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Delphi | February 2009

A new act on a European order for payment procedure has entered into force. The new rules are based on an EC regulation and apply side by side with the Swedish procedure for order for payments. The difference is that the European order for payment procedure applies in cross-border cases, i.e. when the claimant and the alleged debtor live in different member states ...

Delphi | February 2009

In June 2008 the Protection of Trade Secrets Committee, presented to Beatrice Ask, the Swedish minister of justice, their findings, Enhanced protection for trade secrets, SOU 2008:63. Delphi’s Henrik Bengtsson was an expert on the committee. Since the Act (1990:409) on the Protection of Trade Secrets (TSA) came into force almost twenty years ago, the conditions for enterprise have changed in many ways ...

Delphi | February 2009

The European Commission has once again showed that violations of the competition rules can be very expensive for companies. On 12 November, the European Commission fined four car glass manufacturers over SEK 13 billion for a market partitioning cartel ...

Delphi | February 2009

It has now been clarified that a consultancy, which is not itself active on a certain market, can be found guilty of participation in an anti-competitive cooperation. This was decided by the Court of First Instance in a judgment from 8 July, 2008, T-99/04, AC-Treuhand AG v the European Commission. The judgment is unique in that it is the first time this principle has been upheld in any of the community courts ...

Delphi | February 2009

In the current market, it is important that creditors and debtors in difficult financial circumstances exploit the opportunities offered by corporate recovery. Delphi’s corporate recovery group mainly advises lenders and creditors, but also shareholders, boards and management teams ...

Delphi | February 2009

The liability to remedy contamination is not limited in time but is only limited by the Environmental Code’s transitional rules, where a business operator can be held liable to take remedial actions if the actual operation of the business has been carried out after 30 June 1969. Further, a business operator can be held liable to take remedial actions if the operator has acquired contaminated property after 1 January 1999 ...

Delphi | February 2009

On 1 November 2008, a number of major changes were introduced to the Swedish code of judicial procedure, the law that regulates legal proceedings in court. The majority of the changes are aimed at speeding up the proceedings with the aim that the state will save costs for the legal system. The changes are referred to as "A more modern trial" in the committee report ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2009

Mind Your Belgian Distributor! FAQ on the Belgian Law of 27 July 1961 on the Unilateral Termination of Exclusive Distribution Agreements of Indefinite Duration. Belgium is one of the very few countries in the world with a specific legal regime for the termination of certain distribution agreements, in addition to a law on agency contracts ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2009

ALTIUS contributed to a publication on International Acquisition Finance accross mutiple jurisdictions. The volume provides counsel with a full insight into the law and regulation across numerous jurisdictions.  Johan De Bruycker, Caroline Wildemeersch and Kasper Van Landeghem from ALTIUS' Banking & Finance team untangle the complications of debt funding regimes for the Belgian jurisdiction. 1 ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2009

GENERAL 1. How can the government’s attitude and approach to internet issues best be described? The attitude of the Belgian government can be described as positive and their approach is proactive. In 2003, the Belgian authorities announced the introduction of ‘e-government’. The most important initiatives were the introduction of electronic identity cards (e-ID) for all Belgian citizens over 12, and the federal government’s information web-portal ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2009

The amendments to Russian Federal Law “On the insolvency (bankruptcy)”, adopted and came into force in January, 2009, affected both general and procedural provisions of the Law. We at ALRUD Law Firm provide full professional service at the highest level for our clients therefore we ought to analyze the impact and the consequences of these substantial changes of the procedure of bankruptcy ...

ALRUD Law Firm | February 2009

The general increase of commercial disputes caused by the global economic crisis has resulted in growth of litigations involving debtors domiciled or with assets abroad. Though there are certain similarities between countries in the enforcement of judgment procedures, the creditor has to take state differences into account as well ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2009

With effect from 1 January 2009, new rules require administrators to provide information to creditors on a range of detailed issues when carrying out a pre-pack sale in an administration. Pre-packs are the process during which a troubled company and a proposed purchaser reach an agreement before an administrator is appointed, relating to the sale of all or part of the company's business or assets ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2009

But which practical actions could add up to substantial cost savings in the current climate and for the future?: try to capitalise on potential rent savings in volatile markets look to release funds from the portfolio - sweat the assets make sure that service charges are kept in check act quickly on sub-tenant default These are the key messages:

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2009

Six months on from the implementation of sections 20 and 21 of the Road Safety Act 2006, and occupational road safety remains a significant cause for concern for employers. The Act introduced two new offences of causing death by careless driving and causing death whilst unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured, with offenders finding themselves facing up to five years’ imprisonment for what could be a momentary lapse of concentration ...

PLMJ | January 2009

The Bank of Portugal set up a regime to govern the advertising of the banking products and services that come under its supervision in Regulation No. 10/2008, of 9 December, which came into force on 1 January 2009. The Regulation builds on the general regime laid down in Articles 77 and 77-C of the General Credit Institutions and Financial Companies Regime (the RGIC), as most recently amended by Article 2 of Decree-Law 211-A/2008, of 3 November ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

Family Intervention Tenancies (FITs) are a new type of tenancy to be introduced by Sections 297-298 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. They will be another tool for registered providers (the new term for both Registered Social Landlords and local authorities to tackle anti-social behaviour ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

Anybody who has ordered their Christmas shopping online or installed software will have encountered so-called 'clickwrap' agreements. With clickwrap, before being able to complete the order or install the software, you must indicate acceptance of the service provider's terms and conditions – with a simple click on the I agree button – before being able to proceed. This is the stark choice of “take it or leave it” for the digital age ...

Its fair to say 2008 was an extremely challenging year for UK property.  Anything between 25-50% has been wiped off values from their peak in mid 2007 ...

PLMJ | January 2009

The first calendar day of 2009 marked the entry into force of the new Portuguese Insurance Contracts Act (Insurance Contracts Act), approved by Decree-law no. 72/2008 of 16 April 2008 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

This is largely a codification of duties which already existed under previous legislation or the common law. However, the Act does introduce some new duties. With effect from 1 October 2008, every director of a company now has a statutory duty to avoid a situation in which he has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the company (a ‘situational conflict') ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

Pat McFadden, the Minister for Employment Relations and Postal Affairs, has confirmed that the extension of the right to request flexible working to parents of children up to the age of 16 will be implemented in April 2009, as planned ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

The Office of Fair Trading (the “OFT”) has published the results of its market study into homebuilding in the UK. The report concludes that the sector is broadly competitive and there is little evidence of house builders holding onto land to restrict supply and so increase prices. However, the report also concludes that homebuyers can experience delays and faults and they need more protection when buying a new home ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2009

WARNING SIGNS AND EARLY ACTIONS Works are falling behind programme. If a Contractor is struggling financially then they may not be able to buy sufficient resources to complete the job within the time limits. If a Contractor starts asking for advance payments, this is another sign that it is not in good financial health ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2008

Given the current economic climate, it has been a busy year for all lenders, but coupled with the biggest overhaul of Consumer Credit Law since 1974, with the introduction of Consumer Credit Act 2006, the changes for this year are not over yet. On 1 December 2008 the OFT has released a new arrears and default information sheet. You can obtain a copy of the new statements the following link: ...
