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Plesner | December 2014

Also men are now allowed to book a room on the "Bella Donna" floor - the design of hotel floors for women only is discriminatory. This was established by the Danish Eastern High Court by judgment of 25 April 2014. In this case, one of the largest hotels in the country had established a floor for women only. This floor had a number of additional amenities not to be found on the other floors, including special toilet ware, flowers, and a particularly efficient hand shower ...

Plesner | December 2014

The City Court of Aarhus has established that two former employees' updating of their personal LinkedIn profiles while being subject to a non-competition clause was a breach of the clause. The case involved two employees who had given notice of termination in order to take up employment in a competing company ...

Plesner | December 2014

A summary dismissal of a salaried employee who was seven minutes late for work was justified according to the judgment of 27 May 2014 delivered by the City Court of Glostrup. The case involved an employee appointed as deputy manager in a supermarket who repeatedly showed up late for work - typically only a few minutes. It had been emphasised on various occasions to the employee that he had to show up for work on time - but without result ...

Karanovic & Partners | December 2014

The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Employment of Foreigners (the “Law”) on 25 November 2014. The Law will come into force on the eighth day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, i.e. on 4 December 2014The Law regulates the employment of foreigners in the Republic of Serbia in a different manner than compared with the currently applicable Law on the Conditions for Employment of Foreign Citizens ...

Plesner | December 2014

It has long been known that Greenland possesses vast amounts of mineral resources. But due to climate changes, resulting in a rapid meltdown of ice caps in the Arctic regions, it is now getting easier to discover and exploit the mineral resources. The costs of exploring and exploiting minerals continue to decrease, and many experts believe that Greenland will become the next frontier within the mining industry ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2014

On December 2, 2014, the Yukon Supreme Court struck down the Yukon government’s Peel watershed regional land use plan because of the government’s failure to follow the process for developing that plan under final agreements (modern treaties) with the Na-Cho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondek Hwech’in and Vuntut Gwichin First Nations ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

California Paid Sick Leave is Here This term, the California Legislature enacted the Healthy Workplaces/Healthy Families Act of 2014 (AB 1522), which requires employers to provide paid sick leave at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked starting on July 1, 2015 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

Action: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has issued a final rule increasing the limit of liability for damages under the Oil Pollution Act to $133.65 million. BOEM’s Final Rule: On December 12, 2014, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a final rule that, effective January 12, 2015, will increase from $75 million to $133 ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2014

In Commission des normes du travail v. Compagnie d'assurances Standard Life du Canada,1 (the “Standard Life of Canada case”), the Court of Québec allowed an employer to file a counterclaim against an employee in the context of proceedings instituted by the Commission des normes du travail (“CNT”) on behalf of that same employee ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2014

In a unanimous decision dated November 17, 2014,1 the Court of Appeal of Québec held that the procedural fairness rules applicable in administrative and public law do not apply in the context of a psychological harassment investigation conducted by an employer. As a result, the Court set aside the judgment of the Court of Québec ordering the lawyer who conducted the investigation to pay $3,000 in damages ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2014

As part of the implementation of the Energy Reform, the Mexican Government has selected certain areas and fields out of Round One which will be tendered for private industry participation in hydrocarbon exploration and production projects. Round One comprises 109 blocks for exploration and 60 blocks for production, and includes new areas of different sizes and types of resources, including: (i) deep-water; (ii) shallow-water; and (iii) on-shore fields ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2015

Oil markets have fallen significantly since the latest round of borrowing base redeterminations in September and October. The next scheduled round of redeterminations is set for March. Expectations are that there will be substantial downward pressure on producers’ borrowing bases. Some reductions could trigger mandatory principal amortization which would have serious consequences for highly leveraged oil and gas companies ...

