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Carey | April 2020

Labor Board promotes the suspension of collective bargaining during health emergency   On Monday, March 16th, the Labor Board issued Service Order No. 1, which on the option of extending the term for collective bargaining in order to defer the day of voting for a strike ...

Carey | March 2020

From a commercial perspective, the main challenge for insurance companies and insureds has been to determine whether events such as pandemics, epidemics, economic losses due to quarantines, etc. in connection with Covid-19 are covered or not by their insurance policies ...

Carey | March 2020

I. Payment of remunerations by Employers to employees not rendering services Employees subject to medical leave : Normally, the employer is not required to pay remuneration. The employee should receive a subsidy from the relevant health institution ...

Carey | March 2020

On 27 March 2020, the Chilean Government announced that the Ministry of Energy reached an agreement with power distributors to roll out a contingency plan that helps Chilean households pay the electricity bills during the State of Catastrophe ...

Carey | March 2020

Considering the Covid-19 pandemic and Chile's declaration of a State of Catastrophe, the National Customs Service ("Servicio Nacional de Aduanas," SNA) has issued certain regulation to facilitate electronic foreign and domestic trade operations and to protect the health of people involved in its operations. Regulations currently in force and effect: A. Circular Letter No ...

Carey | March 2020

Q&A procedures before the Public Health Institute (ISP)   May I file for sanitary registrations? Requests for sanitary registrations for pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and others regulated, as well as for their modifications, may be filed for through the GICONA portal, and official tariffs shall be paid only through electronic transfer of funds ...

Carey | March 2020

In the context of the current sanitary alert, several bills of law have been filed with Congress, seeking to regulate certain aspects associated to states of emergency and sanitary crises in particular.To such ends, the bills that stand out are:I. Bill prohibiting and penalizing price increases in the face of epidemics or pandemics:On Tuesday 17 March 2020, a bill was filed with the Lower Chamber (Newsletter 13 ...

Carey | March 2020

26 March 2020 Chilean Central Bank sets rules on special financing for banking institutions to support funding and refinancing of consumer andcorporate loans, along a temporary flexibilization of its regulation onliquidity management in the banking industry As a response to the financial tensions triggered by the dissemination of Covid-19, the Chilean Central Bank (BCCh) announced on Monday 23 March 2020 a series of measures aimed atgranting liquidity for the economy and supporting the

Carey | March 2020

In the context of the health alert issued by the Ministry of Health and the subsequent declaration of a state of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe in Chile, due to public calamity, a series of measures have been set in place, altering the regular operation of Criminal Courts, as well as for the Chilean Prosecutor's Office and Police Forces.   I ...

Carey | March 2020

As a result of the health alert decreed by the Ministry of Health and the subsequent declaration of a state of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe in Chile, due to public calamity, several bills have been presented, which affect the criminal process, among others, bulletins N° 13.343-07 and 13.358-07. I. Bill that Establishes a Legal Regime of Exception On March 24th, 2020, the President of the Republic submitted a bill to the Chamber of Deputies, Bulletin No ...

Carey | March 2020

Exempt Resolution No. 200 from the Ministry of Health, instructing the lockdown of cinemas, theaters, pubs and health clubs and banning customer service at restaurants and coffee shops On 20 March 2020, and as a result of the measures implemented by the Chilean Government to face the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Health issued Exempt Resolution No ...

Carey | March 2020

On 24 March 2020, and due to the varied measures adopted by mayors and municipal authorities affecting, among others, commercial establishments, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (“the Comptroller” or the “CGR”) published Ruling 6785-20 (the “Ruling”) ...

Carey | March 2020

As a response to the financial tensions triggered by the dissemination of Covid-19, the ChileanCentral Bank (BCCh) has announced a series of measures aimed at granting liquidity to theeconomy, support the flow of credit and the conveyance of the monetary policy. A core component of these measures is that of a Credit Facility Conditioned to the Increase inPlacements (FCIC) ...

Carey | March 2020

Superintendence of Environment orders the suspension of terms and enforces virtual channels in the context of Covid-19 The Superintendence of Environment has suspended all of sanctioning proceedings and implemented virtual channels to receive consultations, complaints and replace its reception office ...

Carey | March 2020

Covid-19 has had an impact on ongoing consumer contracts and their relations with suppliers. The rapid spread of the virus led the authorities to declare State of Disaster in the country, raising concern about the (i) fulfillment of consumer contracts of goods and services and (ii) an eventual price manipulation ...

Carey | March 2020

In order to obtain the temporary transit permit which authorizes to carry out fundamental activities and stock up of basic goods and services, among other activities, foreigners residing in Chile either as tourists or residents and who do not have a "unique key" or Chilean ID card for foreigners (a provisional RUT may not be used for this purpose), must request this permit in person at the offices of Carabineros de Chile closest to their domicile, showing a valid passport ...

Carey | March 2020

Below is the detailed list set for notarial offices located in the 7 boroughs under quarantine in the Metropolitan Administrative Region, between 27 March and 02 April 2020. Said notarial offices will open between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm Borough of Santiago March 27, 2020 Notarial Office of Mr. Humberto Quezada Moreno: Huérfanos 835, Santiago Notarial Office of Mr. Vladimir Schramm López: Huérfanos 1499, Santiago March 28, 2020 Notarial Office of Ms ...

Carey | March 2020

We foresee that, as a result of the current situation of the Covid-19 outbreak in Chile, there may be a significant increase in breaches to the obligations set forth in commercial contracts, under the argument of force majeure ...

Carey | March 2020

On March 23, 2020 the bill on Telework was finally and completely approved by the Congress and ratified by the President of Chile. Therefore, according to transitory article number 2, this law will become valid and enforceable starting April 1st 2020. This law regulates telework in the following terms: I ...

Carey | March 2020

Last Thursday, March 19, the Government of Chile presented an Emergency Economic Plan to combat COVID19, which contains various economic and tax measures that seek to provide greater liquidity to companies, SMEs and employees. From the tax perspective, the Emergency Economic Plan considers the following measures: Suspending the obligation to make Provisional Monthly Payments (PPM) for the months of April, May and June 2020 ...

Carey | March 2020

This news alert includes information on the way in which the authorization for safe passage permits shall be granted on account of the nighttime curfew that stands in Chile as of the evening of this Sunday 22 March 2020, as an additional measure to face the Covid-19 pandemic: Individual safe-passage permit Collective safe-passage permit Permanent authorization for emergency personnel Authorization for companies and people who carry out transport of goods Airport Staff Passengers

Carey | March 2020

Financial Market Commission Announces a Package of Measures to Facilitate Credit Flow to Both Companies and Individuals By Diego Peralta and Diego Lasagna   On March 23, 2020, the Financial Market Commission’s Council (“CMF”) approved new measures destined to grant more flexibility to the financial system, in the context of the coronavirus Covid-19 global outbreak ...

Carey | March 2020

Upon the sanitary emergency triggered by COVID-19 and the consequential slowdown for commerce and the economy in general, it is likely that many companies will lack the liquidity to face payments for their creditors, suppliers, personnel, etc ...

Carey | March 2020

I. Regulation In the context of the declaration of a State of Catastrophe, the National Customs Service (“NCS”) issued Exempt Resolution No. 1,179 dated March 18, 2020, by means of which the NCS adopted 13 measures to facilitate foreign and domestic trade operations electronically, and to protect the health of people involved in such operations ...

Carey | March 2020

The e-signature is a tremendously useful tool to aid in the operational continuity of companies that, in the face of the restrictions to freedom of movement resulting from the expansion of Covid-19, need to digitalize their processes, including the way in which they render their consent to contracting long distance ...
