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Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2015

As part of the implementation of the Mexican energy reform, the Mexican government has selected certain fields that will gradually be tendered to foreign and domestic companies for hydrocarbon exploration and production projects. Round One comprises 109 blocks for exploration and 60 blocks for production, and includes new areas of different sizes and types of resources, including: (i) deep-water; (ii) shallow-water; and (iii) on-shore fields ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2015

Even in a difficult commodity price environment, acquisition transactions can produce lucrative opportunities for buyers of oil and gas interests and creditor relief for sellers. One type of transaction in particular provides an opportunity for distressed sellers not only to avoid bankruptcy, but also eliminate the greatest amount of debt possible that is secured by its oil and gas properties ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2015

Dozens of North American oil and gas producers have commenced Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases this year, including most recently, Escalara Resources Co., RAAM Global Energy Company, Miller Energy Resources, Inc., and Parallel Energy LP ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2015

As we continue our series of articles relating to distressed commodity prices in the oil and gas market, we expound on the option to monetize assets that are not included in the calculation of your borrowing base. This topic was briefly discussed in our article, “A Dozen Ways to Stretch Your Borrowing Base.” Under reserve based loans (“RBLs”), producing reserves have always been what one may call the “belle of the ball ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2015

The court of appeal of Quebec recently ruled on a leave to appeal from an interlocutory judgment dismissing a wellington type motion seeking to order an insurer to take up the defence of its insured.The decision of the Court inTechnologies CII inc.v.Société d’assurances générales Northbridge1follows the one issued on April 21, 2015 by the Honourable Michel A ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2015

Quebec mining, oil and gas companies are heceforth subject to the imposing disclosure regime under theact respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries(the "act"), which came into force last October 21. This statute echoes theExtractive Sector Transparency Measures Act(Canada),1which took effect on June 1, 2015, and follows a global trend to increase the transparency of mining, oil and gas exploration and development ...

Wardynski & Partners | November 2015

Signing the transatlantic free-trade agreement could increase Europe’s energy security. The trick is how to compete with American companies that are already using cheaper energy and don’t have to comply with the same restrictions on CO2 emissions. The 10th round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement, or TTIP as it is known, was held in Brussels in July 2015 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2015

The Interior Board of Land Appeals (“IBLA”) has issued its long awaited decision on an appeal by an offshore service contractor challenging the authority of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (“BSEE”) to issue a citation directly to the service company for a violation of federal offshore regulations. As the first formal opinion issued by any appellate body on the issue, the IBLA decision has widespread implications for the offshore services industry ...

As is commonly held by energy sector experts, the game-changing development of the shales and the resurgence of natural gas as a virtually new, huge, versatile, long-term fuel, with a shrinking environmental footprint, is based upon the synergistic deployment of several key technologies ...

Makarim & Taira S. | October 2015

Under Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 23 of 2015 dated 31 July 2015 on the Delegation of Authority to Issue Oil and Gas Business License in the Framework of One-Stop Integrated Services to the Head of BKPM (“Regulation 23/2015”), the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has delegated its authority to issue oil and gas business licenses for capital investment to the Head of BKPM ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2015

Empezaron las eliminatorias al próximo Mundial pero las investigaciones por sobornos de la FIFA continúan – tendrán cobertura bajo pólizas de seguros las compañías y altos ejecutivos siendo investigados?El Comité de Ética de la FIFA anunció el 8 de octubre la suspensión provisional por 90 días de Joseph Blatter, presidente de la FIFA, y de Michel Platini, presidente de UEFA y vicepresidente de FIFA, entre otras suspensiones que fueron anunciadas en ese mismo momento ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2015

The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) is embarking on a compliance initiative to ensure that sources that handle hazardous waste are complying with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (“RCRA”) requirements, particularly that sources are operating within their correct generator status, disclosing certain hazardous waste activities, and submitting required reports ...

Wardynski & Partners | October 2015

The issue of decarbonisation of the economies of EU member states, and in particular Poland, generates a lot of heat. Decarbonising the economy was named as one of the EU’s five energy priorities in the Commission communication entitled “A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy.” In European Union documents, decarbonisation means elimination of CO2 emissions because of their harmfulness to the environment ...

ENSafrica | October 2015

It is common knowledge that electricity is a main driver of the economy and a country’s electricity strategy will largely determine the long-term sustainability of an economy. The relationship between the Chinese economic miracle and the science behind the development of its electricity strategy is inseparable. Africa, as the centrepiece of development in the world, will require a practical strategy for electricity in order to guarantee the stable development of its economies ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2015

Under longstanding regulations governing its risk management program, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (“BOEM”) may require an offshore oil and gas lessee or operator operating on the Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”) to provide additional security, over and above standard security requirements, if BOEM determines that the security is necessary to ensure compliance with OCS lease obligations ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2015

In a decision involving claims of underground trespass and tortious interference, the San Antonio Court of Appeals held that a surface owner could grant permission to a third-party to drill through the mineral estate underlying the surface and that the lessee “has no right to exclude others from the earth surrounding the oil and gas hydrocarbons” on the lease. Lightning Oil Co. v. Anadarko E&P Onshore LLC, No. 04-14-00903-CV, 2015 WL 4933439, --- S.W.3d --- (Tex ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2015

The financial pressures resulting from the “narrow network” phenomenon are well-known to healthcare providers and payers. Many providers have been eliminated from existing networks in order to allow participating providers access to a greater volume of patients. Those remaining providers have seen lower reimbursement rates and other cost containment measures ...

As reported in the July 2015 IOGA News, on June 24, 2015, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (“WVDEP”) filed a proposed legislative rule amending the Horizontal Well Development Rule, 35 C.S.R. 8 (the “Horizontal Well Rule”), which established a public comment deadline on July 27, 2015. Then on June 25, 2015, WVDEP filed three proposed legislative rules implementing the Aboveground Storage Tank Act, as amended, W. Va. Code § 22-30-1, et seq. (“AST Act”) ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2015

A Texas federal court recently ordered an insurer to reimburse an oil and gas company for costs and expenses incurred while defending against environmental claims. The court found that a duty to defend existed even though the insured failed to immediately notify the insurer of the occurrence, giving rise to the claim as required by the insurance policy, and despite alleged willful miscon- duct that was excluded from coverage under the policy ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2015

Environmental groups are attempting to enlist the U.S. Department of Commerce in their fight against fracking operations and climate change by petitioning DOC to ban natural gas exports under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA).To read the full alert, click here ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2015

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) released its Clean Power Plan (“CPP”), the cornerstone of the Obama Administration’s multi-faceted regulatory approach to address climate change.1 The final rule is centered on reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2015

This is the age of government regulation. Businesses pay millions of dollars each year to comply with ever-increasing regulatory requirements intended to avoid catastrophic loss to persons and property. While corporate America underwrites the lion’s share of the cost associated with enhanced safety, the benefits are realized primarily by consumers, politicians and insurers. Yes, insurers. A dollar spent on preventing loss is a dollar saved by insurance companies ...