Krogerus | January 2015

Policy & Law: What is the government policy and legislative framework for the electricity sector? Securing energy supply, competitive energy prices and meeting the European Union’s common energy and climate goals are core elements of policy in the Finnish electricity sector ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2015

The Brazilian Ministry for Mines and Energy has issued Ordinance No. 653, which outlines the procedures for the A-5 Power Bid to be held on April 30, 2015. The bid will auction Regulated Market Energy Commercialization Contracts (CCEAR) to be negotiated on two fronts: (i) Quantity for hydroelectric power plants, and (ii) Availability for coal-fired plants, natural gas-fired combined cycle plants and biomass ...

Asters | January 2015

The top level domain .УКР was delegated to Ukraine by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on 28 February 2013. The Ukrainian Network Information Center (UANIC) became administrator and manager of .УКР domain. Registration in the .УКР domain opened on 22 August 2013. Thus, this domain became the fourth Cyrillic domain of top level after the Russian .P$, the Serbian .CPS and the Kazakh .КАЗ ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2015

On January 30, 2015, in the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan (2015 SCC 4) decision, the Supreme Court of Canada further clarified the scope of the rights of workers pursuant to section 2(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”). Indeed, in its 2007 decision better known as B.C. Health ([2007] 2 S.C.R ...

Carey | February 2015

On January 15th, Resolution DGA N° 3,438 was published. It contains a list of water rights subject to the payment of a fine for lack of use. The fine must be paid during the month of March, 2015. The term to contest such resolution is 30 days, as counted from the date of publishing. To review the list of water rights affected by the payment of fines for non-use click here ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2015

On January 27, the British Columbia Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal in Bea v. The Owners Strata Plan, LMS 2138, 2015 BCCA 31, upholding the lower court’s decision finding the Plaintiff and her husband in contempt of Court and granting the extraordinary relief that the Plaintiff’s strata unit (the “Unit”) be seized and sold by the respondent (the “Owners”) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2015

You can’t open up the paper these days without news of declining oil prices and fears of uncertainty for the oil and gas industry. As part of Haynes and Boone’s alert series on this topic, we continue our review, this time focusing on the contango spread and how market participants are responding. It seems like there is a sprint taking place to lock in the benefits of the current contango spread ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2015

The Texas Supreme Court recently declined to reach a question of significant interest to energy companies and landowners—whether deep subsurface wastewater migration can give rise to trespass liability when the wastewater crosses lease lines. See Envt’l Processing Sys., L.C. v. FPL Farming Ltd., No. 12-0905 (Tex. Feb. 6, 2015) ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2015

A recent decision1 by the Commission des relations du travail (“CRT”) highlights the plight of an employer faced with an employee who oversold his abilities during the job interview and later proves incapable of delivering on his promises. In this case, Laurentian Bank Securities inc. (“Laurentian”) successfully defended against a claim for dismissal without good and sufficient cause filed by a former employee. The facts of the case are commonplace ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2015

 In a decision rendered on December 30, 20141, arbitrator Nathalie Faucher concluded that the dismissal imposed by a hospital centre on an employee for breach of confidentiality was well-founded. The employee, an administrative agent at the emergency room of the hospital centre, was dismissed for breaching her obligation of confidentiality. The employer stated that she had disclosed to a work colleague the fact that a patient had HIV ...

Lavery Lawyers | February 2015

In a decision rendered on December 30, 20141, arbitrator Nathalie Faucher concluded that the dismissal imposed by a hospital centre on an employee for breach of confidentiality was well-founded. The employee, an administrative agent at the emergency room of the hospital centre, was dismissed for breaching her obligation of confidentiality. The employer stated that she had disclosed to a work colleague the fact that a patient had HIV ...

Waller | February 2015

 In a policy shift aimed at providing families with more economic flexibility during the often lengthy green card application process, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that, effective May 26, 2015, certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B nonimmigrants seeking employment-based lawful permanent resident status will be eligible to apply for employment authorization ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2015

Prior articles in our series demonstratedways to stretch a borrowing base and how to address defaults on oil and gasloans. If a producer ultimately finds itself with a shrunken borrowing base andlimited liquidity, the producer in turn might not be able to pay balances dueto its contractors. An unpaid contractor may be able to file a mechanic’s andmaterialman’s (“M&M”) lien on the producer’s mineral property ...
