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  Introduction   The Great Recession is producing unprecedented levels of foreclosures1¡ªdeeds©/in©/lieu of foreclosure, bankruptcies, receiverships and other transactions in which financial institutions acquire control of real estate assets that must then be managed and sold ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2011

* The New Act Respecting the Legal Publicity of Enterprises and Trusts * New Filing Requirements for Partnerships   * Requests for Production of Documents by the Tax Authorities * Your’re Fired!: The Impact on the Exercise of Stock Options THE NEW ACT RESPECTING THE LEGAL PUBLICITY OF ENTERPRISES AND TRUSTS André Paquette apaquette@lavery ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | March 2011

These days many US businesses are looking north to Canada for new markets. This paper discusses when a US business needs to worry about the Canadian tax system. The short answer comes from some of the oldest provisions in the Income Tax Act. US businesses need to worry about Canadian tax when they have a physical presence in Canada. To read this paper, click here. For more information please contact Len Glass at [email protected] or 604.631.9140 ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | March 2011

st1/:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } The long-awaited Royal Decree of 7 December 2010 on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (vastgoedbevaks/sicafi)(the “Decree”) entered into force. The new legislation brings major changes. This article gives an overview of the most important legal changes, which can broadly be categorized into four topic areas. First, the Decree establishes a moreflexible procedure for raising capital ...

In its most basic form, the guaranty is an agreement (importantly it is the guarantor’s separate contract with lender) by one party to be responsible for the debt or obligations of someone else. We all know it and love it – it is the lender’s friend. But like so many friendships, when it is built on a fundamental misunderstanding or problem, a train wreck ensues and we feel the pain ...

In the past several years, there has been an increase in cases asserting claimsunder the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act, W. Va. Code§ 46A-1-101, et seq. (“WVCCPA”) relating to illegal debt collection. The success of early suits has lead to an increased number of these lawsuits ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2011

with the assistance of Robert La Rosa, student-at-lawOn October 28, 2010, Justice Yves Poirier of the Quebec Superior Court rendered a decision, which enforced the application of new section 54.1 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (hereinafter the “BIA”). The case, Aliments Möpure inc. (Avis d’intention et de proposition de) (“Möpure”), addressed the question of whether a creditor advancing an equity claim has the right to vote at creditors’ meetings ...

The situation is this: you represent a manufacturer in a tort dispute.  During discovery, plaintiffs notice a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition of your client’s representative, but elect to forgo the deposition in exchange for negligible admissions filed by your client.  Discovery has closed.  The trial date is looming ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2011

Recently, the Exempt Organizations Office (“EO”) of the IRS released a list of 2011 initiatives, including international activities and compliance. The following are just a few of the items on the IRS’s radar for the coming year. Employment Tax Examinations. In 2011, the EO plans to conduct full examinations of 500 exempt organizations to determine compliance with employment tax rules as part of a project reviewing employment tax practices of both taxable and tax-exempt organizations ...

MinterEllison | February 2011

Alternative dispute resolution benefits the public no matter what the outcome Attorney-General Robert McClelland continues to pus alternative dispute resolution after launching the report A Strategic Framework for Access to Justice in the Federal Civil Justice System late last year. One of its main recommendations is to encourage Commonwealth agencies to use ADR ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2011

The majority of disputes are settled before trial, and an increasing number are settled before proceedings are issued. The Civil Procedure Rules that provide the framework for litigation in England and Wales encourage parties to consider alternative ways to resolve their differences. There are a variety of techniques that can be utilised to achieve an early and cost effective settlement. Collectively, these are known as ADR ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2011

The case of the arrangement respecting White Birch Paper (the “White Birch Group”) was one of the most significant matters brought before the Commercial Division of the Superior Court of Quebec in 2010. Not only did this matter receive a lot of attention on account of its crossborder aspect and the number of parties involved, it also constituted a precedent for sales of assets under the new provisions of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Ac t (the “CCAA ”) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2011

