After having prepared the first draft of the new data protection law back in 2014 (which was ignored by the Government in the meantime, and even dismissed by the Ministry of Justice's introduction of a separate draft law in 2015), the Serbian Data Protection Commissioner ("Commissionaire")1 published the second draft of the new law on March 6th, 2017 ("Draft") ...
A previous Amendment to the Labour law raised some arguable and sensitive issues regarding termination of the employment contract when employee's behaviour represents criminal act. In fact, it was the employer who decided if an employee's behaviour represent a criminal act ...
ALRUD Real Estate practice Specialists, Andrey Zharskiy, ALRUD Partner, Stanislav Veselov, ALRUD Senior Associate, Galina Kulikova and Ksenia Bondarenko, ALRUD Attorneys, prepared an Article for the Newsletter of the Real Estate Section of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division. The article, “Don’t be Trapped in Lease Agreements” covers main pitfalls that tenants in Russia may face while terminating a commercial real estate lease agreement ...
In the context of a dispute between a Turkish agent and a Belgian principal, the Commercial Court of Ghent (Belgium) referred a request to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) concerning the legal protection of a Turkish agent under Belgian/EU law. The agent and principal had expressly agreed that their agency agreement was subject to Belgian law ...
Karanovic & Nikolic employment team has assisted Shepherd and Wedderburn in the development of The European Employment Law Update for 2017. The European Employment Law Update for 2017 provides an overview of the vital reforms being introduced to European employment law over the next year, including areas such as seconding employees, increased protections for whistleblowers, and legislation changes related to increased work-life balance ...
The Ministry of Labour has prepared a draft law providing for protection of persons informing of corruption offences ...
Political uncertainty dominates the headlines, with the fallout from Brexit continuing, leadership changes in the USA and further elections soon to take place across Europe. The legal landscape in Scotland also continues to change ...
Russia has significantly revised its arbitration laws by adopting two Federal Laws (hereinafter referred to as “Arbitration Laws”)1, which came into effect on September 01, 2016. The main aim of the arbitration reform in Russia was elimination of so-called “pocket” arbitration institutions and improvement of overall quality of arbitration process in Russia ...
'Close of business' is a term many people use in their day to day working life without much thought. But what does it actually mean and should the term be used in contractual documentation? Agreeing to get something done by 'close of business' is a phrase often used when flexibility is required as to the time a task will be completed. It makes it clear the task will be done that day, but not by a particular time ...
Corporate Income Tax Law: The most important change to the CIT Law is the introduction of the obligation for a non-resident tax payer to file the tax return for capital gains it generates in Montenegro. The non-resident will have to file the tax return within 30 days after the income was generated. The tax authorities will assess the tax in their resolution. Until now, capital gains tax was paid on a withholding basis ...
The Ministry of Transport National Infrastructures and Road Safety published a notice regarding a revision to the penalty amounts set out in the Aviation Services Law. Revisions were under the (Compensation and Assistance for Flight Cancellation or Change of Conditions), 5772 - 2012 (the "Law") and the Aviation Services Regulations (Compensation and Assistance for Flight Cancellation or Change of Conditions) (Domestic Flights) 5773-2013 (the "Regulations") ...
On 1 January 2017, the Liechtenstein reform of the private limited company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung; "GmbH") entered into force. While being highly popular in many other European countries, the GmbH in the past led a merely marginal existence in Liechtenstein ...
In its recent judgment of 21 December 2016, the Tournai Commercial Court (‘Court’) declared it did not have jurisdiction to deal with a dispute concerning the termination of an exclusive distributorship that the parties had agreed to submit to arbitration. This judgment was based on the new definition of arbitrability in the Belgian Judicial Code, which entered into force in 2013, and marks a new era for the arbitrability of Belgian distributorship law disputes ...
Beginning on January 1, 2017, the State Labour Inspectorate has begun checking presence of the information on results of special evaluation of working conditions on employers’ official websites. Employers shall post on their official websites information concerning results of performed evaluation and the list of proposed actions on improvement of employees’ working conditions ...
Judgment of the Danish Supreme Court dated 19 January 2017 The case involved the issue of whether the Ministry of Employment had become liable in damages in regard to an employee in a company, due to the fact that the right to replacement holiday in the event of illness occurring during holiday had not been implemented in Danish law at the time at which the employee became ill during his holiday in the summer of 2010 ...
INCREASE OF FINES FOR DATA PROTECTION BREACHES Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you of the proposed changes to the Russian Code of the Administrative Offences (hereinafter the “Code of Administrative Offenses”). These changes are aimed at increasing and differentiating administrative liability for violation of Russian personal data protection legislation ...
At the end of 2016 the Serbian Parliament adopted changes to Serbian tax laws, introducing a number of important changes in the area of VAT, excise duties and general tax procedures. Amendments to the laws governing these areas were adopted at the very end of 2016 – on the 28th of December 2016 ...
accounts throughout Europe with one single order. EU Regulation 655/2014 of 15 May 2014 establishing a European Account Preservation Order procedure to facilitate cross-border debt recovery in civil and commercial matters (‘EAPO Regulation’) came into force on 17 July 2014 and applies from 18 January 2017 ...
The current EU regulations for medical devices and in vitro diagnostics are from the 1990s. The rapid technical developments in the health care system in recent years as well as the increased cross-border trade urgently require a modernization of the current legal framework. Now the adoption of new EU legislation is imminent. This article provides a brief overview of the planned content and the likely entry into force of the Regulations ...
Advertising in the Federation of Bosnia & Hercegovina is regulated through a series of laws and regulations (example: Law on Consumer Protection of BiH, Law on Media, Law on Medical Products etc.), but with the new Law on Prohibited Advertising (Official Gazette of FBiH 101 / 16, the "Law"), which entered into force on 31.12 ...
The Law on Financial Operations On the 30th of December 2016, the application of the Law on Financial Operations (Law) will commence in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Law is intended to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market by introducing adequate and systematic risk management measures and solvency measures, as well as to promote the competitiveness of local commercial enterprises by legislating a culture of prompt payment ...
Under the wording of Art. 22 of the Business Freedom Act of 2 July 2004 in force until the end of 2016, in Poland a business making or accepting a payment worth in each instance over EUR 15,000 is required to route the payment through a bank account. The law imposes certain consequences for failure to comply with this requirement, primarily under the Foreign Exchange Law of 27 July 2002 and the Act on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism of 16 November 2000 ...
On 23 November 2016, the Serbian Parliament adopted amendments to the Criminal Code. Changes made include, among other, criminal offence of tax avoidance. Prosecution of tax avoidance was a matter of much controversy in the recent practice, and some of the changes made by the latest amendments are aimed to address these controversies. Though generally welcome, the scope of changes made are unlikely to bring significant improvements in the prosecution of tax avoidance ...
Karanovic & Nikolic is pleased to announce that Rastko Petakovic has been elected as Managing Partner. Rastko takes over the firm's leading position from Dejan Nikolic who served as Managing Partner until 2016.Rastko's dedication and energy was evident from the beginning of his career when he joined the firm as a legal trainee back in 2005 ...
Near the tail-end of 2016, the Serbian Competition Commission initiated an investigation for an alleged competition infringement that took place in June of the same year. The infringement involved a failure to notify a merger for mandatory clearance. The transaction in question concerned an unreported acquisition of sole control on the IT market ...