In connection with the Coronavirus pandemic the Government of the Slovak Republic declared the state of the extraordinary situation in the Slovak Republic with effects from 12 March 2020 at 6.00 a.m. Further, several protective measures have been adopted by governmental organizations and are being updated or extended on a daily basis, including: closure of all educational facilities (including schools, universities, kindergartens etc ...
While many people begin to work from home in an effort to practice social distancing, it is important to remember that corporate needs still arise for many individuals and their businesses. Effective 5:00 p.m. on March 18, 2020, the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office closed to walk-in services. Additionally, Kentucky government agencies, including the Secretary of State’s office, have been asked to reduce staffing by 50 percent and work remotely ...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced during a March 19, 2020 teleconference for physicians and teaching hospitals that it does not have the authority to postpone the statutory timeline for the Physician Payments Sunshine Act (Sunshine Act) ...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports swimming is the fourth most popular recreational activity in the United States and the most popular recreational activity for children (ages 7 to 17). Statistics further show 36 percent of children and 15 percent of adults go swimming at least six times a year in the United States ...
On March 16, seven Bay Area counties issued "shelter-in-place" restrictions, which create compliance issues for cannabis operations licensed as dispensaries or as delivery services ...
The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic is upending regular commercial activity across the United States and around the world, and that disruption is expected to escalate. Among the issues confronting our clients, the effect of public health orders and other measures to address COVID-19 is threatening, impacting, and in some cases, outright prohibiting the performance of material contractual obligations ...
We have been asked whether businesses should cancel or severely limit business meetings and social engagements due to the Coronavirus pandemic crisis. It is admittedly difficult to run a business while essentially sheltering in place until such time, as the country achieves some sort of reliable testing program and medical treatment availability. Our recommendation is to cancel all but the most critical of meetings and gatherings ...
As a growing number of the workforce is being affected by the COVID-19 virus, employers are being asked to respond to benefit-related questions from employees. In the coming days, the Employee Benefits Group at Hanson Bridgett will be providing updated information on possible issues arising in the benefits area through Benefits Alerts and postings on Hanson Bridgett's Online COVID-19 Resource Center ...
As each day that passes while COVID-19 spreads throughout the country, more businesses are closing their doors to protect their employees, customers, vendors, and other people with whom they come into contact. And many of them are wondering whether there is coverage for their business losses during this time. Business interruption or business income coverage is sometimes included in commercial property coverage ...
On March 17, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an Executive Order suspending some of the notice requirements under the California WARN Act ("Cal-WARN"), the state counterpart to the Federal WARN Act. The order came in response to the sudden onslaught of workplace closings across California due to COVID-19. Under the Cal-WARN, employers with 75 or more employees must give 60-days' written notice to employees and unions before layoffs occur ...
On March 18, 2020, the Senate approved, and President Trump signed H.R. 6201, the "Families First Coronavirus Response Act." The legislation contains a number of provisions related to employees' rights to time off and pay, provides tax credits to employers, and includes expanded health services and unemployment provisions. The provisions related to employees' rights to time off and pay, tax credits, and unemployment are summarized here: Family Medical Leave Act Expansion H.R ...
On March 18, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-15 which permits all public bodies in the State of Michigan, with the exception of the State Legislature, to meet during the COVID-19 state of emergency (“COVID-19 Emergency”) by electronic means until April 15, 2020 ...
The currently unstoppable strong spread of COVID-19 and the resulting restrictions on public life, such as quarantine measures and curfews, which are imposed in EU Member States and worldwide and which are sometimes very drastic, are also increasingly impairing the ability to work and communicate. In the meantime, various IP Offices have also reacted to this. 1 ...
The Coronavirus continues to spread and has now also arrived in Switzerland. As the Swiss government ramp up efforts to contain the spread of the virus, employers and employees also need to be aware their rights and obligations at the workplace. In this Newsletter, we discuss some frequently asked questions regarding potential employment issues related to the COVID-19 in Switzerland ...
Below is a link to the recording of the COVID-19 Webinar Series: Business Continuity Planning, as well as a corresponding PowerPoint presentation. For more information, visit This webpage addresses specific concerns and questions related to the impact of the coronavirus including some common Q&As, attorney-authored content on how the coronavirus may impact you or your business, and links to helpful online resources ...
In the advent of DNA testing, companies such as and 23andMe have made it easy and convenient to submit DNA samples for testing from your own home. This type of genetic—also known as genomic—testing has been applied to a variety of uses, including paternity determinations and the discovery of genetic ancestors and relatives ...
Updated: April 4, 2020 On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Director of the California Department of Public Health ordered all Californians to stay home “except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors ...
On 19 March 2020, the Minister of Trade and Industry (the “Minister”) published two Regulations under section 78(1) of the Competition Act, 1998 (as amended) (the “Competition Act”), pursuant to the National State of Disaster declared on 15 March 2020 (the “National State of Disaster”).Both of the Regulations are effective immediately. The first creates a block exemption for the Healthcare Sector ...
In stark contrast to earlier media reports as to what would constitute “essential services”, the Regulations published in terms of the impending coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown are far from clear and explicit when it comes to ICT, including datacentres, fibre optic infrastructure, towers and antennae ...
At their core, the Regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 issued and brought into operation yesterday, 18 March 2020, outline the responsibilities of all government departments, the release and allocation of resources, and the conditions under which liquor industry may function. In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic being declared a national state of disaster, the Regulations are intended to contain the spread of the virus ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his address to the nation on Sunday, 15 March 2020, declared a national state of disaster and introduced a numberof measures to curb the spread of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19). As of 19 March 2020, South Africa has recorded 150 confirmed cases of COVID-19 ...
In consideration of the COVID-19 outbreak in Mauritius we want to take this opportunity to inform you of our business continuity and safeguarding procedures.ENSafrica’s top priority is to preserve the health and well-being of its people, its clients, all its business partners and their familiesas well as the ongoing success of business operations ...
Background As you no doubt know, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared to be a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”).In this time of global crisis, what is most key-critical to us, is that we continue to look after the wellness of our people while we service your business’s requirements and structure ourselves in a way that we are able deliver to you at the level you have come to expect of ENSafrica ...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is changing the way we live, interact and conduct business. The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (“B-BBEE”) world in South Africa is no different. All companies undergoing a B-BBEE verification are required to permit their B-BBEE verification agencies to conduct on-site inspections and personal interviews as part of the verification process ...
Background Other than hand sanitizer manufacturers, private hospitals and the like which stand to profit from the coronavirus (COVID-19) disaster unfolding, the vast majority of South African companies fall into two groups: those that are hemorrhaging but will ultimately survive, and those who will not ...