On 14 October 2022, the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (“FICA”) made amendments to the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Control Regulations, 2002, which will come into force on 14 November 2022. In terms of these amendments, the prescribed amount for reporting cash transactions under section 28 of FICA to the Financial Intelligence Centre has increased from ZAR24 999 to ZAR49 999.99 ...
The world’s energy shortage crisis immensely affects the fluctuation of prices of natural gas and fuel, as well as the global economy. Many leading countries have encouraged and promoted the development and use of clean and renewable energy for sustainability ...
On September 14, 2022, the Parliament approved the draft of the Act Amending the Thai Civil and Commercial Code (the “Amendment Act”) covering Title XXII on Partnerships and Limited Companies. Under this Amendment Act, a new M&A scheme and amended corporate governance requirements have been introduced for limited companies ...
With the end of the year just around the corner, it’s a good time to reassess plans and action-items. When reviewing your year-end estate planning or business transition concerns, there are several things to contemplate and review, such as year-end gift giving and tax considerations. Below is a list of items we’ve identified that you might want to consider as you plan for the end of the year and future transitions ...
On 21 September 2022, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) issued Prakas 247/22 on the Determination of Minimum Wage for Workers in the Garment, Textile, Footwear (“GTF”), Travel Product and Bag Sectors (“Prakas 247”), to set a new minimum wage for 2023, which will be effective from 1 January 2023. Under Prakas 247, workers in the above sectors will be entitled to the following new minimum wage: for regular workers, USD 200 per month ...
The recent decision of an Inspector not to confirm a compulsory purchase order (CPO) sought by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham is a key reminder of the need to fully justify the use of CPO powers and provide appropriate supporting evidence. The decision On 4 October 2022 an Inspector decided not to confirm a compulsory purchase order (CPO) sought by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (Borough) ...
According to a 2017 report, more than half of the companies that have Black owners are turned down for loans—a rate twice as high as white business owners.[1] Even when Black business owners get approved for bank loans, their rate of failure to receive full financing is the highest among all categories by more than 10% ...
President Biden’s Executive Order on US data transfers came at the end of last week, signalling a “dramatic step” for EU-US data relations, with knock on consequences for the UK expected. The superlatives can’t get strong enough for US data lawyers commenting on its impact. The problem Under the EU and UK GDPR an international transfer requires “adequate safeguards” to be in place ...
On July 15, 2022, Justice François Lebel of the Court of Québec rendered a decision confirming that, in the case of the sale of immovable property, a clear and unambiguous exclusion clause, whereby the warranty is waived at the buyer?s risk, results in a break in the chain of title preventing the buyer from taking any legal action under such warranty against the seller and previous sellers ...
It has been a little over a year since the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), an international initiative established to combat money laundering published its Mutual Evaluation Report (“MER”) on South Africa in which it identified major “weak spots” in our compliance processes. The FATF gave the country a deadline of February 2023 to remedy all the deficiencies or face possible grey listing ...
The past two years have seen significant growth in the number of mergers and acquisitions nationwide with many business owners choosing to liquefy their assets and move on. At the same time, employers have had to cope with numerous challenges that have made the otherwise routine task of employee onboarding and I-9 preparation more difficult. Some employers (unlawfully) stopped preparing I-9s for new hires altogether ...
Mamo TCV Advocates will be at the Start Up Festival Malta organised by StartinMalta this week! The 2nd edition of the Start Up Festival will be taking place on the 13 & 14 October 2022 at Villa Bighi, Kalkara. Reach out to us to have a chat about our newly launched Start-Up Toolkit or get in touch with us on [email protected] to set up a meeting to discuss how we can help you navigate your legal & regulatory obligations ...
We are pleased to launch the Mamo TCV Start-Up Toolkit. Our start-up toolkit is a bundle of legal, corporate and regulatory services designed as a starter pack for entrepreneurs wishing to set up a business in Malta. Through the Toolkit, we aim to lower the barriers to entry for start-ups by providing key documentation required at company formation stage and guidance on how to fulfil their obligations to be in a position to launch their commercial proposition ...
After more than 10 years, the Department of Finance has finally issued Revenue Regulations (RR) 7-2022, which provides "the policies and guidelines for the availment of tax incentives under the Renewable Energy Act of 2008" ...
On 25 March 2020, the Myanmar Competition Commission issued Directive No. 2/2020 under Section 56, Subsection (b) of the Competition Law. The directive aims to prohibit unfair advertising practices, ensure fair competition among businesses, and protect the public and consumers from potential harm ...
Dr Nicholas Valenzia, head of the Aviation Practice Area at the firm, has moderated a panel focusing on the Finance and Legal aspects of Aviation, featuring Alexandra Asche, Sales Director, from Global Jet Capital and Khader Mattar, CEO, from IC Group. The firm has once again participated in the Malta Aviation Conference & Expo (MACE) held at the Hilton, Portomaso between the 5th and 6th October, 2022 ...
Kudun and Partners have successfully represented Radiant Power Co., Ltd. and Jetion Solar (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a large solar panel manufacturer backed by a Chinese-state-owned company, China National Building Materials Group Corporation, for the acquisition of 100% shares including the transfer of debts related to Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) work from Pattanathurakit Co., Ltd. for an accumulated sum of THB 960 million ...
Kudun and Partners was invited by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Thailand branch to host and provide the opening remarks for CIArb’s first in-person event in several years featuring guest speakers, Kevin Nash, SIAC Registrar and Dr. Vanina Sucharitkul, Chair of the CIArb Thailand Branch ...
Dr Nicholas Valenzia, head of our aviation practice team, will be moderating a legal and financial panel at MACE, the upcoming Malta Aviation Conference & Expo, to be held at the Hilton, Malta between the 5th and 6th October, 2022. Dr Ingrid Fenech and Dr Joshua Chircop will also be present at the conference. Please feel free to get in touch directly to make an appointment ...
Most people know that Facebook is now Meta, following a well-publicised rebrand in 2021. According to an article that appeared in the publication IP Planet: “the main goal was for this name to fit better with future developments of the company, and in particular with the emergence of the metaverse as a new virtual world.” Image source: Unsplash We reported back in 2021 on the emergence of the Metaverse ...
In this article, we look at three IP-related matters that have come up recently. THREATS - BREACH OF CONFIDENCE / PRIVATE INFORMATION There’s been an interesting UK court decision dealing with breach of confidence: Clearcourse Partnership and others v Jethwa (2022). In this case, a party involved in a business sale heard and used information that he was not supposed to hear ...
On September 30, 2022, Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 2647 (Levine) (AB 2647), slightly modifying the Brown Act's requirements for disclosure of public records related to agenda items. The bill goes into effect on January 1, 2023 ...
During the mini-Budget on 23 September 2022, the Chancellor of the Exchequer made a significant (and unexpected!) announcement that reforms previously made to the IR35 off payroll working regulations will be repealed from 6 April 2023. Quick recap Reforms were made to the IR35 regulations in both 2017 (for the public sector) and in 2021 (for the private sector) ...