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The purpose of this special report (the “Report”) is to inform the legal considerations and initial impacts that may affect the operation of a business as a result of the state of emergency for fourteen (14) days from March 16, 2020 (the “State of Emergency”) declared through Supreme Decree No ...

Carey | May 2020

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (“Sernapesca”) has issued a series of resolutions. Resolutions No 672/2020 , No 725/2020 and No 805/2020 - that incorporate new measures to those indicated in Resolution No. 565 dated March 16, 2020 which authorized the adoption of certain measures in salmon farming centers in the context of COVID-19 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points U.S. EPA is continuing to regulate and prevent sham COVID-19 products and devices from entering the market under FIFRA. EPA's distinction in regulating pesticide substances versus pesticide devices can cause confusion, but can be addressed if companies take proactive steps to ensure their product's compliance with the requisite legal framework, and self-report when in doubt. As noted in our prior alerts, available here and here, U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points: U.S. EPA is continuing to regulate and prevent sham COVID-19 products and devices from entering the market under FIFRA. EPA's distinction in regulating pesticide substances versus pesticide devices can cause confusion, but can be addressed if companies take proactive steps to ensure their product's compliance with the requisite legal framework, and self-report when in doubt. As noted in our prior alerts, available here and here, U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points City council and planning commission recusals can have a significant impact on the outcome of hearings involving land use and environmental issues. Recusals can lead to tie votes or the loss of a quorum, which may make it impossible for local governments to approve development projects. In some circumstances, an elected or appointed official’s failure to recuse can be grounds for reversing local government decisions ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | May 2020

Guatemala dawns today with the validity of a law, contained in the Decree 15-2020, extremely harmful for the country, the economy, the industry and legal certainty, and in violation of the Constitution. This law allows for the possibility of not paying certain basic services (water, cable, telephony, power [sic] (electric power) and internet) by the users, and imposes the obligation to public and private supplier companies not to suspend, under any circumstances, their provision ...

MinterEllison | May 2020

While immediate pandemic pressures may moderate short-term corporate progress on climate risk assessment and disclosure, there is little to suggest that regulatory and investor expectations have significantly diminished in 2020. Corporates may face increasing investor pressure to make a 'Paris-aligned' business strategy a central pillar of their corporate rebuilding and recovery plans, with a measurable pathway to net zero emissions ...

Delphi | May 2020

On 4 May 2020, the Commission published the latest package of exceptional measures (announced on 22 April) to support the agricultural and food sectors that have been hit hardest by the crisis. The package of measures adopted by the Commission includes temporary derogations from EU competition rules for milk, flowers and potatoes, support for private storage of dairy and meat products and flexibility in the application of market support programs ...

Beccar Varela | May 2020

This article aims to analyze the state of the Argentine mining industry, its growth potential, and briefly comment on certain situations in the current legal-regulatory system, which could be improved to accelerate its post-quarantine development. 1. The economic and mining situation in Argentina pre COVID-19 In Argentina, the pandemic has motivated the issuance of preventive and mandatory social isolation measures (the "Quarantine") ...

Beccar Varela | May 2020

This summary draws together Beccar Varela’s reports on the coronavirus (COVID-19) legal news which may affect corporate law in Argentina. This edition brings together the reports sent between 05.02.2020 and 05.08.2020. Our COVID-19 Resource Center provides shortcuts to our circulars and links to relevant external websites. We have established a work team to coordinate attention to specific queries about how COVID-19 can affect business continuity ...

Buchalter | May 2020

On May 5, 2020, two (2) relatively rare notices of violation involving marijuana smoke were filed with the California Department of Justice. I refer to them as rare, because in the one year period prior to these notices (May 1, 2019-May 8, 2020), there have only been four (4) notices of violation filed involving marijuana smoke. That is a miniscule number considering there were two thousand four hundred and ten (2,410) 60- day notices of violation filed in 2019 ...

Waller | May 2020

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) issued revised guidance to its state and county offices on making and processing loans to hemp producers. Because hemp was federally legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill, the revised guidance is part of the USDA’s overall efforts to treat hemp as it would any other agricultural commodity with respect to available programs and services typically afforded to such commodities ...

The Ministry of Production (Produce), through the National Fisheries Health Agency (Sanipes), issued a guide with preventive measures to be implemented by operators of fishing and aquaculture infrastructures during the exercise of their activities against the expansion of COVID -19 ...

COVID-19 has brought about new economic uncertainty that is disrupting supply chains, from farmers and ranchers to cooperatives, from processors to grocery stores, and all of the way down to consumers. Even solvent purchasers of agricultural products may begin to request extensions of payment terms from agricultural producers, impacting growers’ cash flow and balance sheets ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | May 2020

 On 30 April 2020, the European Commission adopted three implementing regulations allowing temporary derogations from the strict cartel prohibition provided for by EU competition law in three specific agricultural sectors: dairy, potato and live plants and flowers. The latter sector is said to broadly cover “live trees and other plants, bulbs, roots and the like, cut flowers and ornamental foliage” ...

Legislative Decree No 1476 (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Decree) was published on May 05 2020. This Legislative Decree, through which - as expressly established - the aim would be to guarantee the transparency of information in the provision of services provided by private educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as Schools), to enable users of said services to make an appropriate and timely decision on such services ...

In April 2020, SEMARNAT published the Accord by means of which the public is made aware of the days that will be considered as non-business days for purposes of the acts and administrative procedures ...

Beccar Varela | May 2020

The President of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (“APrA”), through resolution No 106/2020. ordered (i) To extend, for a period of ninety consecutive days, the validity of the certificates and the corresponding presentations to the administrative processes, whose maturities operate between March 16 and May 31, 2020 ...

On April 21, 2020, the EPA and USACE (jointly the "Agencies") had published in the Federal Register the final rule, "Navigable Waters Protection Rule" (NWPR), which has a scheduled effective date of June 22, 2020. Thus, what has been generally known for some time as the Clean Water Rule is replaced with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. Just the name change suggests a new emphasis in implementing the Clean Water Act ...

Carey | May 2020

In the context of COVID-19, the Undersecretary of Fishing and Aquaculture (Subpesca) issued Resolution No. 1068 (Res. 1068), which provides the extension in a month, of the terms for sanitary rests and harvest regulated in articles 23 Ñ and 23 R of Supreme Decree No. 319/2001, Sanitary Regulation for Aquaculture, in all farming centers. Recommendations In addition, by means of Res ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | May 2020

Key Points Monitoring the movement of the COVID-19 virus in untreated wastewater may provide useful information in tracking the spread of the disease. Current methods for treating wastewater supplies appear to be sufficient to protect against further spread of COVID-19. In the absence of widespread testing and contact tracing, could untreated wastewater hold the key to tracking the spread of COVID-19? Increasingly, the answer appears promising ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

The Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara, and the City of Berkeley have jointly issued new Shelter-in-Place orders superseding their existing March 31, 2020 Shelter-in-Place orders ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: EPA is marching forward with its plans to prevent sham COVID-19 cleaners and disinfectants from entering the marketplace. Manufacturers should continue to adhere to EPA's policy regarding products that make disinfectant efficacy claims. EPA warns consumers against injecting disinfectants into their bodies. On April 23, 2020, the U.S ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points A federal district judge has invalidated the Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12 for failure to comply with the Endangered Species Act, in response to a case filed against the notorious Keystone XL pipeline. As a result of the decision, the Army Corps has halted new and pending approvals under the permit, which is required for construction projects that will discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States ...
