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Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | February 2020

SVW has, across its offices, been giving guidance to clients both under English and Norwegian law as to the Coronavirus impact on shipping contracts, including on force majeure and similar exceptions clauses, and contract frustration. Read our recent publication, touching upon these issues. The Covid19 Virus Only two months have passed since the novel coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, China ...

Makarim & Taira S. | February 2020

There had been several drafts of the law on Personal Data Protection until the final draft that was submitted by the Indonesian Government to the House of Representatives on 24 January 2020 (“Final Draft Law”). When passed, it will be Indonesia’s first framework legislation to specifically deal with and serve as the ‘umbrella regulation’ on personal data protection ...

ENSafrica | February 2020

In terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (the “MHSA”), the employer of a mine is required to ensure health and safety as far as reasonably practicable (sections 2 and 5) ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2020

Thailand is at a powerful crossroads in its economic development. After several decades of consistent growth, it is now preparing to finally break through and become a high-income nation. To do this, it is focusing on smart industry. A high-income Thailand is one driven by technological progress, so the government has begun pouring money into robotics and automation ...

Kudun and Partners | February 2020

Thailand’s future is set to be more connected, technologically advanced and economically prosperous than ever. This being driven by one development in particular: the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of Intellectual Property has raised some very interesting questions and debate. The patentability of AI related inventions, proprietary issues of inventorship and the lack of adequate regulations and standards have left some open-ended questions. AI related inventions generally use techniques like machine learning, deep learning and neural networks ...

ENSafrica | February 2020

Below, please find ENSafrica’s Mining Indaba ENSight, covering trends and recent developments impacting South Africa’s mining industry in the coming year; and the controversial issue of artisanal mining in South Africa: South Africa: legislative developments in mining in 2020 and their relation to optimising growth and investment in the digitised mining economy (Lloyd Christie) Calls to decriminalise artisanal mining (interview with Ntsiki-Adonisi Kgame, fi

Carey | February 2020

On November 11, Law No. 21, 180 on Digital Transformation of the Administration was published. Its purpose is to initiate the process of digitalization and modernization of the administrative procedures followed before the Chilean Government administration bodies ...

Carey | February 2020

In November 2019, the Financial Market Commission published, for public consultation purposes, a proposed amendment to its Updated Regulations Compendium (URC), by means of enacting a new Chapter 20-10, on Information Security Management and Cybersecurity (the New Regulation) ...

In a prior issue, we discussed how blockchain technology is poised to change the way various industries work. Many have theorized this technology is a game-changer that threatens to usher in a new way of conducting business worldwide. Those industries have continued to invest in blockchain technology at an ever-increasing rate. Banks and other financial institutions have not been left out of this as several have joined large consortiums that aim to study and implement this technology ...

In last quarter’s issue, we discussed the rise of digital currencies and the blockchain, or distributed ledger, technology that supports them. We now turn our focus to how the financial industry and governments have embraced this technology and are working to adapt it to traditional banking services and applications as far ranging as recording property transfers and safeguarding nuclear missiles ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | January 2020

On Jan. 15, 2019, the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) shared a bulletin published by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Critical Infrastructure Protection Public-Private Partnership (ASPR CIP) regarding a number of vulnerabilities identified in Microsoft Windows operating systems, which if not addressed, pose significant a threat to the environment. On Jan ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | January 2020

On Jan. 14, 2020, Microsoft ended support for its Windows 2007 operating system. This means Microsoft will no longer issue regular security updates for users of Window 2007. The process of issuing security updates for computer systems is commonly referred to as “patching.” Similar to fabric patches that repair holes in clothing, software patches repair holes in computer programs ...

ENSafrica | January 2020

On 17 January 2020, the Chief Inspector of Mines for the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy issued new guidelines and guidance notes in the Government Gazette in terms of section 49(6) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (the "MHSA"), making these guidelines legally enforceable. These new guidelines and guidance notes must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the MHSA ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | January 2020

This article updates information published in "Is Your Online Business Accessible To Persons With Disabilities?" In 2018, practitioners scouring nationwide federal court records identified more than 2,250 lawsuits filed alleging website inaccessibility under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)1 ...

Walder Wyss Ltd. | January 2020

On 1 January 2020 the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) implemented various revised rules primarily targeting small banks (the so-called 'small banks regime'). Among other aspects, this will result in a relaxation of IT outsourcing requirements for financial institutions. In this respect, a revised FINMA Outsourcing Circular is available in English and German, French ...

TSMP Law Corporation | January 2020

Oh what a year it has been. 2019 has been a rollercoaster ride: Trump accelerates and then suddenly slams on the brakes on his tit-for-tat trade war with China. Hong Kong, hitherto the paradigm of pragmatism, lies smouldering as months of pro-democracy protests see no end. A Swedish girl (celebrating her 17th birthday just last Friday) becomes the unlikely face of environmentalism, shaming Boomers for doing nothing about climate change in front of the UN ...

Walder Wyss Ltd. | December 2019

While many countries have introduced far-reaching obligations to report cyber incidents, Switzerland has not yet followed this lead. However, on 13 December 2019 the Federal Council adopted a report which considers key issues with regard to the introduction of a general reporting obligation for operators of critical infrastructure. The report also discusses possible implementation models. A decision is expected by the end of 2020 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2019

Summary of Public Policy and Prior Amendments The Minimum Fuels Storage Public Policy (the “Public Policy”) was released by Mexico’s Ministry of Energy (“SENER”) on December 12, 2017. The objective is to improve energy security in Mexico and ensure adequate energy supply and competitive prices, through the establishment of mandatory minimum fuel inventories and reporting obligations ...

Walder Wyss Ltd. | December 2019

On 27 November 2019 the Federal Council adopted a dispatch message to improve the legal framework governing distributed ledger technologies (DLT) in Switzerland. The Federal Council's objective is to increase legal certainty, remove obstacles to DLT-based applications and limit the risk of abuse. Parliament will examine the dispatch message in early 2020. The government's press release is available in English, German, French and Italian ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2019

Data protection in the United States is about to undergo a major change, and everyone needs to be ready. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), signed into law June 28, 2018, enters into effect Jan. 1, 2020. It creates several new obligations for many United States-based businesses with regard to the collection, treatment, and sale of personal information ...

 On 16 December 2019, the European Commission approved under EU State aid rules, five schemes to support maritime transport in Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Poland and Sweden. As far as Cyprus is concerned, the Commission approved the prolongation of a tonnage tax and seafarer scheme in Cyprus. The Commission found that the schemes comply with the rules limiting tonnage taxation to eligible activities and vessel ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | December 2019

Small Claims Appeal Application (District Court, Tel Aviv) 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al. The District Court in Tel Aviv-Yafo with an expanded three judge panel, rejected Iberia Airlines' appeal in the matter 56432-07-17 Iberia Airlines v. Fleisher Peled et al ...

With an increase in recent years of mass tort litigations and runaway jury verdicts, the scope and complexity of product liability and mass torts litigation continues to expand. The result:  product manufacturers face ever-growing potential risk and exposure. While in the past, manufacturers may have viewed products liability litigation as an inherent risk of doing business, the current legal climate has resulted in products liability litigation being far from business as usual ...

TSMP Law Corporation | December 2019

Will the release of its digital currency be China’s next salvo in its bid for world domination?One of the biggest developments in global finance has recently occurred, but not enough people are talking about it. It features technology, money and a battle between global superpowers ...
