The Emergency Regulations published under the National Disaster Management Act, 2002 to reduce the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) were understandably, under the circumstances, published in a hurry with a number of scenarios not being thought of and being left to interpretation. One of those is sectional title living ...
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) has been proactive in responding to the threats posed to the retirement funds industry by the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic affecting South Africa. In recent days, the FSCA has made two noteworthy pronouncements for the retirement funds sector in an effort to mitigate potential exposures that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have on the retirement funds industry ...
Section 1106 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the “CARES Act” provides a framework whereby small businesses can obtain loans from the SBA that may be forgiven to the extent of certain business expenses, including rent. Generally, when a loan is forgiven, the debtor is taxed on the amount forgiven under Internal Revenue Code §108 (subject to statutory exceptions) ...
In the wake of COVID-19, cities, counties and states across the nation are issuing shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders to curb nonessential movement of residents. States and local authorities are invoking powers to evacuate residents through statutes that have historically been used for natural disaster evacuations. While the ability to order and enforce such evacuations is not in dispute, the orders in this context raise many questions ...
President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA” or “the Act”) into law on March 18. The Act requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded Family and Medical Leave Act rights, subject to exceptions for certain healthcare providers, emergency responders, and businesses with fewer than 50 employees if compliance would jeopardize the business as a going concern ...
Unique challenges confront those businesses impacted by COVID-19 that are also in the process of implementing operational changes to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The California Attorney General begins enforcement on July 1, 2020, and recently declined to extend that date due to COVID-19. We take a look at those challenges here and propose some best practices to avoid legal liability under the CCPA ...
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT or Commission) issued three orders on March 26, 2020, establishing a new COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program for residential customers and modifying certain regulatory requirements applicable to retail electric providers (REPs) and electric utilities, including transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) ...
On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”). This historic $2 trillion relief package received bipartisan support and is part of the third wave of federal government support as the nation copes with the acute economic fallout from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The CARES Act, among other things, aims to provide significant aid to businesses and employees ...
Even such unusual circumstances as apandemic donot overthrow the general principle that contracts should be performed (pacta sunt servanda). But this does not mean that the current situation has no impact on the substance or performance of contractual obligations. Two main situations should be considered here: As aresult of the circumstances, performance of acontractual obligation has become impossible ...
M&A deals are one of the tools for pursuing business. For some they are amethod for expanding their scale of operations or generating synergies, and for others allow them to exit investments or raise capital. Thus the turbulence now felt by businesses is impacting their activity in the M&A market. While refraining from evaluating the economic impacts of the current situation, we focus on analysing selected legal aspects ...
In view of the current and imminent economic challenges, many companies are asking to what extent cooperation and concerted practices with competitors are able to ensure the supply of goods, thus cushioning the threat of an economic downturn. While the antitrust authorities have been keeping quiet on this issue for some time, several official statements have now been issued which we would like to comment on briefly below ...
In recent weeks, the corona-related effects on the economy have led to hectic activities by the EU Commission, the federal government, and the German states to make State support services available at short notice and in a manner that is as unbureaucratic as possible. This article provides an overview of the measures taken at federal and state level and their legal framework ...
A quick legal reference for banks supporting small businesses Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020, contains significant relief for small businesses affected by the national emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the aggressive actions taken by state governments across the nation to combat the spread of the virus ...
The CARES Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020 and provides emergency relief for the American economy by imposing certain restrictions on eviction, forbearance for certain loans, and foreclosure relief for owners of single-family and multi-family assets secured by federally-insured mortgages. The following is a summary of the relevant provisions. A ...
Current status: March, 30, 2020 Corona-related sales slumps in many industries are leading numerous companies to experience short-term liquidity bottlenecks. To cover these shortages quickly, the federal government adopted theKfW Special Program 2020, which is available for commercial enterprises and members of the independent professions with immediate effect. Loan terms were improved and standardized yet again to make it easier for companies to access favorable loans ...
Much like the Spring tornadoes that tear through the Midwest each year leaving damage in their wake, COVID-19 is silently tearing through the entire United States leaving a wake of destruction that has and will continue to affect state and local governmental entities for months, if not years, to come ...
On March 27, 2020, the Federal Economic Competition Commission, Mexico’s antitrust regulatory agency, (“COFECE”, for its Spanish initials) issued a press release in relation to its stance in relation to the health emergency in Mexico ...
On March 27, 2020 the Mexican Health Ministry published in the Federal Official Gazette a Presidential Decree by means of which extraordinary measures are released to face COVID-19 in those regions that are being affected ...
As the pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 virus advances in the world, the search for a vaccine will be a primary activity in which pharmaceutical scientists and laboratories will focus their efforts. This priority objective will not only have humanitarian and material effects, but also legal situations that shall be analyzed, since that invention could obtain legal protection under the figure of a patent ...
Perhaps, one of the facts which creates the highest expectations among those of us who manage the second or third defense line is risk materialization. That is to say, for a risk to become an event and generate some kind of impact. And from there on, the possibility of verifying the effectiveness of the controls designed, the residual risk and feeding back the matrix ...
UK law firm Shoosmiths has been mobilising its legal advisors and support staff to keep its clients up-to-date on the many potential impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Its free, online COVID-19 hub is already packed with a wealth of information on topics that might have both short and long-term effects on business ...
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (the Department) and the City of Chicago (the City) are providing emergency assistance for Illinois small businesses. These grants and loans are separate from incentives and programs being offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Information about the programs and how to apply is set forth below ...