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Carey Olsen | April 2023

Employer obligations From the date the Order takes effect, all employers will need to ensure they are paying at least the minimum wage and that their contracts and/or Statements of Employment are updated where necessary to ensure that they are compliant. Note that only 'employees' are entitled to the minimum wage, not self-employed contractors ...

Carey Olsen | January 2023

CONTENTS General Litigation funding Initiating a lawsuit Pre-trial proceedings Discovery Injunctive relief Trials and hearings Settlement Damages and judgment Appeal Costs Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Arbitration Outlook and COVID-19   GENERAL   General Characteristics of the Legal System Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory. The modern legal system of Bermuda is established by the Bermuda Constitution Order 1968, an Order in Council of the UK ...

Carey Olsen | December 2022

In a Pre-Budget Report (PBR) announced to Parliament last week, the Government has set out its priorities for next year's budget. These include proposals to increase revenues via significant changes to the current employment tax regime. Perhaps the most headline-grabbing aspect of these potential reforms is the proposal to increase the employer portion of payroll tax for exempted companies, from 10.25% to 10.75% ...

Carey Olsen | September 2021

The President characterised this initiative as one necessary to counter "a pandemic of the unvaccinated", stating, "This is not about freedom or personal choice.  It’s about protecting yourself and those around you" ...

Carey Olsen | November 2022

Contents Government attitude and definition Cryptocurrency regulation Ongoing obligations Sales regulation Taxation Money transmission laws and anti-money laundering requirements Promotion and testing Ownership and licensing requirements Mining Border restrictions and declaration Reporting requirements Estate planning and testamentary succession Government attitude and definition Bermuda has been recognised as a global leader in the regulation of blockchain and cryptocurrency-b

Heuking | July 2020

On July 3, 2020, Berlin’s commissioner for data protection and freedom of information published Advice on providers of videoconferencing services. This advice looked closely at the contractual terms and conditions of the providers Cisco, Google, Zoom, and Microsoft ...

Carey | January 2021

On December 4 th , 2020, Supreme Decree No. 2,097 of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter, the “ Decree ”) was published in the Official Gazette, which extends the enforcement of the benefits established in titles I and II of law No.21,227 (“ Employment Protection Act ”) and in law No ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 2nd, 2021, Decree No.930 of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter, the “Decree”) was published in the Official Gazette, which extends the enforcement of the benefits established in title I of Law No.21,227 (“Employment Protection Act”) and in Law No.21,263 (that temporarily amends the requirements to access and increases the amounts of the benefits of the unemployment insurance), granting new provisions with charge to the unemployment mutual aid fund ...

Dykema | April 2020

On March 27, 2019, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “Act”) was signed by President Trump. The Act provides significant relief for employee benefit plan participants and includes both required and discretionary changes. Plan sponsors should immediately review their benefit plans to ensure that amendments are properly and timely implemented to ensure that their plans continue to operate in accordance with applicable law ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2014

A parliamentary Act of 26 December 2013 fundamentally altered the Belgian rules for dismissals. It harmonised the dismissal rule for blue-collar and white-collar workers and obliged the employer to give a reason for the dismissal. Furthermore, it removed the insecurity felt by many employers when dismissing white-collar employees ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2023

The Supreme Court (“Hof van Cassatie/Court of Cassation”) overruled on 26 May 2023 a decision that determined that Article 1722 (old) Civil Code (a partial or total “destruction” of the leased premises) does not apply for the tenant that can not operate its premises due to the measures taken by the Belgian Government in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, because there was only a temporary impossibility and thus only a temporary loss of enjoyment ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | November 2009

In the Horizon Pleiades case, the Council of State was confronted with an interesting question: if a public authority organises a procedure to select its partner for a PPP company, which will perform works or services which would normally be covered by the Procurement Directives, does the selection procedure have to comply with the rules laid down in the Procurement Directives or can a “light” selection procedure be used? In its ruling, dated 19 June 2009, the Council of Stat

"Shouldn't you be at work?" - sports presenter Des Lynam's famous words during the BBC's World Cup 98 coverage may well be repeated by many an employer over the next week or so. For as the Beijing Olympics reach a crescendo, businesses are once again facing up to the challenges posed by a major sporting event. But there are ways to ensure that the 29th Olympiad does not add to the headaches being suffered by credit-crunched employers ...

