Shock to UK employment world The UK employment model was turned on its head by COVID-19 and the restrictions brought in by the Government. The seismic effects of the restrictions and the speed with which they were introduced tested the adaptability and resilience of employers and employees in a way not seen previously in the UK ...
Please be informed that new laws, introducing major reform of Russian data protection and information regulation, have been passed by the Russian parliament and signed by the President of the Russian Federation, in July 2022. The reform covers: • Significant changes to the Federal Law No ...
China’s sports arbitration system was previously set out in Article 32 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Physical Culture and Sports (the “Sports Law”, as amended in 2016); however, it was never put into practice because the term was too principled in nature ...
From the legislator, it is relevant to draw attention to the new rules on remote court sessions and remote examination. The rules are based on the principle that court proceedings in Norway shall take place in a meeting where the participants are physically present. However, the preparatory works maintains that it’s time to make these regulations more flexible, to ensure appropriate, modern and efficient court proceedings ...
LG Electronics Inc. v. Immervision, Inc., Appeal Nos. 2021-2037, -2038 (Fed. Cir. 2022) In this week’s Case of the Week, the Federal Circuit considered how to treat a prior art reference in which the alleged teaching of a claim element would be understood by a skilled artisan not to be an actual teaching, but rather an error of a typographical or similar nature ...
Two more states have followed Florida’s lead in adopting laws restricting telephone solicitations. Washington State’s new law went into effect on June 9, 2022. Oklahoma’s Telephone Solicitation Act of 2022 becomes effective November 1, 2022. This means, businesses that make telephone sales calls now must navigate not only the federal statute, but various state laws, some of which are more stringent than their federal counterpart ...
The UK Government published last month its annual report on the application of the National Security and Investment Act 2021 (NSIA). The NSIA came into force on 4 January 2022. The report covers the period commencing from that date to 31 March 2022, though future annual reports will cover a full calendar year. The NSIA is already having a significant effect ...
Lauren Bowkett is a principal associate in the financial crime team at Shoosmiths. She has experience in providing financial crime compliance advice, including advice in relation to the Modern Slavery Act (“MSA 2015”). In this article Lauren takes us through the key features of the Modern Slavery Bill and gives her comment on the potential amendments. The new Modern Slavery Bill will seek to strengthen the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ...
You have the right to remain silent and to an attorney, and what you say can be used against you in a court of law. From Sergeant Joe Friday on “Dragnet” to Lennie Briscoe on “Law & Order,” millions of television viewers have been Mirandized by these all-too-familiar warnings such that they have become as much a part of police work as handcuffs and a badge ...
I. Introduction Rising interest rates and a general economic downturn in 2022 has impacted the value of digital assets, including the relatively well-established likes of Bitcoin and Ether. In addition to market headwind, momentum around federal digital assets regulation is growing, culminating in the proposed “Responsible Financial Innovation Act” (the “RFIA”) ...
Legal Notice 201 of 2022 has been published on the 13th July 2022 and will come into force on the 2nd August 2022. These regulations were enacted with the aim of transposing the EU Work-Life Balance Directive which was introduced and became part of EU law in August 2019. The main provisions of this legal notice are the following: 1 ...
The State Budget Law for 2022, Law 12/2022 of 27 June (“SBL2022”) was published on 27 June 2022 and came into force on the following day. SBL2022 is framed in a context of expectations for the economic recovery of the country in what is hoped will be a post-pandemic period. It has been presented as a budget that promotes economic recovery and reinforces policies favourable to investment. However, the greatest changes that have been proposed relate to the taxation of individuals ...
The National Consumer Service ("SERNAC") recently issued an "Interpretative Circular on native advertising and influencers" (the "Circular"), setting forth general guidelines on regulation, legal principles and good practices to the native advertising mechanism and the influencers ...
Cyber risks are increasing, and as a result, due diligence inquiries and valuations are increasingly focusing on the cybersecurity and privacy risks inherent in a business’s collection, use, retention and disposal of data. Similarly, a business’s information security posture and vulnerability to cyberattacks has become a key concern in corporate due diligence ...
NotPetya Cyber-attack In June 2017, data-destroying malware called NotPetya, which has since been attributed to Russia’s military intelligence agency, infected hundreds of organizations in dozens of countries causing an estimated $10 billion in losses ...
Article by Anne Coulon, Regional Legal Adviser of DFDL, and Pisut Rakwong, Founder of Pisut and Partners. When a dispute arises and arbitration proceedings loom, parties often need to obtain emergency relief via an injunction or an interim measure. Thailand is a party to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, and the country’s main arbitration law is the Thai Arbitration Act 2002 (“TAA”, amended in 2019) ...
‘We want to take back control’ was a common refrain during the Brexit debates prior to the vote, and since remains a mantra of the UK government. Recent views expressed by the UK government raise the question of what is meant by ‘we’. Across the Atlantic, the United States has a clear expression in its constitution – ‘We the People’ ...
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) is once again recognized by Managing IP’s IP STARS 2022 as a Tier 1 firm for its Patent practice. Earlier this year, SyCipLaw was also cited as a Tier 1 firm for its Trade mark work. In addition, the firm’s IP practitioners once again received outstanding rankings this year: Vida M. Panganiban-Alindogan, Partner and Head of IP Department (IPD), Trade Mark StarEnrique T ...
27.06.2022 In the newest episode of News from Poland—Business & Law, Jakub Barański from Wardyński & Partners’ Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice discusses arbitration as a solution to the rising number of IT-related disputes. Konrad GrotowskiNote, the link will open in a new window, host of the programme, talks about the situation in Poland for retail, real estate development, and transit of goods from Ukraine ...
On 7 July, experts from leading firms in law, communications and government relations respectively across Russia, ALRUD, EM and KESAREV held a webinar on 'Managing Legal, Communications and GR Risks for International Business in Russia in 2022'. The speakers were: German Zakharov, ALRUD Partner, Evgeny Roshkov, KESAREV Partner, and Denis Denisov, EM Partner ...
The leaked opinion overturning Roe, combined with a largely unknown workers’ compensation case pending before the Supreme Court, reveals the Biden administration’s position on cannabis: The Biden administration doesn’t care about cannabis issues ...
In a judgment delivered on the 28th of June 2022 in the names of Rapa et vs Chircop et, sworn application number 886/2018, the First Hall Civil Court was tasked with apportioning responsibility and liquidating damages consequent to a traffic accident which occurred between the car driven by the defendant Chircop and the pedestrian Rapa who had passed away as a result of the accident. In a rare decision, responsibility was not totally allocated to the driver of the vehicle ...
On July 7, 2022, the Cyberspace Administration of China (the “CAC”) formally promulgated the Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Data Transfers (the “Assessment Measures”), which specify and implement the provisions on data export in accordance with Article 37 of the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “CSL”), Article 31 of the Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “DSL”), and Article