand the regulation of and limitations on securities products and providers. Along with provisions in other titles in the Act, Title IX contains broad ranging changes impacting public companies. The Act provides the SEC with additional powers and rulemaking authority that will impact the reporting, disclosure and compliance practices of public companies.

Haynes and Boone has prepared a summary of significant provisions of the Act that may have consequences for public companies and their officers and directors, as well as related entities, along with commentary on those provisions. To read the full alert, click on Link to article below.

If you have any questions about the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, you may contact one of the attorneys listed below or any corporate or securities attorney with whom you work.

Katherine Addleman
[email protected]

Greta E. Cowart
[email protected]

Gregory R. Samuel
[email protected]

Arthur S. Berner
[email protected]

Michael J. Halloran
[email protected]

Janice V. Sharry
[email protected]

Ronald W. Breaux
[email protected]

Bruce Newsome
[email protected]

Taylor H. Wilson
[email protected]


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