The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld parts of a Texas District Court ruling by restricting the use of Mifepristone, while allowing Mifepristone to remain on the market.[1] This is the latest ruling in an ongoing legal battle that has left the future of abortion medications in a state of flux. Dinsmore previously discussed the original April 2023 ruling that led to the most recent development ...
Recently, China's healthcare industry has been subject to a rigorous inspection and rectification initiatives focusing on anti-corruption. These initiatives have attracted widespread attention in the industry, and we have received numerous media and customer inquiries regarding such issues ...
In its judgement delivered on 14th June 2023 in the names of Marco Aquilina & Euro Concrete Blocks Limited vs. Ir-Registratur tal-Kumpaniji, the Civil Court (Commerce Section), presided over by Mr. Justice Ian Spiteri Bailey, decided in favour of the plaintiffs, who successfully challenged the payment and settlement of various alleged administrative penalties imposed by the Registrar of Companies. The pertinent facts of the case are as follows ...
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A recent case has seen trustees apply for and obtain court approval for a trustee petition to wind-up the scheme's sponsoring employers. This is a relatively unusual case, but the trustees had reached a point where no other options were available to them ...
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler is pleased to announce the publication of the latest edition of the New York Commercial Division Practice Guide. As with previous editions, the guide is organized into various chapters containing useful information about litigating in the Commercial Division of the New York State Supreme Court, the “premier forum” for litigating commercial cases ...
Blood donation plays a critical role in healthcare, and with the continuous increase of the Maltese population, staff blood donation is becoming all the more important. Malta relies heavily on blood donations to meet the needs of its healthcare system. While voluntary blood donation is always encouraged, staff blood donation can help spur those who would otherwise be hesitant about donating blood or who might even have never donated blood before ...
The BVI is a leading international financial centre, and BVI companies play a significant role in the flow of capital across the global economy. As global economic conditions become more challenging, lenders are increasingly reliant on formal insolvency procedures to realise value from distressed assets. As a result, the past year has seen a marked increase in the use of statutory demands against BVI companies as a precursor to an application to appoint liquidators ...
December 2015 By: Bailee Pelham "Previous research on the mental health of firefighters has shown that they are at a greater risk than the majority of the population to develop various mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, and post-traumatic stress disorder ...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has announced its proposed rules for the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment (“OPPS”) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (“ASC”) Payment Systems, as well as its calendar year (CY) 2024 proposed Physician Fee Schedule (“PFS”), (collectively the “Proposed Rules”) ...
In its second tranche of major standards reduction, The Joint Commission will eliminate or consolidate 210 accreditation standards across many of its programs. The modification to the affected standards will be effective August 27, 2023. The reduction is part of a major review effort of Joint Commission requirements announced in September of 2022 ...
Last Wednesday (July 26), the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) handed down its highly awaited decision on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions (software patents). In Canada (Attorney General) v. Benjamin Moore & Co. (2023 CAF 168), the FCA rejected the test proposed by the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) in the first instance decision, Benjamin Moore & Co. c. Canada ...
The Cayman Islands Court of Appeal ("CICA") has delivered a valuable judgment on the application of section 238 of the Companies Act (as revised) in Re Trina Solar Limited.[1] This case update can be read in conjunction with our previous briefing setting out certain practical points to note in 'fair value' appraisal proceedings ...
The concept of "patient-centered" has become the core guiding principle in current research and development ("R&D") of drugs. "Patient-centered" drug R&D refers to the process of drug discovery, design, implementation and decision-making based on the patient's point of view, with the aim of efficiently developing clinically valuable drugs that better meet the needs of patients ...
This year, the Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) and the Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) have been modifying antitrust guidance related to healthcare, and recently enacted three notable changes. First, the FTC and DOJ jointly issued updated Draft Merger Guidelines (the “Draft Guidelines”) to address the way the agencies evaluate a merger to determine its effect on competition ...
Australia's Federal Court finds in favour of Nine newspapers against Ben Roberts-Smith. The judgement is a win for investigative journalism and the public’s right to know. Defence was lead by Peter Bartlett, MinterEllison. Nine newspapers’ victory in the Ben Roberts Smith vs Nine defamation case strengthens a core principle of journalism, and key tenant of democracy, which is the public’s right to know ...
On 13 July 2023, the UK government planned increases to fees across a range of immigration and nationality routes including the immigration health surcharge. The immigration health surcharge (IHS) is set to see a huge increase of around 66%. The current standard IHS rate is £624 per person per year of leave to remain granted and this will increase to £1,035. Similarly, the discounted rate for students and under-18s will increase from £470 per year to £776 ...
On July 14, 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC ("MOST") issued the Notice on Updating the Guidelines on Administrative Approval Items and the Scope and Procedures for Filing and Prior Reporting of Human Genetic Resources, which unveiled six documents, including the administrative guidelines on collection approval, biobanking approval, exportation approval and international collaboration approval of human genetic resources ("HGRs"), as well as the scope and procedures for int
On 10 July 2023, the Maltese Parliament resolved in favour of several amendments to the Consumer Affairs Act. These amendments serve two purposes. Firstly, the Consumer Claims Tribunal can now hear consumer claims of up to €10,000. This amendment represents a significant increase in the value of the claims that can be heard by the arbiter given the previous threshold of €5,000 ...
In its judgment of 4 May 2023 (Case C-487/21), the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) specified the scope of the right to obtain a “copy” of personal data in the context of the right of access. The ECJ ruled that the copy must be used to provide the data subject with a faithful and intelligible reproduction of all personal data that are the subject of the processing ...
On 16 June 2023 the High Court handed down its first instance decision in the case of Virgin Media Limited v NTL Pension Trustees II Limited and others, dealing with the impact on amendments affecting contracted out rights of failing to obtain a section 37 certificate ...
We look at the latest events concerning the dispute between the UK Covid-19 Inquiry and the Cabinet Office over the former Prime Minister’s WhatsApp messages and diaries ...
Infrastructure 1 Is your state a party to the New York Convention? Are there any noteworthy declarations or reservations? Yes, Ukraine is a party to the New York Convention. It was ratified in 1960 by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) (as a part of the former Soviet Union). Following the declaration of independence in 1991, Ukraine confirmed its obligations under all international treaties entered into by the Ukrainian SSR, including the New York Convention ...
There are a number of reasons why parties who have agreed to arbitrate disputes (ordinarily by way of an arbitration clause in a contract) may later wish to litigate their dispute in the UAE courts. A common reason is the cost of arbitration, which can be quite significant compared to the cost of litigating in the UAE Courts ...