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Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2018

Lawyers are often criticised for using overly complex legal and technical wording in contracts. The purpose of a contract is, amongst other things, to clearly set out the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, and to limit uncertainty during the particular project. To this end, it is important to use plain English in contract drafting and as a general rule, to use short sentences, defined terms and a clear and logical structure ...

Carey | April 2024

On April 16, 2024, the Supreme Decree No. 22/2023 from the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism was published in the Official Gazette. This decree amends Supreme Decree No. 47 of 1992 of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, General Ordinance of Urbanism and Construction, to align its provisions with the requirements of Law No. 20,920, for the management of waste, extended producer responsibility and promotion of recycling (the “Modification”) ...

The real estate sector is facing numerous economic challenges. The property and casualty markets are hardening, while tenants are looking for rent concessions. Meanwhile, moves by some businesses to allow more working from home could significantly reduce demand for office space. When insurance expenses are increasing, a captive may be used to stabilise premium costs by increasing deductibles and insuring the deductibles in the captive ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | September 2010

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Amidst the rising number of mortgage loan forbearances due to COVID-19, Ginnie Mae has stepped in to limit the damage to issuers with its PTAP/C19 program.   The CARES Act provides borrowers with temporary protections in light of the economic distress caused by COVID-19. The CARES Act, signed into law on March 27, 2020, includes a series of protections for borrowers whose financial security has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2023

‘Flexibility becomes the norm as businesses look to build resilience in their real estate portfolio and workplace strategy.’ That is the key takeaway from Colliers’ recently released Global Occupier Outlook 2023 report, which found that two-thirds of corporate occupiers active in EMEA anticipate that up to 20% of their commercial real estate portfolio will move from traditional leases to flex leases within the next five years ...

PLMJ | February 2021

The reasons for the changes to the Golden visa rules: A legislative authorisation in the 2020 State Budget 2020 authorised the Government to review the rules on residence permits for investment provided for in Law 23/2007 of 4 July by the end of 2020. The aim is to encourage investment in inland areas, urban regeneration, cultural heritage, activities of high environmental or social value, and productive investment and job creation ...

PLMJ | July 2020

The regulations of the legal framework for foreigners in Portugal and the procedure and rules to be followed by applicants for Investment Residence Permits (normally referred to as “Golden Visas” or “ARIs”), provide for a large number of investment models within the eight types of investment activity with the following specifics. Investment activities a) Transfer of capital of at least EUR 1,000,000 ...

In the ever-evolving landscape of intellectual property law, a new federal bill has emerged to address the unique challenges faced by golf course designers and architects. The Bolstering Intellectual Rights against Digital Infringement Enhancement, or BIRDIE, Act would extend copyright protection to golf course designs, acknowledging the creative and intellectual effort involved in crafting these intricate and aesthetically pleasing spaces. This bipartisan legislation — introduced by U ...

The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (the “Board”) recently held the government liable for design delays where the government prematurely required details in design submissions and failed to provide comments on design submissions within the 14-day period allotted for government comments in the contract. In Appeal of RBC Construction Corp., the contract contemplated the use of fast track design methods ...

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, in BGT Holdings LLC v. United States, recently held that the government does not have the discretion to deny a contractor’s request for equitable adjustment (REA) under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.245-1 (Government Property) where the conditions specified in that clause are present and the contractor is able to show financial loss ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

 Updated: April 4, 2020 On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Director of the California Department of Public Health ordered all Californians to stay home “except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2021

The government has published its much-heralded Bill to outlaw the payment of ground rents under long residential leases. Background The payment of ground rents by residential tenants of long leases has become something of a cause celebre, particularly where leases include ground rents that double every five, ten or twenty years making those leases less valuable and potentially unsaleable ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

The draft bill to implement the government’s ground rent changes finally reached the House of Lords in May 2021. This legislation had been long awaited and, largely, the provisions were as expected following the earlier consultations and government announcements and discussions. Despite the fact that legislation is still only in draft, the living sector is already pivoting in many respects to comply with the legislation ...

At the end of 2020, Congress enacted the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, partially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis. While funding the federal government and preventing a government shutdown, the CAA also included several amendments to the bankruptcy code providing much-needed rent relief for commercial tenants. The bankruptcy code generally requires a debtor in bankruptcy to timely pay its rental obligations during the bankruptcy case ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Across the country, construction projects of every nature are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation and governmental response to the pandemic continue to evolve, and owners must keep abreast of these changes to ensure they manage their construction projects appropriately. There are a litany of issues, legal and practical, that owners need to assess when deciding how to manage ongoing projects and those in the pipeline ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

You’ve read the qualifying language before: across the country, construction projects are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We thought it important to prepare guidelines to assist contractors in navigating the situation from a risk management perspective. The situation is dynamic and will change quickly. A one-size-fits-all solution does not exist, and this global challenge continues to evolve. What works today may not address tomorrow’s needs ...

It is rare for the holding in a single criminal case to have such far-reaching implications that it affects nearly every industry in a particular state. But that is what happened on July 9, 2020, when the United States Supreme Court overturned Jimcy McGirt’s criminal conviction in Oklahoma state court by holding that Oklahoma did not have jurisdiction to prosecute McGirt (a citizen of the Creek tribe) for a crime committed within the boundaries of the Creek Nation ...

In a December 2020 opinion, the United States Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (the “Board”) reviewed and reversed a Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”) Contracting Officer’s (“CO”) decision to terminate for default Eagle Peak Rock & Paving, Inc.’s thirty-six million dollar contract (the “Contract”) for work on a project in Yellowstone National Park (the “Project”) ...

No-one enters into a lease of commercial property looking for a fight, but experience has shown it is prudent for the parties to provide for what will happen if a dispute arises. It is common for commercial leases to contain provisions for alternative dispute resolution, by referring any matter to an arbitrator or expert for determination. Such clauses invariably provide that the decision of such arbitrator or expert will be "final and binding on the parties" ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | August 2022

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has remained active in enforcing state housing laws through its Accountability and Enforcement unit. Notably, HCD has focused its attention on larger, coastal cities – most recently, the cities of San Diego and San Francisco ...

Heuking | January 2024

Please note the following press release. This press release is available at our homepage.   Heuking advises Primus Valor group on the acquisition of several properties A Heuking team led by Dr. Sönke Görgens, Partner at the Hamburg office, legally advised Primus Valor group on the acquisition of several properties in Wolfsburg ...

Heuking | November 2023

Please note the following press release. This press release is available at our homepage.   Heuking advises the City of Frankfurt am Main on leasing LATERAL Towers A team led by Heuking Partner Dr. Frank Baßler advised the City of Frankfurt am Main on legal and tax matters associated with leasing the “Lateral Towers” from CELLS group ...

Heuking | November 2023

  bitte beachten Sie folgende Pressemeldung. Diese finden Sie auch online auf unserer Website.     Heuking advises The Grounds Real Estate Development AG on strategic investment by H.I.G. Realty Partners   With a team led by Dr. Thorsten Kuthe, Partner at the Cologne office, and Michael Neises, Partner at the Frankfurt office, Heuking advised The Grounds Real Estate Development AG on a strategic investment by H.I.G. Realty Partners. In an initial step, H.I.G ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2023

Activity levels in the residential development market remain lower than developers, lenders and other real estate professionals have become accustomed to over the last 15 years. With 14 base rate rises implemented by the Bank of England (BoE) in the last 18 months - now at 5.25% - the UK is currently subject to the highest base interest rate since 2008 ...
