From ground-breaking discoveries such as penicillin and insulin, to the development of the MRI body scanner and the creation of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell ...
The Australian life sciences and biotech sector is likely to continue its resurgence over the next twelve months, with global trends driving strong M&A activity in life sciences and biotech M&A. We have identified 6 key themes for activity in this sector. Three Key Opportunities 1. Demographic Trend According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, healthcare expenditure in Australia is growing faster than population growth and GDP growth ...
With investors such as the Scottish Investment Bank, the soon-to-be-launched Scottish National Investment Bank and the Epidarex Life Sciences Fund all increasingly paying attention to the life sciences sector against the backdrop of an increasingly competitive life sciences market in Scotland, now is a great time to consider whether your business is ready for investment, and how it could be standing out in order to attract investors ...
Scotland is currently home to one of the largest life science clusters in Europe, with more than 700 organisations based here employing some 37,000 people. With 15 universities producing highly skilled graduates; the NHS as a massive single source of patient data; and world leading research centres in life sciences, Scotland attracts some of the brightest international scientists and life science businesses ...
Resolution number 217/2018 was published in the Brazilian PTO’s Official Bulletin number 2470, and amends Resolution number 80/2013, which refers to the fast-track examination for patent applications related to products, pharmaceutical processes, equipment and materials related to public health, aiming to accelerate patent applications considered strategic to the Brazilian Public Healthcare System ...
The Australian life sciences and biotech sector is likely to continue its resurgence over the next twelve months, with global trends driving strong M&A activity in life sciences and biotech M&A. We have identified 6 key themes for activity in this sector. Three Key Opportunities Demographic Trend According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, healthcare expenditure in Australia is growing faster than population growth and GDP growth ...
The Danish government has now published its life science growth plan, which aims at making Denmark a leading life science nation in Europe. The growth plan is based on the recommendations submitted by the Growth Team for Life Science. Plesner has previously reported on the topic.1 The growth plan contains 36 initiatives in 6 key areas. One of the many initiatives is a pilot scheme for risk sharing in the drug reimbursement system ...
On July 11, 2018, then-U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb made a public statement about the agency’s efforts to advance the development of gene therapies.[1] Gottlieb pointed out that the FDA has approved three separate gene therapy products and the agency has issued six scientific guidance documents intended to serve as building blocks of a modern, comprehensive framework for how the FDA can advance the field of gene therapy ...
In recent months a Customs Destination Certificate (CDA, in its Spanish acronym) will be required for medical devices1that do not have a sanitary registration to be imported into Chile. The CDA must be requested and obtained by the importer through the Institute of Public Health’s (ISP, id.) GICONA 2.0 electronic platform, and will require the payment of an official fee corresponding to the service code 4111027, “Customs Destination Certificate, law 18,164” ...
Artificial intelligence technologies are extremely promising in healthcare.1 By examining, cross-referencing and comparing a phenomenal amount of data.2 AI lets researchers work more quickly at a lower cost3 and facilitates doctors’ decision-making with regard to diagnosis, treatment and choice of prescription. The integration of AI into the healthcare field can take various forms:4 Management of electronic medical records (e.g ...
Earlier this year the Danish parliament adopted a new Act to establish a national genome center that will develop and run a nationwide information infrastructure for personalised medicines. The National Genome Center will provide a common infrastructure with capacity for genome sequencing and a national genome data base. Persons within the healthcare sector and patients will receive information on the use of patient treatment ...
Biosimilar developers have been aggressive in filing petitions for inter partesreviews of biologics patents before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, many ofthem preceding the filing of a marketing application. Such early IPRs are attractiveto biosimilar makers, because they provide a chance to challenge innovator patentsyears before the biosimilar maker files a marketing application with the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration ...
Activists are recasting risk in a way that can only damage industry Last August, a California jury awarded plaintiff Eva Echeverria a total of $417m in compensatory and punitive damages in a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Her case was that the company should have warned consumers that studies had found an inconclusive correlation between ovarian cancer and talcum powder ...
More than two and a half years after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it was reevaluating its regulatory framework for homeopathic products, the FDA released its Draft Guidance on Drug Products Labeled as Homeopathic. The Draft Guidance summarizes the FDA’s current enforcement perspective on homeopathic products and provides a list of the FDA’s enforcement priorities.The bills reawakened a debate about the pros and cons of POHs ...
Inter partes review proceedings for biosimilar products are soaring. Biosimilar makers are taking advantage of IPR proceedings to challenge patents protecting some of the world's most important biologic medicines due to the advantages that these proceedings offer: no standing requirement, no presumption of validity, a lower burden of proof and potentially broader claim construction. More than half of the IPR petitions challenging these patents were filed in fiscal 2017 ...
The Australian life sciences and biotech sector is likely to continue its resurgence over the next twelve months, with global trends driving strong M&A activity in life sciences and biotech M&A. We have identified 6 key themes for activity in this sector. Opportunities and Challenges – 6 Key Themes Three Key Opportunities 1 ...
In recent months, the Senate passed the Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination (Genetic Non-Discrimination Act). This Act also amended the Canada Labour Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act. The new Act aims to regulate the use of genetic tests, namely, tests that analyze the DNA1, RNA2 or chromosomes of a person for predictive or monitoring purposes or for establishing a diagnosis or prognosis, mainly within a contractual framework ...
The Danish Government's Growth Team has just Presented its Recommendations for how to Strengthen Denmark's International Position within Life Science. This happened at a Press Conference with the Participation of the Chair of the Growth Team, Kåre Schultz and the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Brian Mikkelsen ...
Today, we are at a time where two-generation professionals are actively developing and competing with each other within their own career. The well-known "millenials" or generation "Y", born according to some analysts between the years 1981 to 1999, and where the majors of this generation are already in the 36 years of life, and those of the generation X ...
Few areas of law have proven more dynamic over the last few years than the interplay between state tort laws and the federal regulation of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices. During its last two terms, the United States Supreme Court has issued three separate opinions addressing federal preemption of state law claims under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ...
On October 3rd ALRUD Law Firm Partner Anton Dzhuplin joined a workshop of international Conference “What is happening in pharmaceutical market?”, which took place at “PHARMASTRATEGIES-2017” summit. The conference annually brings together Country managers, CEOs, top-managers of pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors and retailers, heads of associations, representatives of regulatory authorities, professional and business media ...
Zoetis, the animal health company, has acquired Danish biotech company Scandinavian Micro Biodevices for USD 80 million (approximately DKK 533 million). Plesner assisted Zoetis with the transaction. Zoetis Inc. has acquired Scandinavian Micro Biodevices ApS for the purpose of extending its pipeline of veterinary diagonistics products ...
Article 81 of the Food Safety Law of the PRC (the “Food Safety Law”), revised in 2015, stipulates that the product formulas for infant formula milk powder shall be registered with the food and drug administration under the State Council ...
1. What Is the Size of the Market and What Are Current Trends in Switzerland? Life Sciences is one of the most dynamic and most rapidly growing sectors in Switzerland with respect to both the industrial and the academic dimension. In 2013, the total financing volume amassed by Swiss biotech companies more than doubled compared to the previous year’s figure, reaching USD 325 million, which amounts to an increase of 112% ...
Recently the “guideline for the supervision and regulation of the nutritional composition of foodstuff and its advertisement (“the guideline”) was published by the Undersecretary of Health.The guideline´s main objective is to, “guide the process of supervision and regulation of foodstuff”, taking into consideration the upcoming implementation of Decree No. 13 (June 27, 2016), which modifies the Health Regulations for Food Products ...