The much-awaited relaxation of regulatory compliances under the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter “the Act”) have been introduced by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (hereinafter “the MCA”). Please see below the detailed analysis of relaxations introduced by the MCA on regulatory compliances applicable under the Act: (i) Directors need not plan their Board meetings in the coming quarter of this calendar year i.e. upto June 30, 2020 ...
In an attempt to ensure that the spread of COVID-19 is contained effectively, the Indian Government has mandated a complete nationwide lockdown for 21 days beginning from March 25, 2020, 00:00 hrs. Mandatory Closure of Commercial Establishments All shops, commercial establishments, factories, workshops and offices, excluding establishments engaged in providing essential are required to be shut down ...
As the world changes in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, many employers will be forced to consider restructuring workforces, closing facilities and other employment-related options. But despite the unexpected nature of these difficult options, employers must nonetheless be aware of their notice requirements under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) and state mini-WARN acts ...
In light of the recent economic developments stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are evaluating their employee benefit plans and how employee and employer costs will be impacted. The following summary provides a list of questions we have been receiving from clients over the past week, along with action items to help employers address these issues. Health and Welfare Plans and Fringe Benefits 1 ...
Several state and local governments have issued “shelter in place” orders and undoubtedly more will follow.All of them have various exemptions for “essential businesses” and many rely on these exemptions as outlined in the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (“CISA”) guidance on critical infrastructure workers ...
Obligation of Czech employers to protect employees from coronavirusPursuant to Section 106 (1) of the Labour Code, an employee has the right be assured of occupational health and safety protection at work (hereinafter referred to as "OHS"), even during a pandemic.Regarding prevention, the provision in section 102 of the Labor Code remains paramount ...
Crisis measures issued after the announcement of the state of emergency List as of 14 March 2020 1. Temporary implementation of the protection of internal borders in the Czech Republic Underlying document: Government Declartion No. 197 from 12.3.2020 and extraordinary measures of the Ministry of the Interior dated 13.3.2020 Effectiveness from: 14.3.2020 od 0:00 hod. Effectivness until: 18.3 ...
An article establishing a procedure for the procurement of medical supplies was recently introduced. This new provision (Resolution No 53960) amended Resolution No 38941-2006-JD of February of 2006, which is the general procurement regulation for the Social Security Administration (CSS for its initials in Spanish) ...
O’Neal Webster hopes that you, your family, your co-workers, and communities are staying healthy and positive during these challenging times. With the surge of the new coronavirus COVID-19 cases around the globe, and now in the Caribbean, all major stakeholders in the British Virgin Islands have taken measures to ensure an efficient and effective transition of business and human resources. We are confident that we will get through this challenge by helping and supporting each other ...
This news alert includes information on the way in which the authorization for safe passage permits shall be granted on account of the nighttime curfew that stands in Chile as of the evening of this Sunday 22 March 2020, as an additional measure to face the Covid-19 pandemic: Individual safe-passage permit Collective safe-passage permit Permanent authorization for emergency personnel Authorization for companies and people who carry out transport of goods Airport Staff Passengers
Within the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency declared by the National Government through Decree 417 of 2020, by means of Decree 441 of 2020, the National Government ordered the following with respect to public water, sewage and sanitation services: (i) Any individual or legal entity providing the public domestic water utility who has residential users whose service have been suspended and/or cut off - except for those who were suspended because of conne
Restaurateurs and their employees don’t need anything else to worry about these days. It is challenging enough to operate a restaurant in this time of quarantines, curbside and delivery-only options, and social distancing added to the attendant drops in revenue and worries about making sure employees are cared for. Maybe the absolute last thing any restaurant wants to focus on are food safety regulations such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) ...
Dykema has launched a COVID-19 Resource Center to keep our clients up to date on the most recent legal, business and health guidance surrounding the novel coronavirus and how to navigate their businesses through uncertain times. Various firm practitioners are providing timely content that aims at providing guidance for employer’s current issues as well as those unforeseen items that have yet to arise ...
Federal authorities have recently issued a large number of new policies, guidance, etc., in response to the coronavirus pandemic. These include the following: Flexibility in Submitting Required Signatures on Applications The USCIS has announced it will accept application forms with reproduced original signatures ...
Households and businesses across the country continue to take safety precautions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the federal government is preparing an unprecedented federal response to the health, safety and economic challenges. In the coming weeks, we expect a wide variety of private businesses to partner with federal agencies and receive funds to address the health crisis ...
The 22 March Decree was anticipated by two ordinances issued on 21 March 2020 by, respectively, the Lombardy Region1, subsequently amended on 22 March 2020 (the “Lombardy Ordinance”), and the Piedmont Region 2 (the “Piedmont Ordinance”). The ordinances provide for even more stringent restrictions for the regions concerned, and will remain in force until 3 April 2020 (for the Piedmont Region) and 15 April 2020 (for the Lombardy Region) ...
A dynamic platform, gathering answers to your most frequently asked questions in relation to the ongoing crisis. The content of this page will be continuously updated based on the latest news. Click here to access the Arendt Covid-19 Solutions Platform ...
Order 3547-A/2020 of the Office of the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action was published on 22 March 2020 and it went into force at midnight the next day. This Order creates the rules that give effect to the declaration of a state of emergency in Portugal made by Decree of the President of the Republic 14-A/2020 of 18 March ...
The global health alert triggered by the spread of the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, is creating great challenges for companies. Governments around the world are tackling the situation by approving drastic measures to try to mitigate the effects of the health crisis first and the economic crisis second ...
Seemingly overnight, flights and hotels emptied, and state and local governments began ordering restaurants, gyms, bars, and other “non-essential” businesses to close or to significantly curtail operations. Unemployment skyrocketed, and businesses began calling out for relief. In response, the government has proposed multiple initiatives to help stabilize businesses hit hard by current events, especially those in the hospitality industry, many of which are also franchises ...
Will the need to seek state aid due to the COVID-19 pandemic encourage sports unions to implement good governance principles? According to press reports, work is underway at the Ministry of Sport on abill to aid the sports sector, including financial support, as sport is one of the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cancellation of league matches, events and tournaments is causing heavy losses for all participants in the sector ...
Across the country, construction projects are being impacted by the on-set of the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation is dynamic and will change quickly. We thought it important to prepare some guidelines that would help firms navigate the situation from a risk management perspective. A one-size-fits-all solution does not exist, and this global challenge continues to evolve. What works today may not address tomorrow’s needs ...
Since the outbreak of the epidemiological crisis caused by the new coronavirus, the disease associated with it, Covid-19, has been spreading fast across the world, reaching the territory of the EU. According to the Commission, the virus might have an enormous public health impact with substantial fatal outcomes in high-risk groups and significant economic and societal disruptions ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses particularly hard. And, the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program can offer many of those small businesses a lifeline. But, it can be daunting to know what relief is available (and for what purpose), who qualifies, and how to apply. This is what you need to know. The SBA has two types of disaster loan programs—one through banks and one directly from the SBA via the U.S. Treasury ...