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Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2009

On October 27, 2009 the Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty announced a number of proposed changes to the pension framework in Canada.  Most of the proposed changes will be made to the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (Canada) (the “PBSA”), which governs federally regulated pension plans ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2009

How can the government’s attitude and approach to internet issues best be described? The Canadian government recognises that Canada is a small country in a global economy and it pursues a general policy to ensure that Canada is ‘connected’ ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2009


Lavery Lawyers | November 2009

HIGHLIGHTSThe two duties of the directors: duty of care and fiduciary duty ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2009

FINANCING AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY — MAXIMIZING FINANCING OPTIONS THROUGH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS Steve Boucratie [email protected]    In recent years, lenders have demonstrated an increasing interest in intellectual property assets, which may be described as “intangible” assets. This is excellent news for businesses in the knowledge and technologies sector whose main assets are often their intellectual property rights ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

Last November 6, the government of Québec held an important working session that brought together various northern partners for the purpose of ensuring the sustainable and socially responsible development of the vast territory covered by the Plan Nord.Back in the fall of 2008, the Québec government announced the introduction of this Plan Nord for the economic development of the territory of northern Québec ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

THE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT, CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT IT?Patrice André [email protected] are advising a client who is selling his business. The parties have already signed a letter of intent that provides for a due diligence review to be conducted in respect of your client’s business ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

Under the Tobacco acT (r.s.Q., c. t-0.01), employers mUst prohibit their employees from smoKing inside their establishments. howeVer, the act is mute on no smoKing oUtside, on the company’s land ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2009

THE MEMBER FUNDED PENSION PLAN: A DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN THAT LIMITS THE EMPLOYER'S FINANCIAL RISKJosée [email protected]çois [email protected] decision by an employer to offer a pension plan to its employees is an important one. Various types of pension plans may be offered, and the financial risk of the employer depends on the type of plan chosen ...

Waller | December 2009

The U.S. Department of Justice recently announced an enforcement initiative targeting the pharmaceutical industry for investigations and prosecutions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).  The FCPA prohibits improper payments to foreign government officials for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business and mandates that companies that issue securities take affirmative measures to prevent such payments ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | December 2009

In a decision that stands as a cautionary note to trustees of pension and benefit plans, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has found the Trustees of the Canadian Commercial Workers Industry Pension Plan (the "Plan") guilty of breaching the investment rules applicable to pension plans in Ontario.  1. The Facts in Christophe The Plan’s portfolio is valued at approximately $1 billion ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2010

Over the last ten years, Quebec soc iety has frequently been called on to establ ish means for integrating human rights in the workplace, particularly with respect to accommodation matters ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

Seeking a state purchasing contract? You may now be required to register as a lobbyist. Some independent contractors who help vendors secure procurement contracts in Texas are now required to register with the Texas Ethics Commission.1 House Bill 3445, which the Texas Legislature passed last spring during the 81st Texas Legislative Session, established new guidelines for lobbying activities related to state procurement contracts ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

On Jan. 6, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson announced that the EPA is proposing to revise downward the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone. The primary standard was established to protect human health. The agency also proposes to develop a new secondary standard, established to protect public welfare ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

The transfer tax situation for 2010 could hardly be more confusing. A last-ditch effort in the Senate to extend the 2009 rates and exemptions was blocked by Senators who support repeal or higher exemptions and lower rates. Supporters of continuing the 2009 rules ($1 million gift tax exemption, $3 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

The IRS has issued a Notice that describes a document correction program covering certain failures to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code (“409A”). 409A contains tax rules for nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements. While this IRS program offers employers welcome relief from inadvertent drafting mistakes and other failures to conform applicable documents to the requirements of 409A, it also raises some additional concerns ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

On December 30, 2009, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) formally published amendments to Rule 206(4)-2 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Custody Rule”). The Custody Rule is designed to increase protections for clients and investors who turn their assets over to an investment adviser registered with the SEC, and it imposes significant new regulatory requirements on advisers with custody of client assets. Surprise Examination Requirement ...

Waller | January 2010

As widely expected, President Obama signed the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2010 (the Act), which continues and enhances the governmental subsidy of COBRA continuation coverage. The COBRA subsidy was included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to provide assistance to employees, and their families, who were involuntarily terminated from employment.  The subsidy originally applied to employees terminated between Sept. 1, 2008 and Dec ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2010

January 1, 2010 ¨C GHG Reporting Requirements in Effect As of January 1, 2010, "single facility operations" and "linear facilities operations", located in British Columbia and emitting 10,000 tonnes or more of greenhouse gases (GHGs) per year will be required to register with the Ministry of Environment (MOE), collect emissions data, and report their GHG emissions ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

The Department of Labor recently issued model notices for employers to use under the COBRA subsidy extension, and the Internal Revenue Service issued additional guidance for an employer claiming on its federal employment tax return (Form 941) the credit for 2009 retroactive coverage arising from the subsidy extension for those individuals who had otherwise exhausted the subsidy period ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

The SEC’s Division of Enforcement is implementing a series of measures designed to enhance and encourage cooperation in its investigations and litigation and, the Division hopes, expedite the enforcement program. This project is referred to as the “Cooperation Initiative ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

Yesterday, January 26, 2010, Judge David Hittner of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an important opinion in the Stanford Financial case that paves the way for targets of criminal and civil enforcement proceedings to obtain insurance coverage for costs of defending themselves ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

In a case arising from the Southern District of Texas, the Federal Circuit recently issued an opinion that highlights the risks associated with marking products with patent numbers. See Forest Group, Inc. v. Bon Tool Co., No. 2009-1044 (Fed. Cir. Dec. 28, 2009) (slip opinion) ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2010

As described in an earlier alert, the IRS has announced a document correction program covering certain failures to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code (“Section 409A”), which contains tax rules for nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements. This Alert focuses on a common error that can now be corrected, and the importance of finding and correcting this and other errors as quickly as possible ...

Waller | January 2010

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published its proposal to strengthen the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for the main component of smog, ground level ozone.  EPA proposed in the Federal Register on Jan. 19, 2010 to set the ozone standard between 60 and 70 parts per billion (ppb).  In 2008, the Bush Administration set the standard at 75 ppb ...
