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Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2020

On November 24, 2020, British Columbia issued a Public Health Order requiring the use of masks in all public indoor spaces in the province (the “Order”). In this blog post, we answer some frequently asked questions posed by business owners and employers about the Order. Mandatory Masking in Public Indoor Spaces Masks are now mandatory in all “indoor public spaces” in B.C ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2018

In the Loop: With the Hanson Bridgett Government Group   Many of us have had to request reimbursement from our company for an expense, which can be a pretty complicated process. For members of a legislative body, these rules can be even more specific.  We'll think about Buddy, who sits on city council. Not long ago, the City gave Buddy a city-owned tablet to allow him to do his job remotely ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

  Can an employer dismiss employees because they refuse to agree to a change to their terms and conditions of employment? An initial answer may be, “yes”. When considering the fine print, however, there is a more difficult potential legal problem to overcome ...

ENSafrica | April 2021

Employers who suspect that employees are guilty of misconduct often appoint forensic investigators or legal practitioners to investigate whether such misconduct exists. They then prepare a report with recommendations on how to proceed, including whether disciplinary actions can be taken against the employees concerned ...

ENSafrica | February 2021

South African law currently does not have any legislation that specifically requires employees to take the COVID-19 vaccination. The president was also emphatic that no one would be forced to take the vaccination, which is being rolled out in a governmental attempt to vaccinate 67% of the population (approximately 40-million people in South Africa) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2020

Three pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfeizer, have announced COVID-19 vaccines, which the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has announced could be available as early as late December 2020.[1] Governor Mike DeWine announced some Ohio health care professionals could receive the COVID vaccine as early as Dec. 15, 2020 ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2021

As we look forward to returning to our normal routines, after we have all had the opportunity to be vaccinated, many people are wondering what permanent workplace changes will remain in place or will be introduced for workers; as well as the pets they either acquired or became more attached to during quarantine. I am certain my dog thinks I decided to stay home with him all day because he is so wonderful (which he is) ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2008

A last chance agreement is an arrangement entered into between an employer, an employee with serious and persistent behavioral problems and, where applicable, the union, that gives the employee a final chance. Such an agreement imposes strict conditions to be met by the employee in order to maintain the employment relationship and may even provide that a breach of its terms will result in dismissal ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

This article looks at how leaders can develop psychological safety within teams and how they can encourage individuals to speak up when they need help or when mistakes have been made. Failure, or the importance of creating psychological safety in the workplace? Nobody likes to fail. It’s not comfortable, it’s embarrassing, it induces anxiety, sleepless nights and all sorts of other tell-tale symptoms. Unfortunately for leaders, many of these symptoms remain hidden ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

Under the Tobacco acT (r.s.Q., c. t-0.01), employers mUst prohibit their employees from smoKing inside their establishments. howeVer, the act is mute on no smoKing oUtside, on the company’s land ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | November 2020

If a branded medicine and its generic version are put on the EEA market by economically linked undertakings, is a parallel importer then allowed to rebrand and repackage the imported generic version as the branded reference medicine? This has been a hotly debated issue in recent years and recently led the Brussels Court of Appeal (CoA) to refer three questions to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) (Cases C-253/20 and C-254/20) ...

Waller | January 2012

Can participation in an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) cause a nonprofit hospital’s bonds to become taxable?  A quick inquiry to bond counsel would probably yield an answer of “it shouldn’t” in many cases ...

Lavery Lawyers | June 2012

In a recent decision, Jean C. Omegachem Inc.1. The Court of Appeal answered that question by ruling that an employee's refusal to sign a non-competition agreement during employment, which had been discussed when the employee was hired but presented to him three years after commencement of employment, is not a just and sufficient cause for dismissal ...

LEGA Abogados | February 2021

As of March 11, 2020, the date on which the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, States have taken various measures such as social distancing, restriction of free movement, the closure of borders, among others, which have undoubtedly had a decisive impact on people in general, and especially on workers and employers ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2021

As we all know by now, the U.S. Capitol was stormed by a mob of President Trump’s supporters on Wednesday January 6, 2021. A great deal of the mob, as well as police officers who appeared to stand aside as rioters streamed inside, were captured on video and replayed repeatedly over the news. This includes two Canadian nurses who allegedly travelled to Washington D.C. to participate in an anti-lockdown event which preceded the Capitol Hill riot ...

Trademark law in Canada is undergoing a major change this year that will go into effect on June 17, 2019.  We have compiled the three things you need to know and important steps you may want to take before the June 17, 2019 date passes.  1 ...

Kudun and Partners | September 2022

There was a lot of hype earlier this year about the delisting of cannabis and hemp plants from the Narcotics Code in Thailand. However, there appears to be some confusion about cannabis use within the country and in particular, what is permitted and not permitted without a license. In order to prevent misuse and a society-wide problem, the Thai government has been elaborating on the permitted use and sale of cannabis in the last few months ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2021

The Court of Protection is a specialist Court, focussing solely on supporting vulnerable individuals. This past year has acutely highlighted the needs of those most vulnerable in our society and their dependency on others to help manage their affairs. The Court has had to adjust its practices in order to ensure that help and solutions are found for those lacking capacity with minimal delay ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2021

The national minimum wage is the prescribed minimum hourly rate of pay that employers are required to pay to most workers. Ensuring the minimum wage is paid correctly can be tricky and errors can lead to damaging and costly consequences for employers. Calculating the correct minimum wage is not just about adding up the pennies ...

ENSafrica | December 2015

On 2 November 2015, the South African National Treasury published a Draft Carbon Tax Bill (the “Bill”) for public comment, with the comment period commencing immediately and continuing until 15 December 2015. Measurement, reporting and verification (“MRV”) of emissions data arising from greenhouse gas related activities underpin the effective functioning of the proposed carbon tax ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

  South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law the Carbon Tax Act, 2019, which comes into effect on 1 June 2019. With the passing of the carbon tax into law, a price on carbon emissions is now a reality for the South African economy.The impact of the legislation, along with complementary measures such as the national greenhouse gas emission reporting regulations, will have a transformative effect on the South African economy ...

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has long contended that when employers use criminal histories to make employment decisions, they run the risk of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by basing their decision on information that has an unfair impact on minorities. The EEOC recently stepped up its enforcement efforts and publicly settled with Pepsi for $3.13 million over the beverage company’s use of a blanket exclusion policy of people with criminal records ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

As a growing number of the workforce is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, employers are raising several benefit related questions, particularly with respect to financial assistance available to employees. The Employee Benefits Group at Hanson Bridgett will be providing updated information on possible issues arising in the benefits area through Benefits Alerts and postings on Hanson Bridgett's Online COVID-19 Resource Center ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2020

On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, H.R. 748, ( CARES Act or Act), a $2 trillion stimulus bill the House passed by voice vote earlier the same day and the Senate passed on Wednesday, March 25, by a vote of 96-0. The CARES Act is the largest economic relief package in the history of the United States ...
