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Lavery Lawyers | June 2015

In keeping with trends in other jurisdictions, Canada has brought into force federal rules requiring businesses in the extractive sector to publish annual reports on payments of $100,000 or more made to governments in Canada and abroad. Payments to Aboriginal governments will be covered by these rules starting in 2017 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | February 2022

Key Points Before a party may sue to seek a refund of allegedly excessive property-related fees, like municipal water rates, their pre-suit Government Claims Act presentation must “fairly describe” each way in which the fees violated Proposition 218, or risk dismissal. Proposition 218 does not apply to penalties that water agencies impose on customers who fail to timely pay water bills. Do not overlook the Government Claims Act ...

Carey | April 2023

The Chilean Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) has recently announced the possibility to apply to a program for fast-tracking patent’s and utility model’s applications, provided that said applications relate to technical solutions capable of impacting the environment positively ...

On October 15, 2012, Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC filed suit in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (“IPAA”) and six other state-level oil and gas associations (PA, WV, OH, KY, IL, IN), (referred to herein as “the Associations”) challenging the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) New Source Performance Standards (“NSPS”) promulgated for the oil and natural gas industry on August 16, 2012 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | November 2008

To protect consumers of oil and gas products, on 13 June 2008, the Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources issued Regulation No. 19 of 2008 regarding Guidelines and Procedures for the Protection of Consumers for Downstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (the "Regulation") ...

Makarim & Taira S. | January 2011

In line with the national long term program to improve the mining and energy sectors to support the development of the country, as well as to ensure that the supply of energy and mineral resources to the domestic market can be met, the Government of Indonesia has been working hard to expedite the process to issue new regulations in the mining and energy sectors ...

Makarim & Taira S. | November 2008

Government Regulation No. 2 of 2008 regarding the Types and Rates of Non-tax State Revenue Derived from the Utilization of Forest Areas for the Development of Non-forestry Activities Applicable to the Department of Forestry ("GR No. 2/2008") introduces a new scheme of forest exploitation fees for non-forestry companies such as those engaged in mining, oil and gas, geothermal power and telecommunications companies conducting activities in forest areas ...

Makarim & Taira S. | February 2015

Under Regulation No. 122/M-IND/PER/12/2014 on Delegation of Authority to Grant Industrial Business Licenses to the Head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board, the MOT has delegated its authority to issue certain licenses to BKPM. Business licenses delegated consist: 1. Industrial Business License and/or Expansion Licenses as follows: a. alcoholic beverages industry; b. valuable paper industry; c. weapons and ammunition industry; d ...

Makarim & Taira S. | December 2014

The Head of the National Agency for Food and Drug Control (BPOM) has issued Regulation No. 11 of 2014 on The Procedure for the Certification of Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring compliance with the applicable standards for processed food. Regulation 11 has been in force since 5 August 2014 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2013

Following the dissolution of BP Migas, SKK Migas has taken over all upstream oil and gas business activities until the new law on oil and gas is enacted. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources recently issued Regulation No. 9 of 2013 on the duties and organizational structure of SKK Migas ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2014

The Minister of Trade has promulgated Regulation No 04/M-DAG/PER/1/2014 on 11 January 2014 which lists: 1 - 186 refined and processed mining products which are restricted to be exported (Attachment I of the regulation), such as metallic minerals, non-metallic minerals and rocks (including silver, gold and copper which contain certain levels of certain mineral elements) ...

Makarim & Taira S. | July 2010

The Legal FrameworkIn terms of legal framework, Indonesia’s current private sector development of the geothermal energy business is divided into three separate legal regimes.  The first regime started in 1981 under Presidential Decree No. 22 of 1981 amended by Presidential Decree No. 45 of 1991 (“PD 22/1981”) which still continues to apply as it is grandfathered by the later enacted Law No. 27 of 2003 on Geothermal Energy (“Law 27/2003”) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2021

The government’s recently announced low-carbon industrial sector strategy, supported by over £1 billion in funding to cut emissions from industry and public buildings, if nothing else, shows great ambition but does it also deliver the wherewithal to achieve those objectives? It builds on the proposals in the Energy White Paper which themselves expanded upon the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution announced by Prime Minister in November last year ...

Gianni & Origoni | August 2011

A new change in the Italian regulation of the industrial design has been recently introduced by section 8, paragraph 10, of Law Decree no. 70 of May 13, 2011 (“First urgent provisions for the economy”), aimed at restricting the temporary protection granted to industrial design works under copyright law under section 239 of the Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree no. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended by Legislative Decree no ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | July 2023

 In Industrial Tribunal case number 3642/CCG, the applicant claimed that he had been subjected to discrimination, lack of equal pay, a breach of the grievance procedure under the collective agreement, lack of payment of a performance bonus and constructive dismissal. Firstly considering discrimination, the applicant argued that he was not allowed to avail himself of a career break to work with a company operating in the financial services industry ...

Dykema | April 2020

With an additional $310 billion in funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) signed into law, energy companies should consider applying for PPP loans in order to maintain daily operations during the COVID-19 crisis. Generally speaking, companies may receive a maximum loan amount of the lesser of two-and-a-half times their average monthly payroll costs, or $10 million ...

Buchalter | August 2022

August 19, 2022 By: Gwenneth O’Hara, Jonathan Kendrick, Mercedes Martin, and Aaron Elster Over the next decade, the United States, through enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), is primed to make a $369 billion investment in clean energy and climate change programs ...

Buchalter | August 2022

August 17, 2022 By: Gwenneth O’Hara, Nora Sheriff and Christopher Parker President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (HR 5376) (the Act) into law on August 16, 2022. This update provides a high level overview of the Act’s incentives for the energy sector. We have published a separate update regarding the Act’s energy storage incentives. The Act provides $750 billion for a range of issues, including $400 billion for energy and climate ...

Buchalter | August 2022

August 16, 2022  By: Gwenneth O’Hara and Samir Hafez President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (HR 5376) (the Act) into law on August 16, 2022, after the Senate-passed bill sailed through the House of Representatives last week on August 12. The Act includes a range of incentives and tax credits aimed towards accelerating the production of emissions-free energy, and is largely seen as a win for the energy storage sector ...

MinterEllison | February 2015

Recent publicity surrounding the exclusion or divestiture of stocks in carbon-intensive industries shows that leading investors are reviewing the financial risks (and opportunities) associated with climate change. However, with debate on climate change often pitched around ideological poles, many superannuation fund trustees are struggling to translate these developments into prudent governance practice, consistent with their statutory and general law duties ...

ENSafrica | September 2021

The Minister of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (“DFFE”) recently published a notice inviting consultation on her intention to publish a National Guideline for Consideration of Climate Change Implications in Applications for Environmental Authorisations, Atmospheric Emission Licences and Waste Management Licences (the “Guideline”) ...

Beccar Varela | December 2020

In this report, you will find a summary of two important resolutions published in the Official Gazette. Resolution No. 191/2020 Today, Resolution No. 191/2020 of the National Institute of Industrial Property was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which it was established that all communication deadlines made by the National Patent Administration and published in the Patents Bulletin will begin to run as from thirty (30) calendar days from said publication ...