Carey | December 2022

Having elapsed the period contemplated for the transitory regime of Law No. 21,934, published on November 30, 2021 (the "Law"), by means of which a set of reforms to the justice system were introduced, the permanent regime provided by the Law, whose general rule is attendance regime, notwithstanding the exceptions contemplated by the Organic Code of Courts, is now in force. The main provisions of the permanent regime may be found in ours News Alert 454 and News Alert 453 ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | February 2023

The System for Award Management ( is an official website of the U.S. government that federal contractors must use to register to do business with the federal government, including updating and maintaining their entity registration and including representations and certifications regarding size, location, and socio-economic status. In order to maintain and update an entity’s registration, federal contractors assign Entity Administrator, Data Entry, or Viewer to individuals ...

Dykema | January 2015

Self-driving cars are still years away, but technological advances are making vehicles safer and more personalized right now. Here’s what that means for the industry. If you’re on the streets of Northern California in the next few months, you might pass a tiny car that looks like a smiling kid’s toy. It may be cute or creepy, depending on your perspective, but to some it’s a vision of the future: a Google-made, self-driven car ...

    WHAT'S NEW COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub   Since the news first broke about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the global economy, Dinsmore has worked diligently to create the COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub. The Hub features attorney insights and complementary webinars to help you prepare and respond to legal, regulatory, and commercial implications related to the crisis ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | September 2022

In 2019, the Oregon legislature passed the Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) Act, establishing a paid ‎family and medical leave insurance program for Oregon workers that will be funded by employee ‎contributions. After pandemic-related delays finalizing regulations and preparing for implementation, ‎the program—now branded as “Paid Leave Oregon”—is finally taking effect ...

As we discussed in our Mind the Gap webinar, many states and municipalities have enacted laws that prohibit employers from using previous pay to justify unequal pay between men and women or between members of different protected classes (race, color, religion, national origin, and gender) ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2007

The BC Privacy Commissioner recently issued two decisions which address “employee personal information”, as well as some other issues of interest under the BC Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) ...

 On September 11, 2020, the Philippine President signed into law Republic Act No. 11494, otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” (Bayanihan 2). It is intended to, among other things, accelerate the recovery of the Philippine economy from the downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bayanihan 2 will become effective immediately upon its publication in a newspaper of general circulation or in the Official Gazette ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points:  Bay Area counties issued new Shelter Orders on April 29, 2020 allowing all construction to resume. The new Shelter Orders include detailed Construction Safety Protocols that construction jobsites must comply with. There is one Construction Safety Protocol for “small” construction projects, and a more rigorous Construction Safety Protocol for “large” construction projects ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

On March 31, 2020, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties plus the City of Berkeley issued new Shelter-in-Place orders, further restricting construction and extending Shelter-in-Place restrictions until May 3, 2020. Under the new orders, most construction, including residential and commercial, is now prohibited. Healthcare, low income housing, specially designated public works projects, shelters, and temporary housing projects may continue ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2018

The value of the car is no longer merely associated with the car body, its engine or other material parts. Substantial value is found in the knowledge that controls the car – knowledge that does not only steer the car, but which may form the basis for maintenance and repairs planning, computing insurance premiums or indicating who is liable in the case of damage ...

Carey | June 2021

On May 28, 2021, Exempt Resolution No. 310, dated April 16, 2021 of the Ministry of the Environment was published in the Official Gazette. By means of such resolution, the Ministry of the Environment initiates the process of drafting the Supreme Decree that will set forth collection and recovery goals and other related obligations for batteries and electrical and electronic devices. Regulated priority products: "Batteries" and "Electrical and Electronic devices" ...
