Based on the decision of the Federal Council to extend court holidays in civil and administrative proceedings, the Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property has announced to suspend most of the deadlines with an end date between 21 March 2020 and 19 April 2020 (statutory deadlines and deadlines set by the Institute, including payment deadlines). In particular, deadlines set by the Institute that would end in that period will end on 20 April 2020 ...
On 16 March 2020, the Swiss Federal Council prohibited public and private events. This newsletter deals with possible ways for Swiss companies to hold meetings, especially shareholders’ meetings. Read the entire article below ...
Scammers and cyber crooks did not take long to adapt their usual fraud to this uncertain period caused by the Covid-19, refinishing notably their sadly notorious “CEO Fraud” to the present circumstances ...
Tourism and event industries are suffering and it is expected that manufacturing enterprises will soon be affected as well. Short-time work can provide a remedy and reduce the economic consequences of the coronavirus for employers and employees ...
Due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus, numerous companies in Switzerland have already ordered home office work for their employees. This article addresses, inter alia, the question of whether employers can unilaterally order home office work in the current situation and what consequences this might have. Read the entire article below ...
Current status: March, 30, 2020 Corona-related sales slumps in many industries are leading numerous companies to experience short-term liquidity bottlenecks. To cover these shortages quickly, the federal government adopted theKfW Special Program 2020, which is available for commercial enterprises and members of the independent professions with immediate effect. Loan terms were improved and standardized yet again to make it easier for companies to access favorable loans ...
In the new economic reality, businesses that took out loans may be asking themselves many questions. Will existing loans still be paid out? Will an expiring credit line be extended? And will the state of epidemic justify not repaying debt already incurred? COVID-19 and the related restrictions introduced overnight by country after country have shifted businesses into anew reality. Among the challenges is ensuring the continuity of bank financing and the capacity to repay existing debt ...
A system for supporting taxpayers struggling with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic is being developed at the government level and will probably soon take effect. But taxpayers in difficulty may already draw on existing support instruments. One of them is reduction of income tax advances ...
The main points of the “Economic and social anti-crisis shield to protect businesses and employees in connection with the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic” was presented by the President, the Prime Minister, agroup of other ministers, and the president of the National Bank of Poland at apress conference on 18 March 2020 ...
In the tough times of battling the coronavirus, many tenants are seeking ways to reduce their rent, release themselves from the obligation to pay rent, or avoid other obligations under their existing leases ...
The Minister of Health is issuing successive anti-export lists covering an increasingly wide catalogue of products at risk of shortages. This is to ensure access to drugs and medical devices for patients in Poland, especially during the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
One of the more serious consequences of the pandemic will be awave of business litigation. However, strong arguments and credible evidence are not enough to win adispute. It also takes resources to pursue alawsuit, and soon that may be particularly difficult to come by. The whole economy under pressure is preparing for the consequences of the pandemic and drastic steps taken by states to combat it ...
Among many problems facing businesses now is efficient management and decision-making when members of the company’s governing bodies cannot appear in person at headquarters for various reasons. Technology ensures efficient communications, but the possibility for corporate bodies to take resolutions remotely has been debatable in some situations ...
Considering the state of emergency declared in the Republic of Latvia as a result of the spread of the Covid-19 infection, we have summarized the most important matters to be considered by employers at this time ...
Covid-19 makes it difficult for shareholders and members to attend annual general meetings in limited liability companies and other legal forms of association. Shareholders might belong to a risk group or having difficulties to travel to the place where the meeting is held. A limited liability company or association may not refrain from holding the annual general meeting or to postpone further than the last permitted date (six months after the end of the financial year) ...
The British government has adopted stringent measures to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus effective from 23 March 2020[1], including a nationwide lockdown, closure of non-essential shops and public venues and mandatory social distancing. The general rule is that people should stay at home, but workers can travel to and from work if they cannot perform their work from home[2] ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is determining more and more businesses to “put the lock” on their offices. This means that a large number of employees all over the world have already been forced to set their homes as comfortable as possible to ensure an appropriate work environment ...
Pharmaceutical companies are meeting with numerous legal challenges resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding Government measures. Among the most discussed topics are the legal obligations relating to availability of medicinal products, securing of medicinal products for treatment of patients with COVID-19, control over the distribution channel, clinical trials, and relations with healthcare professionals ...
In some areas, intellectual property will experience a period of slowdown in activity, at least in the near future. We look at this in more detail below. However, this does not mean mandatory registration of industrial property will come to a halt because, with many bodies, including the Portuguese INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), registration is done online ...
A global public health emergency was declared by the World Health Organization on 30 January 2020 as a result of the spread of the new virus COVID-19. The virus was later classified as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As a result, it is important guard against any negative impact of the events relating to COVID-19 on ongoing energy licensing processes and on the energy market as a whole, particularly in the light of Decree-Law 172/2006 of23 August (“DL 172/2006”) ...
The international public health emergency caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and the Portuguese authorities recently announced of a state of emergency across the country. Against this background, the authorities have been approving various packages of exceptional and temporary measures to respond to the spread of the virus ...
The Coronavirus, COVID-19 has raised numerous important legal issues. However, one issue has assumed an even higher profile with the recent classification of the virus as a pandemic. This is the question of what claims can be made under the different insurance products on the market to cope with the losses, whether direct or indirect, that Portuguese businesses have been facing ...
UK law firm Shoosmiths has been mobilising its legal advisors and support staff to keep its clients up-to-date on the many potential impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Its free, online COVID-19 hub is already packed with a wealth of information on topics that might have both short and long-term effects on business ...
At a press conference today, on 29 March 2020, representatives of the Government of the Slovak Republic presented the first set of economic measures, the purpose of which is so-calledFirst Aid to Employees, Companies and Self-Employed Entrepreneurs ...
Impact of the Czech Government measures on employment relations The current situation has a considerable impact on employment relations ...