To help prevent disruptions in the food supply-chain during the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA issued a temporary policy for Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) supplier verification onsite audit requirements. The policy states that the FDA will temporarily not enforce FSMA supplier verification onsite audit requirements if other appropriate supplier verification methods are used instead ...
Order 3547-A/2020 of the Office of the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action was published on 22 March 2020 and it went into force at midnight the next day. This Order creates the rules that give effect to the declaration of a state of emergency in Portugal made by Decree of the President of the Republic 14-A/2020 of 18 March ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses particularly hard. And, the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program can offer many of those small businesses a lifeline. But, it can be daunting to know what relief is available (and for what purpose), who qualifies, and how to apply. This is what you need to know. The SBA has two types of disaster loan programs—one through banks and one directly from the SBA via the U.S. Treasury ...
North Carolina The Executive Order prohibits mass gatherings that bring together more than 50 persons in a single room or single space (including any indoor or outdoor space) at the same time. However, the prohibition against mass gatherings does not include airports, bus and train stations, medical facilities, shopping malls and centers, office environments, factories, grocery stores, and child care facilities ...
A trend is emerging with recently filed litigation involving the COVID-19 pandemic. Spilman attorneys are committed to providing information that allows businesses to react as quickly as possible to avert civil litigation threats or to protect your interests through litigation. Monitoring these litigation trends will allow organizations to prepare to defend against such threats in the future or to identify and pursue civil remedies when needed ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit small businesses particularly hard. And, the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program can offer many of those small businesses a lifeline. But, it can be daunting to know what relief is available (and for what purpose), who qualifies, and how to apply. This is what you need to know. The SBA has two types of disaster loan programs—one through banks and one directly from the SBA via the U.S. Treasury ...
Since the outbreak of the epidemiological crisis caused by the new coronavirus, the disease associated with it, Covid-19, has been spreading fast across the world, reaching the territory of the EU. According to the Commission, the virus might have an enormous public health impact with substantial fatal outcomes in high-risk groups and significant economic and societal disruptions ...
It is important for all companies to remember that a crisis, such as the current economic crisis that has arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, cannot be used as an excuse for companies to act as they please. EU and Swedish competition law, both the cartel prohibition and the prohibition on abuse of a dominant position, applies during a crisis as well ...
Pennsylvania began enforcing Governor Tom Wolf’s order closing non-essential businesses at 8:00 a.m. today, March 23, 2020. Enforcement will be conducted by a number of state and local agencies, including the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, Department of Health, Department of Agriculture, and State Police ...
This afternoon, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice announced a Stay-At-Home Order that will affect all West Virginians. Once the Order takes effect at 8:00 p.m ...
The IRS has issued the several news releases in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: IRS Notice 2020-18 Tax Day now July 15. Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount. The Treasury Department and IRS announced the federal income tax filing due date (for individual, trusts, estates, partnerships, corporations, and associations) is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020 ...
In further response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia entered an order late Sunday night that declares a statewide judicial emergency applying to all lower courts in all 55 counties. As a result of the declaration, all non-emergency proceedings, including jury trials, are stayed through April 10, 2020. All deadlines and statutes of limitation that were set to expire between March 23 and April 10 are similarly tolled until April 11, 2020 ...
The COVID-19 pandemic brings to light penal and fine regulations that have hitherto led a shadowy existence. In particular, quarantine requirements and curfews and the punishability of violations thereof are currently under discussion. Companies and executives must also familiarize themselves with the provisions and official orders to avoid sanctions. Violations of curfews and requirements by authorities as well as quarantine violations are punishable by fines or even imprisonment ...
Criminal justice and public prosecution offices are also impacted by the protective measures taken nationwide to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that Germany is “powering down the systems” to deal with the pandemic has implications not only for criminal proceedings that are already underway but also for future ones ...
Decree-Law 10-A/2020 of 13 March created exceptional public procurement rules on spending authorisations and administrative authorisations. These rules are intended to ensure the immediate availability of the goods and services needed to respond to the current state of emergency. However, under article 7(6)(c) of Law 1-A/2020 of 19 March, it seems that all administrative time limits in favour of private parties are suspended ...
Regulators Expand Opportunities for Telehealth Services Under COVID-19 Shadow By: Phil Kim, Kayla Cristales, and Jennifer Kreick As the COVID-19 pandemic surges and the social distancing imperative continues, regulators have responded with various guidelines and policies that impact and expand the opportunities for telehealth services ...
As the COVID-19 pandemic surges and the social distancing imperative continues, regulators have responded with various guidelines and policies that impact and expand the opportunities for telehealth services.Telehealth, telemedicine, and related terms generally refer to the exchange of medical information from one site to another through electronic communication to improve a patient’s health ...
As COVID-19 continues to spread, CMS has issued guidance to various healthcare providers, including, among others, home health agencies, nursing homes, and hospitals that are caring for the nation’s most at-risk patient populations.The guidance is intended to curb transmission and ensure healthcare providers have the information and resources necessary to respond to patient needs ...
We have been in the UAE helping clients manage and survive crises for 45 years, and these are unprecedented times in our lives. We will have to work together to overcome the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we at Afridi & Angell are ready to do our part. Until the end of March, we will offer free advice on legal issues affecting companies and employers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
On Saturday 21 March 2020, the Luxembourg Parliament passed a law implementing Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements ...
On March 23, 2020, in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-21 (“EO 2020-21”), which orders all Michigan residents to stay at home or in their place of residence unless exempted until April 13, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. To this end, EO 2020-21 also orders that no person or entity may conduct a business or conduct operations that require workers to leave their homes or residences unless that entity qualifies for an exemption ...
Regarding the State of Catastrophe and sanitary alert decreed in Chile in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, on Sunday 22 March 2020, the Chilean Government announced the following 12 measures: Strict quarantine for the extreme-South city of Puerto Williams (except for essential cargo freighting). Strict sanitary customs in the aerial and maritime crossing to the city of Puerto Williams ...
On Wednesday 18 March 2020, the Norwegian Government put forward a bill which will give the Government vast authorization to fight Covid-19 and its consequences for the society. Today, 21 March 2020, a more narrow Corona act was adopted by the Norwegian Parliament. Read more about the initial proposal. After the initial critical voices, the Parliament chose to initiate a speedily hearing, where it invited i.a ...
Yesterday, Wednesday 18 March 2020, the Norwegian Government put forward a bill which will give the Government vast authorization to fight Covid-19 and its consequences for the society. It is called the corona act. The aim is to facilitate "sound and effective measures necessary to limit the disruption of normal social functions" of the Covid-19 outbreak (article 1) ...
Many companies are now in crisis due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The European Commission and EFTA Surveillance Authority, therefore, ease state aid rules. In practice, large parts of the state aid rules and guidelines are now virtually "suspended ...