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Shoosmiths LLP | February 2023

Green tech presents a growth area and one in which the UK could flourish, but to do so requires capital investment and a clear strategy alongside developing the necessary skillset of the UK workforce. So how realistic is this in the current climate? Experience to date would suggest that the UK is lagging behind other countries in this sector and that unless more is done, we will miss out on the opportunity green tech offers ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | February 2023

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, the three-member Democratic majority of the National ‎Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision in McLauren Macomb, reverting back to pre-‎Trump era standards and ruling that non-disparagement and confidentiality provisions in a ‎separation agreement violated the concerted right activity provisions of Section 7 of the National ‎Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). ‎ Section 7 of the NLRA applies to most U.S ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | February 2023

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Avadel CNS Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Appeal No. 2023-1186 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 24, 2023) In this week’s Case of the Week, the Federal Circuit affirmed a permanent injunction requiring appellant Jazz Pharmaceuticals to de-list its U.S. Patent No. 8,731,963 from the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalents Evaluation publication, colloquially known as the “Orange Book ...

Buchalter | February 2023

February 27, 2023 By: Leah Lively and Jack Darrington All employers should be aware of the recent decision by the United States Supreme in Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc. v. Hewitt dealing with exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). The Hewitt court held that a well-compensated employee paid a daily rate, rather than a fixed weekly or monthly salary, was not exempt from the FLSA and its rules regarding overtime pay ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2023

In the second of our HR Improve articles we consider the importance of effective workforce planning and the options available to employers to help meet the current challenges in recruitment and building a workforce with the right skills for the future. Effective workforce planning enables employers to align their staffing requirements with their strategic direction for the business. In other words, it involves planning ahead to make sure you have the right people in place when you need them ...

Plesner | February 2023

Over the weekend, the EU announced its 10th sanctions package against Russia as a response to the invasion of Ukraine. The timing of the 10th sanctions package coincides with the anniversary for Russian invasion of Ukraine. The measures implemented in the new sanctions package include, inter alia: Additional sanction listings of 121 individuals and entities ...

DFDL | March 2023

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” — Bilbo Baggins For those embarking on the process of obtaining a Value Added Tax (VAT) refund in Cambodia – it may feel at times like a perilous journey ...

Illinois has the strictest biometric privacy law in the country with the Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”). The BIPA requires employers who collect employees’ biometric data to follow a number of protocols. These protocols include (1) maintaining a written policy about the collection and storage of employee biometric data, (2) providing employees with written notice of that policy, and (3) obtaining informed consent from employees to collect biometric data ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Today (1 March 2023) is Zero Discrimination Day. The aim of the day is to promote equality and end all forms of discrimination. The day should serve as a reminder to employers on how they can identify, prevent and tackle discrimination. It is true that change within an organisation starts from the top and employers should be keen to build a culture of trust where employees feel comfortable raising concerns ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

With the cost of living continually rising, more and more workers are looking at how they can generate extra income. It appears that Gen Z (those born from 1997 onwards) workers are one of the majority generations pursuing a side hustle alongside their full time job. But is the extra work being carried out by these workers due to necessity? Commentary suggests that young workers want a fulfilling career and they do not feel like they are able to achieve that with just one job ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2023

This is the third alert in a series designed to inform physicians and other health care providers of what to do in the event of a State Medical Board of Ohio (“Board”) investigation, how to potentially avoid an investigation and what to expect during a license disciplinary case ...

ALRUD Law Firm | March 2023

Dear Readers, ALRUD Regulatory practice has prepared a new version of our regulatory Guides. This Guide is devoted to an overview of key changes and trends that took place in 2022. The review was published with the participation of ALRUD experts - Maxim Alekseev, Senior Partner and Head of ALRUD Regulatory practice,Dina Kravchenko, Senior Associate, andBoris Pribylov, Senior Associate. Follow the link below to learn more ...

ALRUD Law Firm | March 2023

After a long pause, we are pleased to release a new version of our regulatory Guides. To cover the gap since the last publication, we would like to devote this Guide to an overview of key changes and trends that took place in 2022. 2022 was a challenging year for many companies working on the Russian market as well as for the Russian market and economy as a whole ...

Krogerus | March 2023

The proposal for the temporary Windfall Tax Act for enterprises operating in the electricity and fossil fuel sectors was approved by the Finnish Parliament on 27 February 2023 in an amended form. An overview of the Government's proposal can be found in our previous article on the subject. The Windfall Tax Act will be applied retroactively to the tax assessment of tax year 2023 ...

Krogerus | March 2023

Compliance related themes have become a widely discussed and increasingly important topic for corporates around the world. Increased ESG requirements and awareness have made companies rethink what responsible corporate everyday life looks like. At the same time corporate crimes and, for example, cyber-attacks and data breaches are ever increasing and may lead to detrimental consequences on business ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Watch the webinar video and study the key takeaway points from our latest seminar focused on organisational design programmes. Our 2023 webinar programme is focused on supporting HR teams to improve the effectiveness and productivity of the organisations they work for, equipping them to best handle key issues and improve their business through reducing their risk, developing their talent and future proofing their organisation #HRImprove ...

On January 19, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) published its proposed rule barring most non-compete agreements that would apply to employees. We previously summarized the proposed rule here and here. The original deadline for comments on the proposed rule was March 20. On March 6, the FTC announced it is extending the deadline to submit comments to April 19. As of March 9, a total of 16,965 comments (8,848 electronically) have been received on the proposed rule ...

Regents of the University of Minnesota v. Gilead Sciences, Inc., Appeal No. 21-2168 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 6, 2023) The Federal Circuit’s only precedential patent opinion this week focuses on the written description requirement in the context of an anticipation analysis in the chemical arts.  Specifically, it concerns whether disclosures in asserted prior art were sufficient to disclose a claimed molecular structure ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

The UK Budget announcement on 15 March 2023 is foreseen to include the creation of 12 low tax zones. It is understood these will work in tandem with the 10 freeports the creation of which has already been announced (further free ports are foreseen to be created). Low tax zones and free ports are examples of special economic zones (SEZ). A business that establishes in a SEZ receives benefits, such as lower taxes, subsidies, government resources, pre-built relevant infrastructure et al ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Following a wave of recent prosecutions in relation to cash fraudulently obtained through the various Covid-19 support schemes, we consider the criminal and civil ramifications on a legitimate business which has received cash from someone who has been prosecuted and offer some helpful tips to reduce the risk of your business inadvertently laundering the proceeds of crime ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

More and more employers are introducing paid fertility leave and a fertility leave policy to their workforce. For employers considering doing something similar, we explain the requirements for fertility leave and points to ponder when preparing a policy. Are employers required to provide time off for fertility treatment? There is no statutory right to provide staff with time off (paid or otherwise) for fertility or related treatment ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

Following on from the recent announcements regarding the India Young Professionals Scheme (India Young Professionals Scheme visa (, the Home Office released (rather unexpectedly) changes to the immigration rules from 9 March 2023 ...
