On April 10, 2020 the Department of Health and Human Services distributed the first $30 billion in healthcare relief funds. On April 22, HHS followed by allocating another $40 billion in relief funds. These funds will provide much needed assistance to healthcare providers absorbing costs and suffering losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Presidential Directive No. 4 of 2020 (Directive) is the most recent measure taken in the DIFC to ensure proper management in the DIFC during COVID-19. The Directive, issued on 21 April 2020 with immediate effect, announced employment and workforce measures which shall stay in effect up to and including 31 July 2020 (referred to herein as COVID-19 emergency period). We will discuss in this inBrief employment measures included in the Directive ...
Nursing home and other long-term care facilities are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic because their residents are at the highest risk for contracting the disease. It has been recently reported that 20 percent of all deaths in the United States from the coronavirus are associated with infections developed in nursing homes. Due to the current inconsistencies in reporting procedures, the actual numbers may be higher ...
Nursing home and other long-term care facilities are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic because their residents are at the highest risk for contracting the disease. It has been recently reported that 20 percent of all deaths in the United States from the coronavirus are associated with infections developed in nursing homes. Due to the current inconsistencies in reporting procedures, the actual numbers may be higher ...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis—infecting more than 2.7 million people worldwide, with almost 870,000 cases in the United States alone as of the writing of this article—has thrown nearly every industry into chaos as the world struggles to adjust to the new reality of social distancing and self-quarantining ...
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis—infecting more than 2.7 million people worldwide, with almost 870,000 cases in the United States alone as of the writing of this article—has thrown nearly every industry into chaos as the world struggles to adjust to the new reality of social distancing and self-quarantining ...
World: The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted all destinations worldwide to introduce restrictions on travel, research by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has found. This represents the most severe restriction on international travel in history and no country has so far lifted restrictions introduced in response to the crisis. Following up on previous research, the latest data from the United Nations specialised agency for tourism shows that 100% of destinations now have restrictions in place ...
Below is a summary of new developments and key new measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities since 19 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 25 April 2020.I. First Phase of Easing of Lockdown and Movement Restrictions in DubaiThe Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management has announced a partial reduction in the restrictions on movement in Dubai starting from Friday 24 April 2020 ...
It is evident that the current lockdown is having an unprecedented slowdown in the movement of persons between EU Member States. This is not due to a restriction which was imposed by the EU itself but because of the restrictions which the Member States themselves imposed through their respective Public Health officials. It is noticeable that the legal restrictions on immigration were driven by the Member States' individual rules rather than by a general guideline from the EU ...
The Philippine Government has issued a slew of resolutions and circulars as part of its response to the COVID 19 pandemic and unsurprisingly, a number of legal and practical issues have beset businesses and persons under the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine (ECQ)1. Like the rest of the world, the country is bracing itself for a new normal – in the way enterprises are run, services are rendered, everyday tasks are undertaken ...
We would like to provide you with an update on some changes in the legal regulation of medicines in Russia made due to dynamic spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) ...
Today, the federal government enacted the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (the “PPP/HCE Act”) to provide additional funding for loan and grant programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The PPP/HCE Act modifies and increases funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and the Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, as discussed in greater detail here ...
Yesterday, in Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that a plaintiff in a trademark infringement suit is not required to show that the infringing defendant acted “willfully” to avail itself of the Lanham Act’s disgorgement remedy ...
In order to allow the importation of medicines and other products for human health,during the State of Emergency, the National Directorate of Pharmacy and Drugs (DNFYD) of the Ministry of Health, has issued Resolution 280 of April 6, 2020 published in Official Gazette No ...
New products related to the health emergency by COVID-19 are declared as Non-Available Vitals. Since the issuance of Minute Num. 3 dated March 24, 2020, the Colombian Sanitary Authority, INVIMA, has declared certain products, subdivided in 16 categories, as NON-AVAILABLE VITALS, which as such, can be commercialized without a sanitary registration ...
In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has passed several new laws to provide trillions of dollars of funding to affected businesses and individuals. But this also means there are new compliance considerations for entities receiving federal funds, especially as it relates to the False Claims Act’s “false certification” theory of liability ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. While the following CMS recommendations and guidelines identify nursing homes as the target recipients, they are applicable to all facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds, and are therefore subject to CMS's oversight ...
The Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs issued the statement DGA-010-2020, which expands the list of products for surgical use that have export and re-export restrictions, which they had initially established through directive DGA-003-2020. The products added are as follows: Mono-glasses: Mono-glasses with indirect ventilation, transparent lens, foam covered frame and adjustable headband. Ergonomic and panoramic design. HSC: 9004.90.10.00 ...
We have previously reported on the order that adopted the extraordinary measures under the COVID-19 health emergency declaration, published on March 31, 2020 (the “Order”), and the Technical Guidelines regarding certain essential activities described in Order, published on April 6, 2020 ...
Decree Number 557 intends to take economical and tax related measures to relieve economic burden to some companies and charity and social solidarity organizations in the context of the economic emergency caused by COVID-19. Specifically, micro and small business as well as associations and solidarity non-profit organizations, will have special discounts applicable to the payment of administrative fees before the sanitary authority, INVIMA ...
The Plurinational State of Bolivia, within the framework of its governmental powers and in accordance with the Declaration of Sanitary Emergency and Quarantine established in recent days, has determined to strengthen the latest measures. The government has conviniently declared that the total quarantine, extends until April 30, 2020, maintaining the suspension of public and private activities ...
We recently discussed how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) allocates $100 billion to the Public Health and Social Service Emergency Fund, to be distributed as relief funds to hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response (“Provider Relief Fund”) ...