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Shoosmiths LLP | April 2021

From 1 October 2021, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) will have new criminal powers to bolster its anti-avoidance arsenal, but what does it really mean for those involved with the running of pension schemes? The new powers allow TPR to investigate and prosecute any person who avoids an employer debt, anyone who does (or doesn’t do) something which would prevent pension scheme members from receiving their benefits in full, and anyone who does not comply with a contribution notice issued

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2021

On April 8, 2021, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced a proposed rate increase of 1.3 percent for skilled nursing providers in fiscal year 2022. It is estimated this will result in approximately $444 million increase in payments to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) under Medicare Part A for the fiscal year.  This increased payment rate does not incorporate the SNF Value-Based Program (VBP) reductions that CMS estimates to be $184 ...

Gennex Media LLC, a customizable product online marketplace, and its sole officer and shareholder Akil Kurji, have agreed to an FTC consent decree resolving allegations the company falsely claimed its Brandnex novelty products were “Made in USA,” “USA MADE,” and “Manufactured Right Here in America!” when, in many instances, they were wholly imported from China ...

The E-Sign Act was signed into law over two decades ago. To put that into context, smart phones as we know them did not exist—the most popular mobile phone in 2000 was a flip phone, the Nokia 3310, and the first iPhone would not debut for another seven years. The most popular website was AOL because many people were still using AOL as their internet service provider. Google was a fledgling company with its search engine just starting out among the mainstays like Excite and Lycos ...

PLMJ | April 2021

On 24 March 2021, the EU Member States agreed to begin negotiations with the European Parliament concerning a legislative proposal on health technology assessment. Health technology includes medicinal products, medical devices or medical and surgical procedures, as well as measures for disease prevention, diagnosis or treatment used in healthcare ...

PLMJ | April 2021

Research and development ("R&D") of medicinal products is fundamentally important in peoples’ daily lives. This is true both from an individual perspective – when considering the objective of identifying and treating pathologies (with a consequent increase in the quality of life of patients) – and from a collective perspective, when considering the role of R&D in controlling the spread of diseases and in eradicating them altogether ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2021

Led by Legal Director of Immigration, Rachel Harvey, and Employment Partner Emma Morgan, this webinar focussed on the considerations many Employers are faced with concerning immigration. This complex and ever-changing area means Employers need to keep a keen eye on any changes or alterations that are made to the current guidelines and rules. The key themes from the webinar and what they mean for employers are detailed below ...

Arendt & Medernach | April 2021

In a recent article published in écho, WSG Member Astrid Wagner, Partner, IP Communication & Technology at Arendt & Medernach, provides insight on the growing risk of damage to information systems in cyber attacks and what cyber protection measures should be taken ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2021

In Facebook v. Duguid, (Case No. 19-511) on April 1, 2021, the United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that equipment without the capacity to randomly or sequentially store or produce numbers is not an autodialer for TCPA purposes. The Facebook ruling focuses on text messages, which many institutions are using as a primary method of customer contact, but it is also a victory for those using predictive dialers and preview dialers without random and sequential source codes ...

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) announced on March 29, 2021 that qualifying employers should file 2019 and 2020 workplace diversity data, known as the EEO-1 Component 1 data, by July 19, 2021. The data collection will open on April 26, 2021. Employers with 100 or more employees and federal contractors with 50 or more employees should begin preparing to submit the data in anticipation of this opening ...

Carey | April 2021

The Chilean Ministry of Health, through a press conference, announced on Thursday, April 1, that the following measures will be implemented as of Monday April 5. The country's borders will be closed during the month of April ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

Wellbeing, selfcare is key in order to give the world the best of you, not what’s left of you…. Shoosmiths’ Learning & development Manager, Yvonne Oakenfull gives us an insight into HeartMath – how different patterns of the heart activity have different effects on your thoughts and behaviours ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

The opening webinar of The Lawyer’s Smarter Working Week saw leaders from a broad range of different sized teams discuss their experiences over the past 12 months and how they will use these learnings to build back better and enhance the experience for their business ...

PLMJ | March 2021

In the context of a growing transition to a digital economy, the possibility of working anywhere in the world as a remote worker is gaining more and more supporters, and this trend has been encouraged and promoted by many global companies. The concept of digital nomadism focuses on a lifestyle and work that can be considered nomadic in the sense that it does not depend on a fixed location and allows freedom to move around for extended periods of time ...

ENS | March 2021

ENSafrica recently released Africa Regulatory Insight: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Regulatory Measures. This comprehensive report outlines the COVID-19 regulatory measures for each country across Sub-Sahara Africa, providing the sector, measure, effective date/status and key points and impact for each region. The information provided herein is intended to provide a general overview, and is not an exhaustive list of all legislatice developments across Sub-Sahara ...

DFDL | March 2021

The opening year of this decade was sadly and tumultuously marked by the many public health challenges, travel restrictions, border closures, fears and economic hardship brought on by the coronavirus pandemic across the globe ...

DFDL | March 2021

On 25 March 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) implemented ‘Round 8’ of measures aimed at mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses and workers in Cambodia. The RGC in their press release noted the positive update with respect to the development of COVID-19 vaccines and the fact that Cambodia has to date managed to effectively control COVID-19 ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | March 2021

In 2020, as offices and workplaces across Canada closed or reduced staffing capacity due to COVID-19, many Canadian workers who normally performed work at their employer’s worksite were suddenly required to work from home, either fully or partially. While this has not always been an easy transition, the silver lining is that such workers may be eligible for an income tax deduction in respect of their work-from-home situation ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2021

Key Points Historic definition of "public works" expanded beyond construction-related activities Supreme Court holds that some special districts must pay prevailing wages to workers performing non-infrastructure related tasks Full extent of coverage of prevailing wages for operational contract workers is unclear   Labor Code Section 1720(a)(1) defines a "public work" as "construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in wh

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2021

Over the past couple of years, school systems have been faced with several personnel issues related to the ECCAT classification.  Several grievances were filed relating to determining seniority of the ECCAT classification, with employees mainly alleging that seniority as an Aide should serve as the seniority date as an ECCAT ...

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARP Act”), the $1.9 trillion pandemic aid bill, contained changes to (1) the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) by expanding eligibility and other items and (2) the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (“COBRA”). The ARP Act provides for fully subsidized COBRA premium payments ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

COVID-19 has forced us to completely rethink the way we live, work and move around. It has begged the question: what is it that makes a great city? Manchester is one of the fastest-growing cities in the UK. With cranes dominating the skyline, billions continue to be invested into the city centre as it evolves into a city of quarters ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

It’s fair to say that ‘employee engagement’ has become quite the buzz word(s) in organisations’ quest for a competitive advantage. But what is engagement really and what impact does it have on performance? Furthermore, how do we drive employee engagement at a time when our own wants and needs are evolving right in front of us? This blog will attempt to scratch the surface on what is a much larger topic ...

AELEX | March 2021

Franchising has become an increasingly popular business model. As such, it is necessary for franchisors to ensure that their businesses are adequately protected and their intellectual property rights (IPRs) are secured before a franchise is granted to a potential franchisee ...
