On 25 September 2020 Parliament approved the final draft of the revised Data Protection Act (rev-DPA).(1) The rev-DPA is expected to enter into force in 2022. However, it is subject to a facultative referendum and the corresponding ordinance will be adapted accordingly – thus, the rev-DPA is still a work in progress ...
On July 10, 2020, the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) released a Risk Alert highlighting the dangers of ransomware to SEC-registered entities, including investment advisers. The Risk Alert is a response to a marked uptick in both the prevalence and sophistication of ransomware attacks in recent months. Ransomware is a type of malware used by criminals to gain control of your or your firm’s confidential information and customer data ...
In response to the ongoing disruption caused by COVID-19, OCIE issued a Risk Alert on Aug. 12, 2020. In the Risk Alert, OCIE makes various observations and recommendations which fall into six different categories: (1) protection of investors’ assets; (2) supervision of personnel; (3) practices relating to fees, expenses, and financial transactions; (4) investment fraud; (5) business continuity; and (6) the protection of investor and other sensitive information ...
OCIE’s most recent Risk Alert, published Sept. 15, 2020, address another cybersecurity issue, this time highlighting the dangers of “credential stuffing.” Credential stuffing is a method of cyberattack that uses compromised client login credentials and can lead to loss of customer assets and the disclosure of confidential or other personal information. Hackers will obtain groups or lists of usernames, email addresses, and their passwords from sellers on the dark web ...
AELEX is the exclusive contributor to the Nigerian Chapter of The Legal 500 (Legalease): Franchise and Licensing Country Comparative Guides. The country specific Guide provides a pragmatic overview of how businesses can set up franchises and also license their technology and intellectual property rights in Nigeria. The Guide was authored by our Davidson Oturu,Tiwalola Osazuwa and Kofoworola Oyegunle. Please click here to read the Guide ...
Law 58/2020 of 31 August implements into Portuguese law Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing. It enshrines in the Portuguese legal framework a first approach to the regulation of entities that engage in activities with virtual assets ...
The electronic commerce industry is expected to expand by five to seven percent in the coming years while the streaming services business is also expected to exponentially grow, with more and more Filipinos opting to do their transactions online, as well as accessing Internet-based content and entertainment. Philippine authorities are inevitably focusing their regulatory gaze on these enterprises. A ...
What Happened: The US warns victims of ransomware and companies facilitating ransomware payments of potential Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) violations in light of rising ransomware attacks. The Bottom Line: Individuals and companies risk potential civil penalties based on strict liability if a ransomware payment involves a person or entity on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (“SDN List”) ...
The functioning of the World Wide Web is in many ways dependent on the use of hyperlinks. Many of those hyperlinks refer to works protected by copyright. In his recent Opinion, Advocate General Szpunar has considered which kinds of hyperlinks should be regarded as a communication to the public that require the copyright holder’s prior authorisation ...
On October 01, 2020, Law No. 17 ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been not only causing major social upheaval but disrupting business development and the economy as well. Nevertheless, since last March, we have seen many developments and new projects involving self-driving vehicles (SDV). Here is an overview ...
The Retail Industry team would like to provide you with an update on legal developments in the retail and consumer products industries as posted on the Hunton Retail Law Resource blog. If you wish to receive email alerts when new posts are published, please visit our blog and enter your email address in the subscribe field ...
Part 2 of this series is about data protection. In case of questions, please contact Zoltán Balázs Kovács. How do you secure data in the home office environment? What policies should be in place to secure data and devices? What does a data breach mean? Employers must comply with the principle of accountability and demonstrate compliance (including by way of applying proper internal policies). This is important also from the perspective of data security ...
An app that has captivated Generation Z with the ability to create and share videos has been dragged into the US-China power struggle, becoming its latest flashpoint. The current social media darling, TikTok, boasts 800 million active users. Reports value it at up to US$50 billion (S$68.4 billion). Considering that its Beijing-based app maker launched it worldwide only two years ago, that represents huge growth ...
THE POSITION BEFORE THE SEC STATEMENT The Security and Exchange Commission of Nigeria (the “SEC” or the “Commission”) on 14 September 2020, released their Statement on Digital Assets and their Classification and Treatment (the “Statement”) pursuant to the powers conferred on it by the Investment and Securities Act 2007[1](“ISA”) ...
DataSecurityLaw.com is the firm’s resource for the latest news, analysis, and thought leadership in the critical area of privacy and cybersecurity law. Patterson Belknap’s Privacy and Data Security practice provides public and private enterprises, their leadership teams and boards with comprehensive services in this critical area ...
Part 1 of this series discusses labour law and labour safety issues. What is it that has changed regarding home office and teleworking because of Covid-19? What can we expect in the future? How can employers prepare for the “new normal” and how can employees manage things from their side? Before Covid-19, teleworking and working from home in Hungary represented a percentage of 1.2 among employees aged between 15-64, according to Eurostat ...
Key Notes FDA announces flexible approach to enforcement of Nutrition and Supplement Facts labeling requirements for small food manufacturers and manufacturers of packaging for single-ingredient sugars, in part due to the impacts of COVID-19. The FDA adopted final rules updating the Nutrition and Supplement Facts1 labeling requirements (the “Rules”) that are effective on Jan ...
Key Points Governor Newsom signed a new law establishing Brown Act rules for social media communications. Members of a legislative body may communicate on social media without fear of creating a serial meeting in violation of the Brown Act. Members of a legislative body may not respond directly on social media to other members of the same legislative body. On Sept.18, 2020, Governor Newson signed Assembly Bill (AB) 992 into law ...
On September 6th, 2020, “Rules for the Consideration and Resolution of Administrative Disputes by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property”, approved by the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economic Development (“Rules”) came into force. The Rules were developed jointly with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) ...
Cybersecurity will generally be a significant issue for businesses in the years to come. With teleworking, cloud computing and the advent of artificial intelligence, large amounts of data are likely to fall prey to hackers attracted by the personal information or trade secrets contained therein. From a legal standpoint, businesses have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect the personal information they hold ...
DIFC entities have until 1 October 2020 to ensure that their data processing activities are compliant with the new Data Protection Law (DIFC Law 5 of 2020) (the DP Law). Who is subject to the DP Law? • DIFC entities.• Non-DIFC entities that regularly engage with DIFC entities as part of a “stable arrangement”, which involve data being processed in the DIFC and/or transferred out of the DIFC. Practical Guidance 1. Maintain a record of Personal Data. 2 ...
The world is gradually embracing remote working as an alternative way of work – hosting virtual meetings, supporting customers through online communications, and accessing data remotely from outside the office. In the past, working from home (WFH) had not been popular in Hong Kong even though evolving technologies and improved Internet speed made it possible for digital migration ...
To create the most favorable environment for the intensive development of the IT industry and pooling resources for the new projects, the Russian Government has adopted a Law introducing a number of changes and tax incentives for the IT and Technology Companies. It will be effective starting from January 1st, 2021. Below, we provide our consolidated analysis of the new rules and recommendations on steps to be taken to prepare for the forthcoming changes ...
COVID-19 has sent many employers into a workforce management tailspin. Laws, regulations, and recommendations change daily, and as the pandemic continues to affect the workplace, the risk of legal complacency increases. The list below identifies the top 10 mistakes for employers to avoid during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mistake 1: Failing To Prepare and Update a COVID-19 Response Plan ...