Contents Introduction Background to the appeals Summary of the Privy Council's decision Point 1: A trustee's right of indemnity confers a proprietary interest Point 2: The proprietary interest survives the transfer to a new trustee Point 3: There is no priority as between the competing proprietary interests of successive trustees, which rank pari passu Point 4: A trustee's indemnity extends to proving its claim Jersey law Comment Introduction On 13 October 2022, the sev
Following the successful uptake of a similar initiative in 2022, the European Commission has re-launched its fund to support small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) in safeguarding their intellectual property assets ...
1. Background and Rationale The Thai financial market has been revolutionized by rapid changes in technology, particularly, with the advent of distributed ledger technology (“DLT”) and digital assets in recent years. This has led to a surge of interest from traditional investors and corporate entities, both small and large, eager to participate in this dynamic market. These technologies have been driving financial innovation and progress ...
This newsletter features a look into Finnish competition law developments and recent enforcement practice. 2023 starts with reforms in Finnish merger control Lower turnover thresholds enter into force Revised merger control turnover thresholds entered into force in Finland on 1 January 2023. The thresholds are applicable to all transactions signed on or after this date ...
Your biometric data tells the tale of who you are in intricate detail. Often, your biometric data is used to verify your identity at work or school. Currently, Illinois has the most comprehensive biometric privacy law in the country with the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. Maryland and Mississippi look to join Illinois in protecting their citizens’ biometric data ...
With cybersecurity risks increasing and evolving moving into 2023, the federal government is taking steps to help secure our cyber infrastructure. The recent passing of the 2023 omnibus spending agreement included additional funds for a variety of federal agencies in order to strengthen our cybersecurity apparatus. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (“CISA”) received $1.3 billion for its cybersecurity programs. This is a $230 million increase over last year ...
The U.S. does not have a federal data privacy law. In the absence of an all-encompassing data privacy law, the U.S. has a myriad of individual state privacy laws. The significant state data privacy laws that are often used as models are the California Privacy Rights Act (which amends that California Consumer Privacy Act), the Virginia Consumer Data Privacy Act, the Colorado Privacy Act, and the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act ...
On January 20, 2023, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) plans to invest $35 billion by 2040 to establish multiple data center campuses across Virginia, pending legislative approval. Numerous localities in the Commonwealth are under consideration, and although none have been selected, residents in Northern Virginia have voiced concerns ...
Rising interest rates, inflation, and a global economic slowdown create the perfect storm, pushing some companies into financial distress. These conditions can also create opportunities for investors to make strategic acquisitions of distressed assets ...
The importance of the UAE as a trading and consumer goods hub resulted in a protective approach of the authorities towards distributors and franchisees. The UAE Federal Law No. 18 of 1981 on Commercial Agencies (Old Law) was drafted with the intent of protecting the interests of UAE nationals (and companies wholly owned by UAE nationals), and was protective towards the interests of registered commercial agencies ...
Canadian Lawyer By Tim Wilbur Cecilia Barnes knew from an early age she wanted to be in business. She entered law school so she could work with entrepreneurs and business executives. When Barnes looked for opportunities after graduating, she focused on working in-house. “I thought, I've taken all of these courses in business and trademark and copyright. So, any company is going to be so excited to have me ...
This is the third article in our series about sponsor licences. This article focuses on the effect of insolvency on a sponsor licence. Businesses are facing challenging times in the current economic downturn and insolvency is a real possibility for many, with 5,595 company insolvencies in the third quarter of 2022[1] alone. If a business is on the brink of insolvency this will potentially have an impact on any sponsorship licences held within the company group ...
Charities face challenges on many fronts right now, but one silver lining to the cost-of-living crisis is the popularity of charity shops, especially among younger people. Today sees the launch of Charity Super.Mkt at the Brent Cross Shopping Centre in North London, a great illustration of necessity being the mother of invention, meeting the demand for sustainable fashion and bringing life back to vacant retail space. Charity Super ...
On the 27th of December 2022 the Accounting and Auditing Regulator (“ACAR”) issued a reminder regarding the submission obligations relating to the 2022 financial statements of enterprises in Cambodia. In summary enterprises that are not required to obtain an external independent audit of their 2022 financial statements are required to submit their 2022 financial statements to ACAR by the 15th of April 2023 ...
Contents Risk analysis in an evolving market Complex fund structures Typical structures in our jurisdictions Legal perspective Waiver of commitments Market risk Competition in the market Concentration risk Liquidity risk ESG risks Conclusion Risk analysis in an evolving market Despite being a relatively long-standing lending product, there have been limited public payment defaults by funds in the fund finance space ...
This article looks at current trends and influences and how we expect them to impact the market in 2023. Whilst the market rebounded tremendously following COVID-19, it is now facing fresh challenges with rising interest rates, inflation and increased regulation featuring heavily on board room agendas. It was a slower end to 2022 compared to last year, but this unrest will no doubt present opportunities (as well as risks) in the coming year for lenders and businesses alike ...
Pensions analysis: On 16 December 2022, the Pensions Regulator (TPR) published its consultation on the new defined benefit (DB) funding code of practice together with a response to its first consultation and a consultation on its proposed twin track regulatory approach to assessing valuations including its proposed Fast Track design. Suzanne Burrell, partner at Shoosmiths examines the consultation and its implications ...
FinTech is important to the financial services sector in both India and the UK. A trade agreement could facilitate FinTech growth and deepen trade between the two countries. Kiran Desai, Head of Shoosmiths Brussels is joined by colleague Prakash Kerai to host Prashanth Ramdas of Khaitan & Co ...
The UAE commercial agency regime has been a central pillar of commerce since the issuance of UAE Federal Law 18 of 1981 (the 1981 Law). While piecemeal amendments to the 1981 Law have been introduced from time to time, the UAE government has now issued UAE Federal Law 3 of 2022 concerning commercial agencies (the New Agencies Law) which repeals and replaces the 1981 Law in its entirety ...
This inBrief highlights the different aspects of venture capital, animportant source of raising money for start-up companies which donot have access to capital markets. We discuss the different types ofventure financing through which start-ups can raise money andwhich are taken into account when assessing valuations ...