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Shoosmiths LLP | June 2020

  As non-essential retail stores get set to re-open, we share below some key recommendations for suppliers to help minimise competition law risk over the coming weeks and months. Current market conditions are tempting some people to reach out to their counterparts at competitors – but any competitor contact needs to be managed carefully from a competition law perspective ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2020

As dealer networks in the automotive sector re-open for business following the COVID-19 lockdown, we share below our main competition law watch outs for suppliers over the coming weeks and months. We know that current market conditions are tempting some people to reach out to their competitors – any competitor contact needs to be managed carefully from a competition law perspective ...

PLMJ | June 2020

If you are thinking about expanding your business to the Chinese market, or you have already started selling in this market, or exhibiting your products at trade fairs or to Chinese partners, it is crucial toprotect your trademark from what are known as “intellectual property hijackers”.Situations of people registering foreign trademarks illegally in China for improper use in their own businesses or for “resale” to other companies are widely known ...

Buchalter | June 2020

On Thursday, May 28, San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced a preliminary timetable for the reopening of San Francisco businesses, restaurants, and offices. The multi-phased plan, which can be found here (“Order”), is designed to comply with the timeline and guidelines previously announced by Governor Gavin Newsom ...

Afridi & Angell | May 2020

On 26 May 2020, Dubai Economy published the “Post Eid al Fitr” reopening Guidelines which took effect from Wednesday 27 May 2020 and include updates to the protocols for the wholesale and retail trade including salons and barbershops as well as valet parking. The Guidelines also provide tailored reopening protocols for cinemas, kids salons, auction houses, outsourced government service centres, and various entertainment sectors ...

Effective at noon today, May 29, 2020, Virginia Governor Northam's Executive Order 63 went into effect, requiring face coverings to be worn in certain circumstances. Specifically, a face covering is required for individuals aged ten and older when "entering, exiting, traveling through, and spending time inside" the following categories of businesses:   All retail. Food and beverage, but only when reopened for indoor dining. Personal care/grooming - i.e ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2020

The global spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection has led to significant changes in the Russian retail trade. This pandemic has forced millions of people to stay at home, avoid public places and, of course, buy less. To adapt to the new features of consumer behaviour, retailers need to promptly respond, adapt, or dramatically change their business processes and strategies ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2020

In times of the ongoing crisis, associated with the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and the introduction of epidemiological requirements and restrictions, many businesses have faced difficulties with contractual performance, including the failure in supply, cancellation of scheduled events and often cutbacks in profits and the impossibility to perform monetary obligations ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2020

After the start of Phase 2 (which began on 4 May 2020) the Italian government adopted on 16 May Law Decree no. 33 concerning, inter alia, "Further urgent measures to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak" (the "DL 16 May 2020"). Moreover, on 17 May 2020, in implementation of the aforementioned DL 16 May 2020, the Prime Minister issued a new decree with specific implementing provisions (the "PMD 17 May 2020") ...

State Attorneys General across the nation are warning consumers about price gouging during the COVID-19 pandemic and offering easy online tools to report violations. Consumers have gotten the message. Texans, for example, have sent over 10,000 complaints of price gouging to the state AG’s office during the pandemic.1 Price gouging laws have been enacted by nearly 75 percent of states ...

Effective Tuesday, May 19, 2020, the Department of Labor issued a new rule to provide greater simplicity and flexibility to retail and service-industry employers. The rule relaxes the regulatory framework underpinning Section 7(i) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, also known as the “retail service exemption ...

The Ministry of Production (Produce), through the National Fisheries Health Agency (Sanipes), issued a guide with preventive measures to be implemented by operators of fishing and aquaculture infrastructures during the exercise of their activities against the expansion of COVID -19 ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | May 2020

To limit the spread of Covid-19, all indoor and outdoor private and public cultural, festive, recreational, leisure and sport activities /events are prohibited until at least 10 May 2020 (included). Sport activities without physical contact and with a maximum of three persons are already allowed from 4 May 2020. Museums might be allowed to re-open from 18 May 2020 under strict conditions ...

    WHAT'S NEW COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub   Since the news first broke about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the global economy, Dinsmore has worked diligently to create the COVID-19 Business Strategies Hub. The Hub features attorney insights and complementary webinars to help you prepare and respond to legal, regulatory, and commercial implications related to the crisis ...

Buchalter | April 2020

Now is the time to prepare for when non-essential businesses will be allowed to re-open after the various state and local COVID-19 shutdown orders are lifted. We do not know when that date will be or how the orders will be lifted, but planning now can make that phase go smoother for building owners and managers as well as tenants in those buildings. One thing we can be certain of is that the use and operation of buildings will not be “back to normal” for a while ...

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, the volume of counterfeit goods produced by Chinese manufacturers appears to be on the rise again. While counterfeit goods have been a challenge that online retailers have been fighting for years, the risk has become greater in the COVID-19 era when more consumers are turning to online shopping. Counterfeit goods result in lost revenue and reputational harm to retailers ...

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, the volume of counterfeit goods produced by Chinese manufacturers appears to be on the rise again. While counterfeit goods have been a challenge that online retailers have been fighting for years, the risk has become greater in the COVID-19 era when more consumers are turning to online shopping. Counterfeit goods result in lost revenue and reputational harm to retailers ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

The new COVID Prague program focused on business activities in the Capital City of Prague followed the fate of its predecessors COVID I and COVID II. This means that the available funds were exhausted on the same day as the receipt of applications, which thus ends. The COVID I and COVID II programs are also exhausted. Entrepreneurs thus have no choice but to wait for the announcement of the conditions of the COVID III program ...

At a news conference on April 20, Governor Wolf announced he is extending his stay-at-home order until May 8, 2020. But in a nod to a construction industry that has been particularly hard-hit by the Governor’s shutdown and stay-at-home orders, Governor Wolf said he also will permit construction (both residential and non-residential construction) to resume throughout the Commonwealth on May 8, 2020 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Key Points: Since Governor Newsom announced a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak, private Proposition 65 enforcement has increased by about 50%. Effective April 1st, new regulations clarify how manufacturers can satisfy their Proposition 65 warning obligations. These new regulations also clarify when retail sellers assume the burden under Proposition 65 to warn Californians ...

Another week brings another round of COVID-19-related lawsuits. Even after a month, we already can identify some early trends: refund lawsuits and second amendment claims continue to boom. A rise in takings claims may signal another trend, or a recent adverse decision from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court may throw cold water on business owners and citizens’ efforts to be compensated for government-directed impacts ...

As detailed in our previous alert, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently committed to begin the gradual process of reopening businesses in Texas. On April 17, 2020, Governor Abbott issued two Executive Orders that relate to the strategic reopening of select services as the first step to open Texas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Impact on Retail Employers Executive Order GA 16 (“E.O ...
