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ALTIUS/Tiberghien | January 2021

Over the last 4 years, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) has increasingly scrutinised anticompetitive restraints in vertical agreements and assessed these restraints under Article IV.1 of the Belgian Code of Economic Law and Article 101 TFEU ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

This article looks at what ESG means, what we really mean when we talk about ‘ESG lending’, and the types of ESG lending available. When people talk about ‘ESG Lending’ they’re often talking about sustainable lending - encompassing social loans, green loans and sustainability linked loans. Potentially available to all businesses, now is a great time to get familiar with these types of products, as well as the corresponding jargon ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2019

Fossil fuels are under attack in the legislative, regulatory, and judicial arenas, and in the market place—driven by environmental concerns, especially global warming and associated climate change. The Sierra Club, for example, has launched a “Beyond Dirty Fuels Initiative,” seeking to “push back against the construction of dirty fossil fuel infrastructure that would lock America into decades more of climate-polluting oil and gas production ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2020

Shoosmiths’ digital media expert and Partner, Sherif Malak, examined the multitude of predicted developments in retail, and the legal challenges that accompany them, in an article published in the Lawyer.  Here we reiterate Sherif’s published thoughts on likely trends. Introduction The COVID-19 crisis has brought a renewed focus to the role of retail technology and models, as the industry seeks to reimagine the retail landscape over the next year and beyond ...

The 2020 Investment Priorities Plan (2020 IPP) has been promulgated by the Philippine President under Memorandum Order No. 50 dated November 18, 2020 (, and it became effective on December 6, 2020. The IPP is issued pursuant to the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 226), as amended (Omnibus Investments Code) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2022

In conversation with... Our panel of experts - Nina Pindham of No.5 Chamber, Sam Grange and Will Thomas from Shoosmiths and Rhys Bradshaw from DLP Planning took a fresh look at the new "Planning" Bill and gave us their thoughts. There are many questions that many have about the new ‘Planning’ bill...  Is this the final Act for s ...

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis—infecting more than 2.7 million people worldwide, with almost 870,000 cases in the United States alone as of the writing of this article—has thrown nearly every industry into chaos as the world struggles to adjust to the new reality of social distancing and self-quarantining ...

Kudun and Partners | December 2022

Kudun and Partners has successfully represented Thanulux Public Company Limited (“TNL”), the biggest market leader in the manufacturing and sale of ready-made clothes and leather goods in Thailand, on the listed company’s major restructuring and expansion of its investment with a highly significant total value of THB 8.8 billion ...

DFDL | October 2021

On 10 February 2021, the Royal Thai Government Gazette announced the Act Amending Revenue Code No.53 (the “Act”). This Act stipulates that overseas electronic service providers and online platforms must now register for and pay VAT on electronic services, delivered over the internet or other electronic networks (“Electronic Services”) supplied to non-VAT registered consumers in Thailand. This VAT applies to such transactions from 1 September 2021 onward ...

Kudun and Partners | July 2022

The Royal Decree No. 750 (B.E. 2565) issued under the Revenue Code regarding income tax exemption on investment in Thai startups (the “Royal Decree”) was recently published in the Government Gazette, in cases where the funding for the startups is provided directly or indirectly through Venture Capital (VC), Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), or private equity trust (PE Trust). This Royal Decree aims to unlock capital gains tax on investment in startups under the Royal Decree No ...

Kudun and Partners | April 2022

The Thai cabinet has recently approved the draft Royal Decree issued under the Revenue Code regarding income tax exemption on investment in Thai startups (the “Draft Royal Decree”), in cases where the funding for the startups is provided directly or indirectly through Venture Capital (VC), Corporate Venture Capital (CVC), or private equity trust (PE Trust). This Draft Royal Decree aims to unlock  capital gains tax on investment in startups under the Royal Decree No ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2014

More than 30 earthquakes jolted the area in and around the City of Azle, Texas - 20 miles north of Fort Worth - last November through January. In response to citizen concerns, the Texas House Committee on Energy Resources created a Subcommittee on Seismic Activity, to investigate whether there was a link between earthquakes and increased oil and gas production and disposal wells ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2020

The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT or Commission) issued three orders on March 26, 2020, establishing a new COVID-19 Electricity Relief Program for residential customers and modifying certain regulatory requirements applicable to retail electric providers (REPs) and electric utilities, including transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) ...

As detailed in our previous alert, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently committed to begin the gradual process of reopening businesses in Texas. On April 17, 2020, Governor Abbott issued two Executive Orders that relate to the strategic reopening of select services as the first step to open Texas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Impact on Retail Employers Executive Order GA 16 (“E.O ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2017

Earlier this year, the Tenth Circuit dismissed two appeals in connection with the Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLM”) Final Rule implementing its regulations imposing new standards and obligations on hydraulic fracturing on federal and Indian lands (“Fracking Rule”). The appeals had been filed challenging the district court’s prior ruling that struck down the rule in the face of industry, state, and tribal challenges ...

On February 5, 2013, the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania granted Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. LLC’s (“TGPC”) motion for an emergency preliminary injunction preventing Pennsylvania’s Environmental Hearing Board (“EHB”) from reviewing permits issued by Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) to TGPC associated with its Northeast Upgrade Project (“Project”) ...

ALRUD Law Firm | January 2019

We would like to inform you that on December 27, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law No. 549-FZ “On Making Amendments to the Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” (previously known as the Bill No. 428309-7) that provides for temporary legal protection to industrial designs during the stage of substantive examination of applications (URL: (“Law”) ...

Delphi | June 2014

The high cost threshold system or public procurement: The Swedish pharmaceutical subsidy system is based on a high cost threshold system for consumer products such as prescription medicines sold to end consumers via pharmacies. The relatively generous system also includes some medical devices; certain consumption articles prescribed for self-care use are included, as these in practice for the patient are considered to fulfill a similar function to prescription medicines ...

Carey | November 2019

On August 26th, 2019, the National Institute of Normalization (INN) published Technical Specification INN/ET1 on compliance plans for the protection of consumer’s rights (the “Technical Specification”), in accordance to which suppliers can develop the compliance plans referred in Article 24 subparagraph four of Law No. 19,496 Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”), included therein after the latest amendment to that Law ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2010

On April 14, 2010, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) Commissioners are scheduled to consider proposing new rules that would significantly restrict the ability of companies who rely upon Standard Permits and Permits by Rule (“PBR”) for air quality authorizations to install new facilities or expand or modify existing facilities ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2006

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) is accepting comments on a draft guidance document that addresses air quality emissions and regulatory compliance for storage tanks using floating roofs ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2013

In September 2013, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality updated its guidance on the use of the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act to reflect changes recently made by the 83rd Texas legislature to allow prospective purchasers of facilities to take advantage of the protections afforded by the Act ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2012

Pursuant to statutory changes enacted in its 2011 Sunset Review, the TCEQ has created a website that allows companies and persons subject to its regulations to review the agency’s proposed compliance history rating, for a 30-day period prior to that rating being made available to the public ...

PLMJ | June 2020

Introduction and background The “Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth” was published by the European Commission on 8 March 2018 and it established a financing strategy to redirect capital flows towards sustainable investment ...
