For over five years, the Russian merger control landscape has been a quiet place, occasionally disturbed by high-profile mergers which required a king-sized approach and the use of international cooperation tools. In 2021, following a change in the Federal Antimonopoly Service’s (“FAS Russia”) senior management, decisions have been taken which signal a shift within Russian merger control legislation and practice ...
The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (“EIOPA”) is entrusted with 1 issuing guidelines and recommendations to Member States’ supervisory authorities on how insurance and reinsurance undertakings should apply the Solvency II Directive 2 in order to (i) establish consistent, efficient and effective supervisory practices and (ii) ensure the common, uniform and consistent application of Union law ...
We have this year assisted with numerous new financings, covering everything from new bank syndicates, refinancings, direct lending and bond loans. It has in periods been especially hectic within the shipping, aviation and renewable energy sectors. On the regulatory side, we have had a particular focus on the LIBOR transition ...
The Scottish Government has published its route map out of lockdown, legislating five levels, each imposing increasingly tougher restrictions. As at 19 July, the whole of Scotland moved to Level 0, with cautious optimism that most legal restrictions might be removed entirely in August. However, in the meantime, the move to Level 0 does not mean that everything returns to how it was pre-pandemic – there will remain a level of restrictions and compliance points that must be met ...
Whether remote hearings are desirable for civil proofs is controversial, but this account of a substantial proof in the Commercial Court suggests it was a positive experience The purpose of this article is to report on a recent proof before answer hearing that was conducted fully remotely, and to set out some tentative thoughts on the future of remote hearings based on that experience. This is not intended to suggest that what was done should be followed in all hearings ...
If you are the owner of an ageing wind, hydro or solar installation that receives Feed in Tariffs (FiTs), you may be considering replacing part or all of the generating equipment to upgrade your installation. "Will repairing or replacing the generating equipment affect my accreditation?" This is something we are being asked increasingly often and, frustratingly, the FiT Legislation and Guidance is inconclusive on this point. But not for much longer ...
From a competition law standpoint, the regulation of sport presents a difficult conundrum. On the one hand, sports regulations may limit the ability of economic actors (including sportspeople) to win business through unrestricted competition. On the other hand, without such regulations, the essential core of the sport (and the business interests built around it) may be undermined ...
The built environment contributes 20% of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, making it a key player in tackling the ambitious challenges we face on the journey to a low or net zero society. How we heat (and cool) our buildings is a crucial element in reducing carbon emissions. But there is no single answer that will deliver the required emissions reductions to achieve government targets ...
The parties to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) have agreed to formally commence an accession process with the UK. Ahead of the start of formal negotiations, the UK Government has set out its strategic approach to accession ...
In 2013, the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck, which at the time only held limited secondary patents related to certain antidepressants, was fined EUR 93.7 million by the European Commission for having entered into settlement agreements in 2002 whereby Lundbeck paid generic manufacturers for not challenging its patents. The payments corresponded to the profits that the generic manufacturers could have made if they had successfully entered the market ...
When the lockdown was a fact in March 2020, Norwegian courts demonstrated a great willingness to keep the wheels of the Norwegian litigation system going by rapidly transitioning to conducting court hearings through video meetings, and by resolving a larger number of cases through written proceedings. The question going forward is whether experiences gained through the pandemic should change how civil procedures are conducted, and if so, what these changes should be ...
Who remembers fax machines as being de rigueur in legal and professional service offices? And what are we currently using as a trusted tool that will go the way of the fax? Generation Z–those born in the late 1990s, the oldest of whom are almost 25–will soon make up almost one-third of the world’s population and they are taking their first steps into the professional workplace ...
Exactly 480 days after the first lockdown measures were introduced in England, 19 July – the so-called Freedom Day - will see the most significant easing of COVID-related measures in England since the pandemic began. But what will this mean for employers? Despite all the propaganda, it is unlikely that in years to come 19 July 2021 will be marked, remembered and celebrated as Freedom Day ...
The Building Safety Bill was finally introduced into Parliament on 30 June 2021 with the aim of delivering fundamental reform to the building safety system. The Bill’s progress through Parliament will be closely monitored as the construction industry looks to prepare for the potentially wide-ranging impact of this complex piece of legislation. The Bill was published in draft form in 2020 to enable pre-legislative scrutiny ...
Please find, herein, the latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning migration legislation. Here are the key decisions of the Higher Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as precedents of regional judicial authorities, from 2019 to 2021. 1 ...
The school holidays are almost here and many of us are thinking about travelling abroad. If your surname is different from your dependent children, then the ever-changing COVID-19 travel restrictions aren’t the only concern to consider when making your holiday plans. The rise of ‘blended’ families and couples choosing not to marry means it is not unusual for a parent to have a different surname to their dependent children ...
Holding companies to account: criticism of the current criminal framework Over time and bit by bit the UK’s approach to corporate criminal liability is being narrowed. The issue has long been debated with many commentators agreeing that the current criminal legal framework is far from satisfactory at holding corporate organisations to account for instances of criminality when those crimes are committed on behalf of, or in the name of, the company ...
Since April 2021, over 278 cases of feline pancytopenia, approximately 130 of which have proved fatal, have been detected amongst the UK’s feline population. This has now led to a recall of various cat foods, affecting large and small retailers ...
We would like to inform you of several draft laws in the TMT area, that were adopted by the Russian Parliament, and finally signed by the President. We have prepared a short description for you below ...
The High Court has considered emergency response measures affecting the aviation sector. In two recent cases, aircraft lessors tried to enforce their lessees’ payment obligations, but were met with arguments that the leases had been frustrated. A contract is frustrated when an event arises after its formation and renders performance impossible, illegal or radically different from that which the parties had contemplated ...
Following Pride Month celebrating the full spectrum of LGBT+ identities, I thought it would be helpful to give you my top tips on how to be an effective and supportive ally to LGBT+ people in your life all year round. I hereby name it the “Ally Toolkit” with three simple steps: Challenge yourself and others: This is my number one. I urge you, to challenge stereotypical thinking. whether it's conscious or unconscious, and whether it's your own or someone else’s ...
In our last two articles, we have considered how transport may change over the coming years. This is of course only half the story. Clean energy production is possible within a city and there are many other technologies currently available, or just around the corner, which may revolutionise both the power grid and the quality of inner-city air. Energy generation It goes without saying that renewable energy sources will be critical to our future energy needs ...
Our recent interview in The Lawyer sets out why the future of lawyering is all about tech and EQ. Its our recipe to thrive. We’ve been thinking about emotional intelligence, or EQ, a lot recently. After all, lawyering is a people business. It requires not only a high IQ—that’s a given—but also a highly-developed EQ ...
From 1st July 2021, the brand-new national product traceability system in Russia will become mandatory in addition to the already existing Chestny ZNAK. The new system provides for reporting of data on turnover of the selected consumer products directly to the local tax authorities. The system will significantly affect the businesses of the concerned local companies and counterparties of the foreign suppliers ...
Please find, herein, our latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning remote work. Here are the precedents of regional judicial authorities, in 2020 and 2021, including the decisions of first instance courts establishing the approach on the new regulations of remote work, as of January 1st, 2021. 1 ...