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Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

The Ministry of the Interior issued Communication 015 of 2020, through which the Ministry set made recommendations for the prevention, containment, and mitigation of the coronavirus COVID19 in ethnic groups: indigenous peoples, the NARP communities (Black, Afro-Colombian, Raizales, and Palenqueras) and the PROM people ...

Carey | April 2020

In order to allow telecommunications´ users connectivity in case that, due to force majeure, they cannot pay their monthly bills, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications has agreed with some operators of mobile and fixed telecommunication services in the country, the establishment of a " Solidarity Connectivity Plan "that will be effective from April 1, 2020 ...

Brigard Urrutia | May 2020

As a complement to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection guide for the reduction of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the Energy and mining industry, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) together with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Joint Memorandum 01 of 2020 (the “Memorandum”) ...

Carey | May 2020

On May 7, 2020, the amendment to Decree No. 466 was published in the Official Gazette, which approves the Regulation of Pharmacies, Drugstores and other pharmaceutical establishments, regarding the sale of medicines through electronic means. Particularly, article 8 of said Decree is modified, in order to allow the electronic sale of medicines in pharmacies, incorporating the following sentence: "Pharmacies may dispense medicines through electronic means ...

Carey | March 2021

A new version of the Instructions for the obtention of permits for movement within zones under quarantines or restrictive measures is in force as of March 15. The most relevant amendments to the former version are the following: Regarding the “Temporary Individual Permit for traveling to polling stations”, a new “permit for voting in the national, regional or local elections” is created ...

Carey | February 2022

Background On February 4, 2022, Law No. 21.420 was enacted, which reduces or eliminates the indicated tax exemptions thereof. This law seeks the financing of the new Guaranteed Universal Pension (PGU) in a sustainable way over time, including a series of amendments to the Mining Code, among others. Modifications Exploration Mining Concession The duration of the concession is increased from 2 to 4 years, eliminating the possibility of requesting an extension ...

Veirano Advogados | November 2009

Pursuant to Article 74, 2nd paragraph, of the Brazilian labor code, companies with more than ten employees should control the working hours of its employees by means of manual, mechanic or electronic time registers.   Electronic time registers (“ponto eletronico”) have been commonly used by employers to keep track of employees’ work hours ...

Carey | August 2023

Chile’s Ministry of Public Works (MOP) announced 11 new projects that will be constructed throughout the country. This announcement is the first call for public works tenders since the beginning of President Boric’s term in office. The portfolio of concessions planned for 2023 calls for investments totaling USD 5.8 billion. Concessions included in the portfolio: New Route 5 in the Santiago-Los Vilos section - USD 1 ...

Veirano Advogados | January 2017

Data can be one of a business’s most valuable assets. Market players such as Facebook, Uber, Airbnb and Twitter were built almost entirely on data. Because of the increase in data tracking techniques, countries, companies, and individuals are more and more concerned with how their data – private or professional – is being collected, stored, processed, and transferred ...

Carey | May 2023

On May 15, 2023, the Chilean Congress approved the Bill that systematizes Economic Crimes and Attempts against the Environment (the "Bill"). Thus, the Bill was sent to the President of the Republic for its enactment into law, subject to the preventive control to be carried out by the Constitutional Court ...

Carey | December 2023

On December 12th, 2023, the Chamber of Deputies approved in the second constitutional procedure the bill that "Establishes a Framework Law on Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure" (the "Bill"). On the same date, the Bill was sent to the Senate and advanced to the third constitutional stage, with all the amendments of the reviewing chamber being approved ...

Carey | December 2023

On Monday 04 de December, Decree No. 164/2023 from the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security was published in the Official Gazette, approving the National Cybersecurity Policy that will be in force during the period 2023 - 2028, replacing the previous Policy, published on January 28, 2017, which was in effect between that same year and 2022 ...

Carey | June 2021

On June 9, 2021, the National Electric Coordinator (“CEN”) opened a public consultation process on  a draft Internal Procedure (the "IP") that will provide the criteria applicable to the Open Access Regime established in Articles 79° and 80° of the General Law of Electric Services ("LGSE"), as a result of the entry into force of the Regulation on Transmission Systems and Transmission Planning (the "Regulation") ...

Beccar Varela | April 2020

On April 9, 2020, the Argentine Executive Branch issued and published in the Official Gazette Decree No. 351/2020, whereby it summons the mayors of all the country’s municipalities to control and monitor compliance with National Secretariat of Domestic Commerce’s Resolution No. 100/2020 concurrently with the national government and while health emergency lasts ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

Recently, the National Government has extended the preemptive mandatory isolation measure through Decree 531 of 2020. This has led to a review of the measured that had already been taken in the transport and infrastructure sector through Decree 482 of 2020 ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The National Government, considering the economic, social and environmental emergency caused by COVID-19, has issued Decree 574 of 2020, aiming to conjure the effects of the emergency over the mining sector and to adopt measures that seek to guarantee the continuity of the power energy and gas public service provision. The National Government has identified the need to temporarily relief and suspend the compliance of certain legal and contractual obligation of some mining titles ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

Within the framework of the state of health emergency due to the Coronavirus COVID-19, and in order to guarantee the rights to life, health and survival, the National Government ordered through Decree 457 of 2020 the mandatory preventive isolation for all inhabitants of the national territory. This measure will be applied between the zero hours (0:00 a.m.) of March 25, 2020 and the zero hours (0:00 am) of April 13, 2020 ...

Veirano Advogados | June 2020

On June 2, 2020, Resolution No. 36 was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which the National Mining Agency ("ANM") has changed Resolution No. 28/2020, which suspended the deadlines of certain procedural and material acts under its competence, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic ...

Carey | June 2020

The National Energy Commission (“NEC”) issued on May 29, 2020 the Exempt Resolution No. 176 (“NEC ER 176”) that determines the scope on the exclusive business purpose and separate accountings of energy distribution companies, for the provision of the energy distribution public service according to what was set in Law No. 21,194. The NEC ER 176 was published in the Official Gazette on June 9, 2020 ...

Beccar Varela | November 2020

Public Law Department Report Necessity and Urgency Decree No. 956/2020: Mandatory and Preventive Social Insulation and Social Distancing Within the state of the sanitary emergency currently in force, the President issued the Necessity and Urgency Decree No ...

Carey | March 2020

As a result of the health alert decreed by the Ministry of Health and the subsequent declaration of a state of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe in Chile, due to public calamity, several bills have been presented, which affect the criminal process, among others, bulletins N° 13.343-07 and 13.358-07. I. Bill that Establishes a Legal Regime of Exception On March 24th, 2020, the President of the Republic submitted a bill to the Chamber of Deputies, Bulletin No ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolutions 677, 679 and 681 adopting the biosecurity protocols for the control and management of COVID-19 risk in the transportation, transportation infrastructure and games of luck and chance sectors. These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to other measures implemented by corresponding companies ...

auto">On January 25, 2009, a new Bolivian constitution was approved by binding referendum. This new text comprises the seventeenth constitution enacted during the country’s 184 years of republican life. The new constitution brings forth a whole new system of government with changes both of form and substance ...

Carey | June 2014

In october of 2014, Law No. 20,720 will enter into effect. This act replaces the current bankruptcy law, and creates a new reorganization and liquidation regime for both corporations and natural persons ...

Carey | April 2020

On April 6, 2020, Law No. 21,227 came into force, allowing access to unemployment insurance benefits under Law No. 19,728, in exceptional circumstances. This law, in its Article 14, Title III "Final Provisions", provides for a new criminal offense consisting of fraudulently obtaining supplements, benefits and / or profits due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 ...