On February 8, 2011, the IRS announced a second voluntary disclosure program that will allow U.S. taxpayers to disclose offshore accounts that were previously kept secret from the IRS. U.S. citizens and resident foreign nationals are required to pay U.S. federal income tax on their worldwide income. The objective of this initiative is to bring taxpayers that have used undisclosed foreign accounts to avoid or evade taxes into compliance with United States tax laws ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2011

The last minute compromise which averted the expiration of the Bush tax cuts included a two-year modification of the estate, gift, and generation-skipping taxes. For 2011 and 2012, every individual will have a $5 million gift tax exemption. For individuals dying in 2011 or 2012, the estate tax exemption is also $5 million, and the generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax exemption for transfers during life or at death is $5 million ...

Asters | January 2011

by Iryna V. Pokanay, partner, Asters, tel. +38 044 230 6000 Gabriel P. Aslanian, associate, Asters, tel ...

In an effort to recover more than $2.5 billion, the FDIC announced earlier this month that it had authorized lawsuits against more than 100 directors and officers of failed banks. It wasted no time in showing it was serious. On January 14, 2011, the FDIC filed lawsuits against certain directors and officers of failed Integrity Bank, of Alpharetta, Georgia, and 1st Centennial Bank, of Redlands, California ...

In the wake of recent judicial decisions by the North Carolina Business Court and Eastern District Bankruptcy Court that "muddied the waters" for contractor lien rights, the North Carolina Bar Association Construction Section Lien Law Committee is drafting proposed legislation to reform North Carolina’s lien and bond laws contained in General Statutes Chapter 44A ...

The Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act (the “SAFE” Act), enacted on July 30, 2008, mandates a federal registration system for employees of banks, credit unions and their subsidiaries who engage in the business of residential mortgage loan origination ...

Asters | January 2011

Overview of the lending market  1. Please give a brief overview of the main trends and important developments in the lending market in your jurisdiction in the last 12 months. On 27 April 2010, Parliament abolished certain restrictions introduced by the Law On Amendments to certain Ukrainian laws to overcome the negative consequences of the financial crisis ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2011

In prior years, certain tax-exempt organizations whose gross receipts did not normally exceed $25,000 were exempt from filing the standard Form 990. Now, this threshold is $50,000, and for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, such organizations must submit a Form 990-N “e-Postcard” annually (rather than the Form 990-EZ or Form 990 required of larger organizations). Private foundations and supporting organizations may not file the Form 990-N ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2011

Marriage has become as globalized as business today. If one spouse is a non-citizen, there are some minor challenges in drafting estate planning documents to minimize United States estate taxes, and we recommend consulting with counsel in the non-citizen’s home country. If the non-citizen’s family has substantial wealth, there are opportunities to reduce, or even eliminate, U.S. estate and gift tax on transfers to that individual ...

Ellex Valiunas | January 2011

By Vitas Vasiliauskas, Associate Partner of the law firm LAWIN Lideika, Petrauskas, Valiûnas ir partneriai   In December 2010, the most important legislative acts on taxation to be enacted in 2011 were publicised ...

Delphi | January 2011

In a recent case by the Swedish Supreme Court (Sw. Högsta domstolen) (T 4904-08), the burden of proof of payments made by the debtor in relation to a negotiable promissory note was placed on the creditor.Since the borrowers had not confirmed that the debt had not been paid, the transferees were not in good faith in relation to the payment of the debt ...

Delphi | January 2011

As of 1 August 2010, two new pieces of legislation governing payment services came into force; the payment Services Act (Sw. Lag (2010:751) om betaltjänster) and the Act on Unauthorised Transactions with Payment Instruments (Sw. Lag (2010:738) om obehöriga transaktioner med betalningsinstrument) ...

Delphi | January 2011

A new Consumer Credit Act (Sw. Konsumentkreditlagen (2010:1846)) came into effect on 1 January 2011. The Act implements the Consumer Credit Directive (Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Council Directive 87/102/EEC). The Directive’s purpose is to enhance consumer protection by addressing some of the indebtedness problems caused by text message loans (Sw ...
