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As it is considered as of general interest, we would like to mention that on December 30, 2005, the Federal Official Gazette published an executive order amending Article 117 and Article 118 of the Financial Institutions Law ...

DORDA | February 2021

Good news in times of crisis: The eagerly awaited draft of the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive Implementation Act (RIRL-UG) was published yesterday. The law with which Directive (EU) 2019/1023 (Restructuring Directive) is implemented in Austria is to come into force on July 17, 2021 (at the end of the implementation period). The review phase will run until April 6, 2021 ...

When a client or customer files for bankruptcy, a business’ treatment of that customer’s account must change. Many businesses have dedicated bankruptcy departments or teams that deal with these accounts. However, it can take a while before the account is flagged or transferred to the bankruptcy team. Further, some smaller business bankruptcy teams are comprised of other department employees just wearing a “bankruptcy hat” when working on those accounts ...

As consumer bankruptcy filings remain an all-too-common occurrence, many lenders continue to find themselves in the often murky world of bankruptcy. As a result, on top of ensuring adherence to the numerous confusing regulations applicable to commercial loan transactions, lenders must navigate the federal bankruptcy laws. This article sheds some light on one bankruptcy process lenders are often faced with: reaffirmation agreements ...

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Jacqueline P. Cox recently found that three Illinois attorneys violated their ethical obligations by failing to return their client's phone calls. She ordered the attorneys to return roughly half of their already-court-approved, and paid, flat fee. In In re: Molnar in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois in February, the debtor filed a petition under Chapter 13 ...

Buchalter | October 2023

October 26, 2023 By: Jarrett Osborne-Revis In Breanne Martin v. Leslie Gladstone, the Second District Court of Appeal recently decided a case that could reverberate throughout the receivership and bankruptcy industries. This case comes at a propitious moment as bankruptcy proceedings and receiverships – particularly for distressed commercial real estate entities – trend upward in California ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2022

On 14 March 2022 in Philipp v Barclays Bank UK Plc [2022] EWCA Civ 318 the Court of Appeal gave further guidance on the extent of the Quincecare duty owed by banks to their customers.   What is a Quincecare duty? It is well established that banks have a duty to use reasonable skill and care in carrying out customers’ orders which includes not complying with instructions if they have reasonable grounds for believing the order was an attempt to misappropriate funds ...

Wardynski & Partners | March 2020

On 16 March 2020 the Polish Bank Association (ZBP) published astatement on helpful actions to be undertaken by Polish banks in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement clearly shows that banks recognise the need to take urgent action in response to anticipated difficulties borrowers will have in performing their obligations ...

Deacons | April 2021

There has been an increasing number of fraud cases, in particular cyber fraud cases, around the world. Some victims of fraud have sought redress from banks for failing to detect the fraud and refrain from processing their instructions by relying on the Quincecare duty (i.e ...

GrahamThompson | June 2018

Introduction I have been asked to speak on the Base Erosion Profit Sharing of the OECD, or better know as BEPS. This is a new acronym that, similar to CRS and the harmful tax initiative program, is geared at a multilateral approach to the application of uniform tax rules and standards. Unlike the CRS and the harmful tax practices initiatives of the past, BEPS has a focus not necessarily on the private client, but on the multinational commercial organization ...

Deacons | May 2020

As exposure to crypto-assets is becoming more and more relevant to banks, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) issued a timely discussion paper in December 2019 inviting an industry response on the topic of crypto-assets ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | November 2018

The value of the car is no longer merely associated with the car body, its engine or other material parts. Substantial value is found in the knowledge that controls the car – knowledge that does not only steer the car, but which may form the basis for maintenance and repairs planning, computing insurance premiums or indicating who is liable in the case of damage ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

On March 31, 2020, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties plus the City of Berkeley issued new Shelter-in-Place orders, further restricting construction and extending Shelter-in-Place restrictions until May 3, 2020. Under the new orders, most construction, including residential and commercial, is now prohibited. Healthcare, low income housing, specially designated public works projects, shelters, and temporary housing projects may continue ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | February 2007

The BC Privacy Commissioner recently issued two decisions which address “employee personal information”, as well as some other issues of interest under the BC Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | November 2009

Self-regulation of retail banking came to an end on 1 November 2009 with the establishment by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of a new banking conduct regime. This new regime largely replaces the voluntary Banking Codes and comprises: 1 ...

As we discussed in our Mind the Gap webinar, many states and municipalities have enacted laws that prohibit employers from using previous pay to justify unequal pay between men and women or between members of different protected classes (race, color, religion, national origin, and gender) ...

Many community bankers have looked surprised at the “internationalization” of our banking rules. Standards coming out of the Basel Committee, particularly the Basel III Capital Rules, do not seem to fit community banks. The Basel Committee focuses primarily on the European banking system, which is dominated by very large banks. The rules have seemed to be a bad match for the U.S. economy, in which small community banks play such a large role ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | September 2022

In 2019, the Oregon legislature passed the Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) Act, establishing a paid ‎family and medical leave insurance program for Oregon workers that will be funded by employee ‎contributions. After pandemic-related delays finalizing regulations and preparing for implementation, ‎the program—now branded as “Paid Leave Oregon”—is finally taking effect ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

IntroductionOn November 26, 2014, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (“BEA”) retroactively reinstated data collection requirements to measure foreign direct investment into the United States. The BE-13 survey collects data on the acquisition or establishment of U.S. business enterprises by foreign investors and the expansion of existing United States affiliates of foreign companies that establish new facilities where business is conducted ...

    WHAT'S NEW COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub   Since the news first broke about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the global economy, Dinsmore has worked diligently to create the COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub. The Hub features attorney insights and complementary webinars to help you prepare and respond to legal, regulatory, and commercial implications related to the crisis ...

"Shouldn't you be at work?" - sports presenter Des Lynam's famous words during the BBC's World Cup 98 coverage may well be repeated by many an employer over the next week or so. For as the Beijing Olympics reach a crescendo, businesses are once again facing up to the challenges posed by a major sporting event. But there are ways to ensure that the 29th Olympiad does not add to the headaches being suffered by credit-crunched employers ...

COBALT | April 2018

“Belarus will become the first government in the world that opens wide opportunities for the use of blockchain technology”, said in a statement on the official website of the President of Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko, who signed the new law of the land, believes that his county “has every chance of becoming a regional center in this area.” The Presidential Decree of the Republic of Belarus No ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | July 2015

1. Introduction In recent years, the Belgian Parliament hascodified substantial parts of Belgian economic legislation into a new Code ofEconomic Law (“Wetboek van economischrecht” / “Codedu droit economique”). The Code of Economic Law consists of 18Books, including one on payment and credit services (“Boek VII. – Betalings- enkredietdiensten” / “LivreVII. – Services de paiement et de crédit”, “Book VII”) ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | June 2014

A parliamentary Act of 26 December 2013 fundamentally altered the Belgian rules for dismissals. It harmonised the dismissal rule for blue-collar and white-collar workers and obliged the employer to give a reason for the dismissal. Furthermore, it removed the insecurity felt by many employers when dismissing white-collar employees ...
